Los-Nr. 2267
Es fallen zusätzlich 7% Importspesen (keine Steuer, nicht abzugsfähig) für alle Käufer an. Dies betrifft auch alle Käufer außerhalb der Europäischen Union.

375th Auction


2 3


Ausruf700 €
Zuschlag700 €
1883, single page with a die proof in color, 9 BPA card proofs and two exceptional and rare models used to make forged cancels, the genuine models have their genuine cancels retouched with paint, Sperati then photographed removing the background to make his cliché for the forged cancels, it is obvious by comparison with the BPA card proofs that show cancels over the perforations that these are the original models, they were found in Sperati's stockbook, all items except the card proofs are ex Carl Walske