Lot no. 10767
383rd Auction
6Catalogue no.

1933/45, extensive and informative collection of over 1670 letters, cards, postal stationary, picture postcards, photos and documents on the criminal activities of the NSDAP and its disastrous influence on all areas of life in the 3rd Reich in 8 albums. Including many documents on NSDAP structures, Reichsparteitagen, NSDAP party propaganda, NSDAP organisations such as NSKK, SA, NS-Frauenschaft, HJ, WHF, DAF, KdF, RAD etc. as well as on the influence of the NSDAP on all state, municipal and economic institutions. Furthermore, the destructive role of the party in the occupied territories, the appropriation of the judiciary, the press of art and science as well as sport and the everyday life of the people (fairs, exhibitions, festivals and holidays, etc.) including the NSDAP and Wehrmacht and many NS documents