366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion
19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden
SLIVEN : 1860 Folded envelope from Islimiye in Bulgaria to Constantinopoli tied by all Arabic “postage unpaid” in blue addressed to Deraliye, file folds, fine
SOFYA: 1857, (9 September). Telegraph from Istanbul struck on arrival by ADM.ON TELEG.QUE IMP.LE SOFIA (A&P type 2, RRR) bi-lingual negative seal. Received two days after the opening of the telegraph office. The earliest recorded document of this cancel.
STARA ZAGORA: 1861, pre-stamp entire to Istanbul struck by AN CANIB-I POSTAHANE-I ZAGRA-I ATIK 272 (A&P type 1, RR) negative seal. Certificate TFF
TARGOVISHTE: 1864 (21 September). Entire to Pyce franked with 1pi of third printing Tughra stamp and tied by CUMA-I ATIK (A&P type 2, unrecorded on document) dotted handstamp. One of four recorded
1881/86, 1-30st., eight stamps with cyrillic overprint "Obrasez", unused, some with minor faults, scarce ex Waelbroeck
1980, European Nature Protection souvenir sheet with variety "blue-green colour missing" by 43 st. stamp, umounted mint, fine
DDSG: 1866, 17 kr. red and 10 kr. lilac (crease) each tied by blue date stamp to 2 entire letters from Sistov to Galaz with arrival marks
1867/78, 10 kr. green, tied by blue "RUSTZUK 10/IX" to lettersheet to Galaz with frontside arrival mark of 16.9.1873, taxed on arrival with "10" kr., fine
1885, 20 pa. card with blue overprint, used as registered card from "PESHTERA 21.IX.85" to Sofia with arrival mark, slight crease at right, otherwise fine, rare

1879/1979, über weite Strecken kpl. ungebrauchte/postfrische Sammlung inkl. Portomarken mit vielen besseren und kpl. Ausgaben sowie Besonderheiten mit u.a. Mi.-Nr. 107 im geteilten Bogen, 480-487 im kpl. Bogensatz und einigen geschnittenen Ausgaben, einige moderne Block-Ausgaben sind gestempelt, sauber in zwei Vordruckalben
1879/1995, umfangreicher Doublettenposten ab den Anfangsausgaben mit sehr vielen kpl. Ausgaben, vielen Blocks ab Nr. 1, diversen Kleinbögen, FDC, viel Dienst-, Paket- und Zwangszuschlagsmarken usw. in 16 Steckalben und einem Umschlag, dazu eine kleine Sammlung bis Mi.-Nr. 1954 auf Albenblättern
1879/1990 (ca.), postfrischer, ungebrauchter und gestempelter Bestand mit Sammlungen und Doubletten, dabei u.a. Mi.-Nr. 1-5, dazu etwas Ostrumelien und Belege
1957/2015, meist postfrische Sammlung der "CEPT- und Europa"-Ausgaben mit einigen Kleinbogen ab 2005, diversen Block-Ausgaben und MH mehrfach, dazu viele FDC und Briefe
1976/95, postfrische Blocksammlung ex Mi.-Nr. Bl. 61-229 inkl. einiger B-Ausgaben und Block 87 und 95 in zwei Vordruckalben, dabei auch Block 90 und 91 je als Großblock mit 4 Blocks
1913/18, Occupation of Macedonia & Thrace: Six Postal Money order forms (5St), all uprated with various stamps, sent from "SOLOUN 25.I.913", "SERES 22.IV.913", "SOFLOU 28.XII.916", "KOULELI BOURGAS 20.IV.916", "GUMURDJINA 2.II.915" and "DRAMA 27.IX.918" cds, very hard to collect this rare material & very clean
Drama 1917 (WW1): Registered Bank corner cover franked with pair of 25st, tied with "DRAMA 16.II.917" cds, censored in Sofia, sent to "Goerlitz" cds. Addressed to a Greek military of the 4th Army Corps (transferred and detained at Goerlitz in 1916), rare & very fine
Kavala 1912 (Balkan Wars): Corner cover franked with 10st, tied with Ottoman "KAVALA 1 8.11.12" cds (early date), sent to "Thessaloniki" cds. Usage of this cds by the Bulgarians not reported in Nicolas & Galinos, rare & very fine, roughly opened
Komotini 1912 (Balkan Wars): Picture postcard sent free of charge, stamped with the old octagonal Ottoman datestamp "GUMULDJINA 1 29.11.12" (early date), sent to Bremen via "Sofia", with "T" and "Porto" postage due markings, scarce to abroad & very fine
Port Lagos 1915: 5st Postal Money order form, uprated with 15St tied with "PORTO-LAGOS 3.II.915" cds, rare & very clean
1941/43, Occupation of Macedonia & Thrace: Five items (+ 1 fragment), sent from "GUMURDJINA 10.VI.941" (registered cover), "KAVALA 3.IX.941" (postal card), "DEDE-AGATCHE 6.VI.941" (unfranked cover), "KSANTI 4.VI.941" (unfranked cover) and "LIMEN 9.VII.43" (postal declaration) cds, hard to collect this scarce material & very clean