378. Auktion
21.-26. März 2022 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (47) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- INTERNATIONALE POST ÜBER TRIEST - Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil II) (6) Apply INTERNATIONALE POST ÜBER TRIEST - Die Sammlung Rolf Rohlfs (Teil II) filter
- Ganzsachen Alle Welt – Die Sammlung John Ahlström (1) Apply Ganzsachen Alle Welt – Die Sammlung John Ahlström filter
GREAT BRITAIN - TURKISK EMPIRE: 1857, registered lettersheet from Manchester via Aachen and Trieste to Constantinople, franked with 1855/57, 2 copies 1 d. pale rose (emergency printing May/June 1857), 2 d. blue, 6 d. pale lilac and 1 sh. green, tied by barred "498"; several register marks including boxed "TRIEST Recommandirt" on reverse. The postage consists of 3 sgr. each British and German postage, 1 sgr. Belgian transit, 4¼ sgr. postage beyond Trieste and 5 sgr. British- and 2 sgr. German registration fee (total 18¼ sgr. = 1sh. 10 pence). Stamps with some mostly unobtrusive faults, still fine and very attractive. The earliest recorded registered cover from England to the Levante bearing stamps. Certificate Louis BPP (2012) (SG 34,38,70,72)
Provenance: Maurice Burrus (Robson Lowe 1963)
1840/1960 (ca.), umfangreiche Sammlung mit über 1700 Ganzsachen inkl. einigen Doubletten und Privat-Ganzsachen, dabei u.a. F1 (3), F2 (2), U1 (2), und U2 (2), R-GSU mit vielen Großformaten und weiteren Besonderheiten, meist in guter Erhaltung
Video: https://youtu.be/wA7BFgFaa5c
1840/1958, ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung ab zwei Exemplaren der Penny Black, dabei 6 und 10 Pence sowie 1 Shilling 1847, 5 Shilling 1867, Victoria im Großformat 1883, Victoria 1 £ 1891 sowie Edward 1902 komplett, dazu etwas Irland sowie Island mit besseren Werten, unterschiedliche Erhaltung
1840/2000, meist gestempelte Sammlung ab Mi.-Nr. 1 mit u.a. Mi.-Nr. 72-81 und Mi.-Nr. 85, ab ca. 1980 kpl. gestempelt, sauber im Vordruckalbum
1840/1901, Selection mainly on Stock cards in very mixed condition, incl. 1848, 10d. (3), 1875, 5 s. pl. 1 and pl. 2, 1875, 2 1/2 d, pl. 3-17, 1881, 4d grey-brown, no wmk. "Crown", used block of four, few hundred stamps, many Penny Reds plate number Issue unused in small stockbook
1841/1978, ungebrauchte/postfrische und gestempelte Sammlung in zwei Steckbüchern, dabei 6 P. 1847 gestempelt, die folgenden Werte teils spezialisiert nach Plattennummern gesammelt, enthalten auch Victoria im Großformat 1883 sowie die entsprechenden Edward-Großformate, teils etwas unterschiedliche Erhaltung
1952/2003, the extensive mainly mint specialised collection with booklets, FirstDay covers, in 5 albums, in addition 1954/1995 Postal Stationery Air Mail, Air Letters Collection (mainly unused) in one album plus two small boxes of Surplus material (many booklets)
1971/85, the highly specialised collection of the "Machin Issue", mainly mint, but with many booklets, First Day Covers, High Frankings, well presented on approx. 320 album pages in 8 albums
1820/1970, approx 250 covers, postcards, mainly postal Stationery unused and used, incl. Stamped to Order, Registered, Foreign Destination Mail, mixed condition, many fine
1820/1900, approx. 90 covers, incl. many to foreign destinations, pre-stamp or stampless covers to USA, France Austria, Italy, mixed condition
1849/72, 14 covers incl. 1849 Postal Stat 1d. pink to USA, 1858, Postal Stat 1d. pink to Rome (!), both agetoned, 1865, 1s. cover to USA with "FORWARDED BY FINLAY HODGSON & Co", eight covers to Canada, USA, Russia, France, Sweden all with INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID handstamps, mixed to fine condition
1853/1970, the fine collection of approx 300 envelopes/covers/postcards/wrappers with "Cut Outs" in 3 albums. Early cut outs incl. 1d pink, later with many combination frankings (e.g. Cut-Outs plus postage stamps, late usages, mixed reign frankings, Foreign destinations (incl. three 1d pink cut outs on 1905 covers to India!), Registered, mostly good condition
1900/90 (ca.), Bestand von rund 500 Briefen, Karten und Ganzsachen, dabei Zensur, Einschreiben, Werbestempel und ein paar andere Länder, unterschiedliche Erhaltung
1902/1990, approx 450 covers, mainly George VI period, incl. many interesting usages, Censored mail, Registered, Postal Stationery, some high values 2s 6d frankings, Edward VII Stamped to Order
ON HER MAJESTY'S SERVICE: 1842/1950 (approx.), 90 OHMS lettersheets and envelopes (mainly printed), many various offices incl. G.P.O., Money Order, Dead Letter Office, Returned Letter Office, Returned Letter Brauch Dublin, Board of Agriculture, Admiralty Service, War Economy, incl. Foreign Office OHMS to Baron B. von Tauchnitz, H.B.M. Consul in Leipzig and publisher of Charles Dickens on the continent! Mostly good condition
ISLE OF WIGHT: 1832/1960, box with approx. 150 covers, postcards and pieces used from the "Isle of Wight", sorted according to postmarks of the various towns
Antique Maps & Views: approx. 45 antique prints (plus a few reprints not counted) from approx. 1800, mainly British Isles, Queen Victoria Portraits, London Views incl. General Post Office, Portsmouth, Bruce Castle (home of Rowland Hill), Guernsey, plus some antique Maps (around 1850) of various countries (Brazil, Spain, Germany, Ireland, France, Scandinavia)
POSTAL STATIONERY 1860/1980, the extensive collection of approx. 220 mint & used envelopes & postcards, incl. a strong section of Stamped to Order, and a collection of the 1890 Penny Postage Jubilee, mainly good condition