366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion
19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden- Hauptkatalog (3201) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Die Markwerte der Germania-Ausgaben - Die Sammlung Dieter Kamradt (135) Apply Die Markwerte der Germania-Ausgaben - Die Sammlung Dieter Kamradt filter
- Herzogtum Braunschweig - Die Sammlung „Brunsviga“ (150) Apply Herzogtum Braunschweig - Die Sammlung „Brunsviga“ filter
- Königreich Sachsen - Die Franko-Couverts - Die Sammlung Arnim Knapp (185) Apply Königreich Sachsen - Die Franko-Couverts - Die Sammlung Arnim Knapp filter
- Baltische Staaten Marken und Postgeschichte - Die Sammlung Dr. Matteo Lucibello (862) Apply Baltische Staaten Marken und Postgeschichte - Die Sammlung Dr. Matteo Lucibello filter
- Färöer Inseln Postgeschichte 1751-1948 - Die Sammlung Geoffrey Noer (258) Apply Färöer Inseln Postgeschichte 1751-1948 - Die Sammlung Geoffrey Noer filter
- Griechische Gebiete - Die Sammlung Johann Ulrich Schmitt (459) Apply Griechische Gebiete - Die Sammlung Johann Ulrich Schmitt filter
- Chile - Die Sammlung Martyn Cusworth (201) Apply Chile - Die Sammlung Martyn Cusworth filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1090) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (55) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (90) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (210) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (383) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (376) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (200) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (1987) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (146) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (247) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (29) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
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1864, Cover from the correspondence of Captain Edward Coffin, endorsed "Mocha August 23 1864" addressed to his wife at Nantucket, Massachusetts, showing on front clear blue seal "CONSULATE U.S.A. VALPARAISO" and "STEAMSHIP 20"; a very scarce forwarded cover
1831/75, Small collection of 11 letters and covers including several British post office items, accountancy markings etc., all on exhibition pages
"PAID AT VALPARAISO", crowned circle, clear strike on envelope with reverse side "VALPARAISO MR 26 1852" to Massachusetts with frontside "STEAMSHIP 20", very fine
"PAID AT VALPARAISO", crowned circle, clear strike on entire letter with reverse side "VALPARAISO FE 15 1855" to New York with frontside "STEAMSHIP 20", rated in red crayon "1/-", very fine
"VALPARAISO SP 1 1853", clear strike on reverse of lettersheet to Genova, Italy, transported via Panama and London, showing on front blue transit mark "ITALIA STATO SARDO"; the recipient was charged a total of "23" decimes including 6½ d. Panama transit, 10¼ d. British packet & UK inland postage and 5 decimes French inland post
"VALPARAISO MR 1 1853", clear strike on reverse of tiny entire letter with red "SANTIAGO DE CHILE", "FRANCA" and "PANAMA TRANSIT" to Paris, charged with "21" decimes
"C30" on 2 copies 1867/80, 6 d. violet, one copy plate 6 (filing crease), the other plate 8 on entire letter via Panama to New York with frontside "N.Y. STEAMSHIP 10/ MAR 30"
1870/80 (ca.), Small collection with 15 stamps, partly on pieces, and 3 cover fronts including 2 nice colour frankings, somewhat mixed quality
PROOFS AND RE-PRINTS: 2 exhibition pages with a total of 17 stamps including Estancos block of 6 and re-printed die proofs
1853, 1st London printing: 5 centavos red-brown on bluish paper, clear margins, unused without gum, very fine and fresh, certficate Maier BPP (2018) (Especializado 1)
5 centavos red-brown on slightly blued paper with clear to wide margins, cancelled by clear part-strike of straight line "VALPARAISO", very fine, opinion Maier BPP (Especializado 1)
5 centavos red-brown clear at top, otherwise wide margins, tied by 6-bar target and just touching red "VALPARAISO 30 NBRE 53" to lettersheet to Santiago, very fine, certificate Moorhouse (2008) (Especializado 1)
10 centavos blue, ample at left, otherwise wide margins, used with central red target, very fine, opinion Maier BPP
1854, Desmadryl 10 centavos slate-blue with clear to wide margins with part of adjoining stamp at bottom, tied by red target to almost complete cover front with adjacent red "BALLENAR."; very fine, certificate Maier BPP (Especializado 6)
1854, Gillet 5 centavos siena with clear to mostly large margins and part of adjoining stamp at bottom, neatly cancelled, very fine, signed Schlesinger and Engel BPP and opinion Maier BPP (Especializado 4)
