366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion
19–24.03.2018 in WiesbadenSeiten
BROD: 1866, entire to Brod franked with 1pi of 1865 postage due stamp and tied by Bosna 81 handstamp and on arrival extremely rare PURUT 1278 (not recorded by A&P) negative seal. Certificate TFF
TRAVNIK: 1875, cover to Brod franked with two 20pa of 1870 Dulos postage due stamps and tied by TRAVNIK (A&P type 2, R) handstamps. Certificate TFF
1894, ½ kr., 2 kr., 5 kr., 10 kr. (2 in shades), 20 kr. and 25 kr. lithos, plate proofs on ungummed thik paper, blocks of 6 from the lower left sheet corner resp. ½ kr. with lower sheet margin, all defaced with red crayon, some staining/creasing, scarce
1995, CEPT 200 din. imperforated proof sheet of 20, onmounted mint, fine, rare
1999, CEPT 2 m., imperforated proof sheet of 20, unmounted mint, extremely rare, most likely unique
2000, EUROPA 2 m. / 1,02 €, imperforated proof sheet of 20, unmounted mint, extremely rare
2002, CEPT 2,50 m. imperforated in miniature sheet, umounted mint, fine
2005, CEPT 2,50 m. imperforated, two combined proof sheet with eacht to miniature sheets, umounted mint, slight creases at margins, otherwise fine
2005, CEPT 2,50 m. imperforated, two miniature sheets with printing sheets margins all around, umounted mint, fine
2005, CEPT 2,00 m., center gutter block from printing sheet with another vertical gutter pair and margin at left, umounted mint, fine, rare
2005, CEPT, printing sheet with two souvenir sheets and large print margins, onmounted mint, fine, very rare
2006, CEPT 2,50 m. imperforated, two miniature sheets, umounted mint, fine
2007, CEPT 2,00 m. imperforated, two miniature sheets, umounted mint, fine
2007, CEPT, printing sheet with two souvenir sheets and print margins, onmounted mint, fine, very rare
2008, CEPT 2,00 and 3,00 m., two blocks with five horizontal gutter pairs, onmounted mint, fine
2008, CEPT 2,00 and 3 m., two center gutter blocks, umounted mint, fine, very rare
2008, CEPT 2,00 and 3 m. imperforated, two miniature sheets, umounted mint, fine
1997, CEPT 2.50 and 6.50 nd. imperforated, two miniature sheets as Cromalin printing proofs, fine
1997, CEPT 2.50 and 6.50 nd. imperforated, two miniature sheets and each three imperforated progressive proof miniatures sheets, unmounted mint, fine
1997, CEPT 6.50 nd., vertical gutter pair with sheet margins and empty fields at left and horizontal gutter pair (vertical folded) with sheet margin at bottom, unmounted mint
1997, CEPT 6.50 nd., center gutter block, unmounted mint, vertical folded, otherwise fine, rare
1998, CEPT 7,50 nd. imperforated, two miniature sheets as Cromalin printing proofs with archive annotations, fine
1998, CEPT 7,50 nd. imperforated, two miniature sheets and each three imperforated progressive proof miniatures sheets, unmounted mint, fine
1999, CEPT 1,5 m and 2 m. imperforated, two miniature sheets with printing sheet margins on two sides, umounted mint, fine, extremely rare, certificate Acanski (2012)
2000, EUROPA 1,50-2,50m. as imperforated tête-bêche miniature sheet pair, mint never hinged, a very rare and most likely unique item, the 1,50m. with some wrinkles at top, otherwise fine
2000, CEPT 1,50 and 2,50 m. imperforated, two miniature sheets with large margins, unmounted mint, fine, certificate Krstic (2011)
2000, CEPT 1,50 and 2,50 m. imperforated, two miniature sheets and two imperforated miniature proof sheets with other colours, unmounted mint, fine, rare
2000, CEPT 1,50 and 2,50 m. imperforated with double print, two miniature sheets with large margins, unmounted mint, fine, extremely rare, certificate Krstic (2011)
2000, CEPT 1,50 and 2,50 m. imperforated in vertical gutter pair, block of three and same gutter block as imperforated proof with other colours, unmonted mint, fine, rare
2000, CEPT 2,50 m., miniature sheet without sheet number, unmounted mint, fine, only five sheets know, certificate Acanski
2000, Cept, two proof prints fort two maximum cards and FDC envelelope, fine
2000, CEPT 1,50 and 2,50 m. imperforated in four booklet proofs with different panes combination (two with ornament field), umounted mint, very fine, extremely rare, spent only for ministers
2004, CEPT 1,50 and 2,50 m. imperforated, two miniature sheets, umounted mint, fine
2004, CEPT 1,50 and 2,50 m. imperforated in booklet pane, umounted mint, fine
2004, European nature protection 0,50 and 1,00 m. imperforated, two miniature sheets, umounted mint, fine
2005, CEPT 1,50 and 2,50 m. imperforated, two miniature sheets, umounted mint, fine