Vol. 49 - Kingdom of Saxony The "Franco"-Envelopes - The Arnim Knapp Collection

Article number:427
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The name Knapp is inextricably linked with the collecting area of Saxony. After the death of his father, Arnim Knapp continues the collection with equal enthusiasm. He greatly expands the collection and adapts it to the changing requirements of a contemporary exhibit at international level.

The idea of forming this particular “Franco” envelope - or rather - postal stationery collection dates from 1984 after the death of his father Horst Knapp. There was also a view to create an exhibit for international competitive exhibitions in the special postal stationery class. The aim was also to bring the area of postal stationery, which had been wrongly under-represented, to the interested public and to attract more interest to this collecting area.

This material represents the largest collection of Saxony postal stationery that has ever been put together, encompassing all its aspects.

The collection is arranged chronologically according to dates of issue and the approved uses of postal stationery. A separate section is devoted to each stage in development. Details are given in the table of contents. All possible aspects of the use of postal stationery in Saxony are included in the collection:

·        Earlier models

·        Without additional franking

·        With additional franking

·        As a cut-out

·        As mixed frankings of different issues

·        Printing errors

·        Manufacturing process

·        Defects in quality control of the Prussian State Printing House

·        The using-up of Saxony “Franco” envelopes during the postal sovereignty of the North German Confederation

260 pages, of which 238 are full-colour plates showing pages from the collection, hardbound with dust jacket, in German and English