The 'Erivan' Collection • Postmasters' provisionals: United States and Confederate States
Shown in two parts, the issues before the first official stamp and during the Civil War, this collection contains rare items, and some of them are among the jewels of American philately and postal history.
Many of the largest stamp collections of our time can be admired at exhibitions. However, not all collectors participate in philatelic competitions. Some large collections slumber in secrecy, many know of the existence, few might also know selected pieces of the collection - but in totality one can only first see those collections in an auction. Then, however, it is often too late to identify the “philatelic handwriting" of the collector or evaluate the collection for research.
The situation is similar with the collection "Erivan" by Helga and Erivan Haub. Both have in many years of collecting activities put together several outstanding collections, that would certainly have achieved awards at shows - if they had been exhibited.
170 pages, of which 151 are full-colour plates showing pages from the collection, hardbound with dust jacket, in English