5 centados siena, horizontal strip of 3, good margins at 3 sides, partly touched at bottom (separated by hand, not by scissors) together with cut-into single copy in different shade, tied to lettersheet with adjacent red "VALPARAISO 11 ENERO 55" to Santiago; an attractive and very scarce franking, certificate Holcombe (1990) (Especializado 4)
Lithographed: 5 centavos reddish-brown with clear to large margins with part of adjoining stamp at right, tied by clear 6-bar target to lettersheet with adjacent "SANTIAGO 2 SBRE 54" to Valparaiso, very fine, certificate Maier BPP (2018) (Especializado 5)
5 centavos reddish-brown, slightly touched at upper right, otherwise wide margins with part of adjoining stamp at lower left, tied by 6-bar target to entire letter from "SANTIAGO 13 AGTO 54" to Valparaiso; a fine and scarce franking, certificate Maier BPP (2018)
1855, 2nd London printing 5 centavos brown-red on bluish with 1856, 10 centavos blue, both with full to mostly large margins, tied by 6-bar target to entire letter from "SANTIAGO 30 ABRIL 57" to Copiapo, endorsed "Por Vapor"; the franking pays 10 centavos letter fee to ½ ounce plus 5 centavos postal carriage (cabotaje); a very fine and scarce letter, certificate Moorhouse (2007) (Especializado 7, 8)
5 centavos brown-red on bluish in horizontal strip of 3, just touched at upper right, otherwise clear to large margins with parts of 4 neighbour stamps, used with 3 strikes of six-bar target to entire letter with adjacent straight line "FREIRINA" 1857 to Valparaiso; the right stamp tiny scissors' cut just touching the design, otherwise a very fine letter, certificate Maier BPP (2018)
Provenance: 233. Köhler auction (1981)
5 centavos red-brown on bluish, block of 4, slightly touched at right, otherwise ample to large margins with vertical pair, slightly touched at bottom, otherwise ample to large margins with small scissors' cut in the lower margin of stamp, all tied by 6-bars target to lettersheet with adjacent red "SANTIAGO 18 DBRE 57" to Valparaiso; an attractive and scarce franking, certificate Maier BPP (2008) (Especializado 7)
1861/62, Last London printing 10 centavos blue, block of 4 with large margins and part of 2 neighbour stamps at right, used with "CANCELLED" marking, very fine, opinion Maier BPP (Especializado 11)
1866/67, Last printing 5 centavos rose-red, tied by star cancel to cover with original contents with adjacent clear "ADMINISTRACION P. DE CORREOS VALPARAISO 10 FEBR. 68" to Santiago; on reverse somewhat roughly opened and part of backflap missing, fine and scarce handstamp
1866/67, Last printing 5 centavos red, just cut-into at top, otherwise clear to large margins, tied to cover with adjacent "TALCA 15 DUC, 66" to envelope to Paris with accountancy mark "GB 1F 90c", taxed in France with "12" decimes; a fine cover, the stamp only paying the coastal shipping charge, certificate Maier BPP (2018) (Especializado 13)
Stamps used fiscally: Collection on 3 exhibition pages with 2 documents and 17 stamps including strip of 4
HAHN reprints: Collection on 4 exhibition pages with a total of 76 stamps including 2 overprint strips of 3, 6 blocks of 4 in different colours, block of 6 and block of 25; a fine and interesting group
1867, American Bank Note issue, composite die proof of 1 c. and 5 c. printed in black on sunken card; dies numbers 323A and 323B, very fine and rare
Provenance: Dr. Siebel (332. Köhler-Auktion 2008)
1 centavo-20 centavos, the complete set as imperforated plate proofs in issued colours on India paper, very fine
Imperforated plate proofs on card of 1 centavo (2), 5 centavos (3), 10 centavos (2) and 20 centavos (2)
20 centavos, perforated colour proofs in black, olive-green (2 clipped perfs) and blue on blue paper, fine and scarce
1 centavo with cork cancel and tied by clear red "VALPARAISO 5 DEC. 75" to local printed matter wrapper, fine and scarce, signed Todd AIEP
1 centavo orange and horizontal pair 2 centavos black, tied to envelope endorsed "Por vapor" from "CARRIZAL-ALTO 28 ENERO 76" to Coquimbo; the envelope somewhat roughly opened with small tear on front and small parts of back flap missing, still a fine and scarce franking
2 centavos black, tied by cork cancel to formular card with adjacent red "VALPARAISO 22 JUN. 72" to Santiago, very fine
2 centavos black in horizontal pair, tied by cork cancel to double rate lettersheet with adjacent "QUILLOTA 20 SET. 76" to La Calera; a fine and rare multiple franking of this stamp, signed Todd AIEP
2 centavos black, 3 copies with cork cancel and adjacent red "VALPARAISO 28 MZO 74" on mourning cover to Santiago, overfranked by 1 centavo; an attractive and scarce franking
5 centavos red tied by cork cancel to lettersheet with adjacent red "SALAMANCA/EST." to Santiago, fine