1893/1919, extensive unused/mint never hinged collection with complete and better issues, colours, plate flaws, multiples, stamps with margins, HAN and other specials, including Mi.-Nr. 11 P1 unused (small repaired spot, certificate Jäschke-L. BPP), Mi.-Nr. 11-21 SP unused (partly defective), Mi.-.No. 21 bI mint never hinged and unused (each with certificate Jäschke-L. BPP), Mi.-Nr. 39 IIAIIa unused (certificate R. Steuer BPP), various se-tenants and booklets with, among others, used Mi.-Nr. 2A (only two se-tenants still available) and H-sheet 2B, 7B, 8B and 9B unused as well as Wuga with various se-tenants, multiples and twice Mi.-Nr. V (each with certificate Jäschke-L. BPP). In addition a small part of banknotes with a.o. 5 rupees, 10 rupees and 50 rupees. The condition is partly somewhat defective, but mostly perfect and many better stamps are signed resp. have KB, photo findings and photo certificates, ex Nagel