366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion
19–24.03.2018 in WiesbadenSeiten

GENERAL COLLECTIONS: 1851/1944 (ca.), Cancellation collection with many entires, including British and Russian administration, rebellion issues and foreign post offices

1898/1910, comparison collection including Mi.-no. 10AKII, 46F (3), D1, P16F, proof sheetlets, British administration 1 (5), Russian administration with 5-7P, etc.

1898/1910, mixed lot in carton with uncomplete collections, duplicates, etc.
AEGEAN ISLANDS: Cesme 1896: 20pa/5kr postal card (1890) with dateline "Cesme 24/5.July.96, canceled with superb oval violet handstamp "Agenzia del Lloyd Austriaco CESME", sent to Stuttgart cds. Until now only one cover with a faint strike is known, very rare and in superb condition
Chios 1853: Entire folded letter with dateline "Chio 31.March.1853" postmarked with black oval "Agenzia del Lloyd Austriaco SCIO", sent to "Athinai 3.Apr.1853" via "Piraiefs 2.Apr.1853" cds on reverse. Rated "10"L for inland postage in Greece, disinfected with one horizontal slit, scarce and fine
Chios 1856: Entire folded letter with dateline "Chio 7.Sept.1856" postmarked with black oval "Agenzia del Lloyd Austriaco SCIO", sent to "Syros 8.Sept.1856" cds. Rated "10"L for inland postage in Greece, scarce and very fine
Chios 1865: Two items as follows, 1. Entire folded letter with dateline "Chios 20.Sept.1865" franked with 10sld 1864, tied with black "SCIO-CESME 2/12", sent to "SYROS 21.Nov.65" (new Style) cds on 20L Large Hermes (consecutive printings, folded) to pay the inland postage, 2. Similar but cover only, with cds dated "23/9" and "12.Sept.65" on 20L (three margins). Both items are disinfected, with one and two horizontal slits, scarce and fine to very fine
Chios 1866, 1877: Two entire folded letters with dateline "Cesme 12/24.Febr.1866" & "2.Apr.1877", the first unpaid, the second franked with 10sld 1876, stamped with "SCIO-CESME 24/2", sent to "Triest 1/3" datestamp on reverse, and "SCIO-CESME 20/4", sent to "SYRA 9.Apr.77". Scarce and fine to superb
Chios 1866: Entire folded letter with dateline "Chios 31.Dec.1865" franked with 10sld 1864, tied with black "SCIO-CESME 13/1", sent to "SYROS 9.Jan.66" (new Style) cds on reverse and on 20L Large Hermes (consecutive printings) to pay the inland postage, scarce and fine, Raybaudi certificate (1971)
Chios 1868: Entire folded letter with dateline "Cesme 16/28.Febr.1868" franked with 15sld 1864, tied with oily blue "SCIO-CESME 29/2", sent to "Triest 5/3" datestamp on reverse, scarce and fine
Chios 1868: Entire folded letter with dateline "Chios 15.Jun.1868" franked with 10sld 1864, tied with black "SCIO-CESME 27/6", sent to "SYROS 16.Jul.68" (new Style) cds on reverse and on pair of 10L Large Hermes (cleaned plates) to pay the inland postage, scarce and fine
Chios 1873: Cover of folded letter franked with pair of 5sld 1867 (coarse whiskers), canceled with black "SCIO-CESME 2/8", sent to "SYROS 22.Jul.73" (new Style) cds. A 20L Large Hermes (meshed paper) pays the inland postage, scarce and fine to very fine with some cover imperfections
Chios 1875/83, Fine Print 3sld yellow green, block of four, tied to fragment by "SCIO-CESME 13/7" cds, unrecorded by Tchilingirian, with Briefmakenprufstelle certificate (1999).
Chios 1877 (Symi): Entire folded letters with dateline "Symi 3/15.Aug.1877", franked with 10sld 1876, tied with "SCIO-CESME 24/8", sent to "Triest 30/8" datestamp on reverse, together with a manuscript "Fco" (=franco) in blue pencil. Scarce
Chios 1890: Registered corner cover franked with strip of 4x1pi/10kr (1888) tied with violet "SCIO-CESME 15.11.90", sent to "Constantinopel I 18.11.90" cds on reverse. Registration label showing only "Scio-Chios" (without Cesme), scarce and fine
Chios 1857/1913: Interesting group of 17 items (fronts, envelopes, postcards & postal cards), marked with the 4 of 5 different postmarks of this Post Office, worth examination, good to very fine
Mytilini 1852: Entire folded letter with dateline "Constantinople 16.August.1852", stamped with grey blue oval handstamp "Agenzia del Lloyd Austriaco METELINO", sent to "Athinai 28.Aug.1852" cds via "Piraiefs 28.Aug." cds. The letter was found in the postal bag from Constantinople, with manuscript note in Italian "Trovata nella Valigia Postale da Constantinopoli per Metelino". Rated 10 lepta for the inland postage. Very interesting Postal History item and superb strike
Mytilini 1859: Cover of folded letter with black oval handstamp "Agenzia del Lloyd Austriaco METELINO", sent to Constantinople. Scarce and very clean strike, vertical folding
