384. Auction

19–20 & 23–28 September 2024 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1773
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.1116U

Opening100 €
Sold for130 €

Issued 30 Fr., imperforated, corner block of 4, unmounted mint

Lot no.1791
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold

1900, United States cancels, 9 covers and cards with two types of machine cancels and scarce duplex cancel, including May 22 (fencing and sailing) and July 19 (athletics)


Lot no.1813
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.

Opening180 €
Sold for160 €

Postcard Pasteur 15 c. 'Rugby', used on the day of issue with olympc machine cancel "PARIS R.J   ROY 25 VII 1924" to St. Etienne with arrival mark, slight transportation marks, still fine and rare.

Lot no.1814
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.169 proof

Opening480 €
Sold for400 €

1924,10 c. presentation die proof in the issued colours with control perforation at top, very rare with only 10 examples printed, manuscript notation on reverse

Lot no.1815
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.essay

Opening480 €
Sold for400 €

30 c. green, essay in green, similar to design of issued 50 c., as die proof on sunken chalky paper, very fine and rare


Lot no.1816
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.172U

Opening1.200 €
Sold for1.200 €

50 c. imperforated, good to mostly large margins, tied by clear cds. "EPINAL-R.THIERS 27-7 24" to envelope mailed locally, with machine arrival mark on reverse. The envelope with faults, the stamp very fine. One of just 11 copies recorded of this rare variety, which was discovered at Epinal post office.

Lot no.1817
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening90 €
Sold for100 €
Lot no.1818
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.119

Opening120 €
Sold for120 €

"COLOMBES 25.III.24 JEUX OLYMPIQUES / PARIS / MAI-JUIN-JUILLET / 1924“ roller publicity cancel with time, as arrival mark on cover with Semeuse 25 c., tied by olympic machine cancel "PARIS DEPART", very fine and scarce 

Lot no.1819
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.169-72

Opening600 €
Sold for950 €

"VILLAGE-OLYMPIQUE 15-7 24" ( finals in fencing, swimming and water diving) on complete Olympic set in blocks of 4 (25 c. with shifted vignette), on 2 official envelopes 'LE VILLAGE OLYMPIQUE', addressed to Paris, adjacent cachets „COLOMBES / OLYMPIQUE“, „COLOMBES-VILLAGE OLYMPIQUE“ and „JEUX / OLYMPIQUES / MAI à JUILLET /1924“; lttle unfresh on reverse. Fine and very rae in this combination.

Lot no.1820
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.170,172

Opening300 €
Sold for220 €

Machine cancel "JEUX OLYMPIQUES/PARIS/MAI-JUIN-JUILLET/1924" in box. without c.d.s.-application, tying olympic issue 25 c. and 50 c. to commercial cover to Sweden. 50 c. with lower right corner somewhat rubbed, otherwise very fine. Very rare. The lot comes with an almost identical cover but with c.d.s. "PARIS GARE ST:LAZAIRE 16-6 24"

Lot no.1821
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.143

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €

1924, Official Olympic Committee envelope, franked with 'Semeuse' 50 c., tied by Paris machine cancel "JEUX OLYMPIQUES 29 III 24", to the Secretary-General of the Czech Olympic Committee at Prague, very fine.

Lot no.1822
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.170, etc.

Opening180 €
Sold for140 €

Official Olympic Committee envelope, franked with Olympic issue 25 c. and 'Semeuse' 25 c., ied by Paris machine cancel to Luxembourg with arrival mark, Little roughly opened, still fine

Lot no.1823
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.53-56

Opening120 €
Sold forUnsold

LEBANON: bilingual issue 0,50 – 2,50 p. in blocks of 4, unused, most stamps unmounted mint