366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion
19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden- Hauptkatalog (1146) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Baltische Staaten Marken und Postgeschichte - Die Sammlung Dr. Matteo Lucibello (771) Apply Baltische Staaten Marken und Postgeschichte - Die Sammlung Dr. Matteo Lucibello filter
- Färöer Inseln Postgeschichte 1751-1948 - Die Sammlung Geoffrey Noer (266) Apply Färöer Inseln Postgeschichte 1751-1948 - Die Sammlung Geoffrey Noer filter
- Griechische Gebiete - Die Sammlung Johann Ulrich Schmitt (483) Apply Griechische Gebiete - Die Sammlung Johann Ulrich Schmitt filter
1922, Craftsmen 3m. as horizontal pair, imperforated in between, used, few short perfs and faint crease, otherwise fine, very rare (Hurt/Ojaste A:2)
1923, Airmail 15m. tied by first day cds. "TALLINN -1.X.23" as additional franking to postal stationery 9m. to Berlin, slighlty unfresh, scarce, signed Vaher
1923, Airmail 10-20 m. with Päevaleht perforation, unused, 20m. partially regummed, 10 m. with plate flaw "broken lower left wing", fine, certificates Löbbering BPP (2008)
1923, Airmail 10-20m. privateley perforated with additional franking tied by cds. "TALLINN 13 9 26" to registered cover to Lahti, 10m. slight abhrasion, otherwise a fine and rare cover, signed Mikulski with certificate
1923, Airmail 10 m. with Päevaleht perforation, with plate flaw "double border above EESTI", unused, very fine, signed Richter a.o. and certificate Löbbering BPP (2005)
1923, Airmail 25m. tied by first day cds. "TALLINN -1.10.23" as additional franking to registered cover to New York, slighlty unfresh, scarce, signed Vaher
1923, Aita hädalist 2½-5 m. as block, the left pair imperforated horizontally, mint never hinged, a very scarce multiple, fine, signed Nemvalz
1924, Airmail 10m. imperforated with additional franking tied by cds. "TALLINN-AERONAUT 29 VII 26" to Kuresaare, a very rare internal postal flight cover, fine
1925, Craftsmen 12-20m. each as imperforated block of four with sheet margin, upper stamps unused, the lower never hinged, few usual wrinkles, fine (Hurt/Ojaste G1)
1927, Welfare 5-40 m. tied by cds. "TALLINN 31 XII 27" to registered reimboursement cover to France, little unfresh and roughly openend, a very scarce issue on cover
1928, Coat of Arms 20s. with right sheet margin, imperforated at right, mint never hinged, fine
1928, Coat of arms 25s. as horizontal pair tied by cds. "TALLINN 2 XII 36" to registered cover to Leipzig with straight-line "Devisenrechtlich geprüft" and reverse with corresponding label, fine
Coat ot of arms 40 s., imperforate proof block of 12, with 3 tête-bêche gutter pairs of proofs, mint never hinged, fine
1930, Kroon-Surcharge 2k. with additional franking tied by cds. "TALLINN 21 VI 36" to airmail cover to New York, endorsed at upper left "Flugpost zum SS Normandie", originally intended for the ship "SS Bremen", presumably the ship was no longer reachable, therefore changed to "SS Normandie", cover with folds and tears yet attractive and very rare
1930, Kroon-Surcharge 2k. with additional franking tied by cds. "TALLINN 13.VII.31" to parcel card to Czechoslovakia, few folds and minor tears at the edges, scarce
1940, Päts 6s. with upper sheet margin tied by "TALLINN SADAM 15 VII 40" to printed matter to Baltimore, a very rare single franking, fine
1940, Päts 6s. two singles with additional franking tied by cds. "TALLINN SADAM 11 X 40" to pre-printed and censored envelope "...Propagandaleiter.." to Germany, some tears, folds and wrinkles, otherwise fine
1940, Päts 6s. with additional Estonian and Sovjet franking tied by cds. "VILJANDI 10 III 41" to postcard to Silale, fine
1940, Dove 3s. as vertical pair with additional franking tied by cds. "PÄRNU 16 XI 40" to censored postal stationery card 5+5s. to Germany, vertical fold not affecting the adhesive, otherwise fine
1940, Dove 3-15s. with additional Sovjet franking tied by cds. "TARTU -5.III.41" to registered cover to Moscow, scarce, fine
1940, Dove 10s. with additional Sovjet franking tied by cds. "TALLINN VAKSAL 20 III 41" to Express-cover to Germany, scarce, fine
1940, Dove 10s. with additional Sovjet franking tied by cds. "TALLINN -9.V.41" to registered pictorial cover to Rakvere, scarce, fine
1940, Dove 15-30s. with additional Sovjet franking tied by cds. "PÄRNU 30 XII 40" to registered cover to Munich with censor mark and label, scarce, horizontal fold, otherwise fine
1940, Dove 30s. with additional Sovjet franking tied by cds. "TALLINN SADAM -5.V.41" to registered cover to Moscow, scarce, vertical fold, otherwise fine
1940, Coat of arms1 s. grey on white paper, block of four, mint never hinged, fine, signed Nemvalz
1939, three censored covers under Sovjet influence, send to Sweden, Denmark resp. Netherlands, fine
1940, Reintegration of Ukraine and Belorussia 30k. as vertical strip of four with additional franking tied by cds. "TALLINN 26 III 41" to reverse of registered and censored cover to Germany, scarce, fine
1952, registered return card from Gulag Qaraghandy to Veriora, few imperfections, scarce

1918, Flower Design, interesting never hinged/unused and used collection, often differentiated by printing runs, containing multiples, gutter pairs, paper folds, better stamps like Mi.-Nr. 2A, 3F and several proofs, some signed Nemvalz etc.
1919/20, Viking ship interesting never hinged/unused and used collection, containing multiples, gutter pairs, plate flaws, proofs like Mi.-Nr. 12x (Hurt/Ojaste G:9b), Mi.-Nr. 13x with double frame etc., one certificate Löbbering BPP, mostly fine (ex Mi.-Nr. 12-13, 23-24)
1919/20, Airmail and Theater, interesting never hinged/unused and used collection, containing multiples, gutter pairs, plate flaws, partially perforated stamps, 2 covers etc., some signed Nemvalz, Mikulski a.o., mostly fine (ex Mi.-Nr. 14, 41-45, 48-62)

1919/21, interesting never hinged/unused and used collection, containing multiples, gutter pairs, different printings, plate flaws etc., mostly fine (ex Mi.-Nr. 5-11, 15-22, 25-31)

1922/28, Craftsmen, Aita hädalist and Theater, interesting never hinged/unused and used collection, containing imperforated stamps, proofs, multiples, Mi.-Nr. 46-47 multiple times, mostly fine (ex Mi.-Nr.32-40, 46-47, 53-73)
1928, Coat of arms , interesting never hinged/unused and used collection, containing imperforated stamps, proofs, multiples, Mi.-Nr. 77 "5 praws" multiple times, fine, 4 certificates Löbbering BPP (ex Mi.-Nr. 74-86, 106-107)

1930/35, interesting never hinged/unused and used collection, containing some imperforated stamps, multiples, multiples with printing date, covers, Mi.-Nr. 162x used, 164x never hinged etc., fine (ex Mi.-Nr. 109-164)
1930/35, interesting never hinged/unused and used collection, containing few imperforated stamps, multiples, Kroon-Surcharge 1 k. with partially missing overprint etc., fine (ex Mi.-Nr. 87-108)