Mytilini 1864 (Ayvali): Entire folded letter with dateline "Kydoniae 22.Jan.1864", stamped with blue METELINE 4/2" cds and linear "Franco", sent to "SYROS 27.Jan.64" cds. Rated 40 lepta for the second weight inland postage, paid with 40L (consecutive printings) Mail from Aivaly to Mytilini was carried by private means. Very interesting Postal History item and very fine strike, Holcombe signature next to the stamp
Mytilini 1864, 1872 (Ayvali): Two entire folded letters written at "Kydoniae", stamped with "METELINE 7/7" and marked "Franco", or franked with 10sld 1867 tied with black METELINE 3/5" cds, sent to "Syros". Both rated 20 lepta for the inland postage, paid with 20L (consecutive printings and cleaned plates respectively), scarce & fine - very fine
Mytilini 1867, 1874?: An entire folded letter and a small envelope, franked with 10sld 1864 tied with "METELINE 10/1", or franked with 10sld 1867 tied with METELINE 8/8" cds, sent to "ATHINAI 2.Jan.67" & "30.Jul.74?" cds, both via "Lloyd Agenzie SMIRNE". Rated 20 lepta for the inland postage, paid with 20L (consecutive printings and meshed paper respectively). The Large Hermes with 3 margins each, scarce & fine
Mytilini 1872 (Ayvali): Cover of folded letter written at "Kydoniae 24.Aug.72", franked with 10sld 1867 tied with black METELINE 6/9" cds, sent to "SYRA 27.Aug.72" cds. Rated 20 lepta for the inland postage, paid with pair of 5L +10L (meshed paper), scarce mixed franking & fine (5L with 2 margins). Ferchenbauer certificate (1991)
Mytilini 1874: Cover of folded letter franked with 6x5sld 1867 tied with "METELINE 28/3", sent to "Braila" Romania, nice franking
Syros: 10sld fine whiskers, canceled with great strike "Agenzia del Lloyd Austro-Ungarico SIRA" in blue, very rare
Mytilini 1856/1914: Very interesting group of 35 items covering all periods, entires, envelopes, lettercards, postal cards and postcards, worth careful examination, fine to very fine
Tenedos 1858: Entire folded letter written in Greek with dateline "Limnos 16/28.Aug.1858" postmarked with blue oval "Agenzia del Lloyd Austriaco TENEDOS" sent to Smyrna. Only one cover known to Tchilinghirian (same in Smith collection), this being the second reported and the UNIQUE known originated from the neighboring island of Lemnos. Some ink stains, a must for the Aegean Islands Postal History collector
Tenedos 1861: Two covers of folded letters with blue "TENEDOS 21/3" & "11/9" cds, sent to Triest, the second marked also with linear "Franco". Very fine strikes, scarce and desirable
Tenedos 1862, 1864: One cover only and an entire folded letter with black "TENEDOS 9/10" & "12/5" cds, sent to Triest (with arrival datestamps), the first marked also with linear "Franco" h/s and rated "20" on reverse, the second rated "40" on obverse. Very fine strikes, scarce and desirable
Tenedos 1864: Entire folded letter with black "TENEDOS 10/3" together with linear "Franco", rated "20", sent to Salonica. Stunning strikes, cover imperfections & stains, very scarce destination and desirable
Tenedos 1874, 1879: a. Front only with part of the backside, with black "TENEDOS 30/1" tying a 10sld coarse whiskers, sent to "ATHINAI 4.Febr.74 via "Lloyd Agenzie Smirne" cds. 20L Large Hermes Head to pay the inland rate tied with dotted "1". b. Cover only of folded letter franked with 10sld fine whiskers tied with "TENEDOS 7.3.79" cds (type 3) sent to Fiume, via Triest & Constantinopoli Lloyd cds. No other cover with this combination is reported
Vathy 1899: Parcel post form franked with 2x10pa/3kr +4x20pa/5kr 1890+2x5pi/50kr 1891, all tied with "VATHY Oesterreichische Post 5.7.99", sent to "Strassfurt" cds, Germany, Scarce & very fine
Vathy 1912: Parcel post form (complete, with the coupon) franked with 20pa +2pi +7x20pi 1908 (142,50 piastres!), all tied with "VATHY Osterr. Post 24.I.12", for a parcel of 42 kgs sent to "Basel" cds. Rare franking & very fine, with vertical folding
Vathy 1898/1914: Group of 35 items, some registered, franked with piaster and/or centimes, many corner covers (thematic Wines or Tobacco). Worth examination, fine to superb
CRETE: 1903, Surcharges on 1899 Austrian, the two high values in canceled horizontal strips of three, with "CANEA" cds. The 4f/4k is exceptionally well centered. With Ferchenbauer certificates (1986). Scarce with Cretan cancels.
Candia 1860: Prepaid entire folded letter with dateline "Irakleion 16/28.May.1860", sent to "SYROS 18.May.60" cds, with clean blue strike of the "Agenzia del Lloyd Austriaco CANDIA" handstamp. Rated "10" in red crayon, to pay the inland postage. Sender's handstamp in blue on obverse, Extremely rare and in very fine condition
Provenance: Dr. Maurice R. Friend (1982)
1903/06: Eight philatelic registered envelopes franked with scarce values in centimes and Francs, tied with "CANEA" and "RETTIMO". High catalogue value, ideal for stamp collectors