383. Auktion
14.–15. & 18.–23. März 2024 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (2106) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Luft- und Zeppelinpost – inklusive der Sammlung der Familie Sieger (569) Apply Luft- und Zeppelinpost – inklusive der Sammlung der Familie Sieger filter
- Chile – Die Colon Ausgaben (Teil II) (46) Apply Chile – Die Colon Ausgaben (Teil II) filter
- Dänisch Westindien 1806–1917 – Die Sammlung "Baghira" (200) Apply Dänisch Westindien 1806–1917 – Die Sammlung "Baghira" filter
- Dauerserie Posthorn 1951 – Eine Spezialsammlung (138) Apply Dauerserie Posthorn 1951 – Eine Spezialsammlung filter
- Departements Conquis – Die Sammlung Wilma Droemont (75) Apply Departements Conquis – Die Sammlung Wilma Droemont filter
- Freie Hansestadt Bremen – Die Sammlung Karl-Hillard Geuther (Teil III) (66) Apply Freie Hansestadt Bremen – Die Sammlung Karl-Hillard Geuther (Teil III) filter
- Deutsche Post in Marokko & Deutsche Post in der Türkei – Die Sammlung "Waldersee" (93) Apply Deutsche Post in Marokko & Deutsche Post in der Türkei – Die Sammlung "Waldersee" filter
- Deutsche Post in China und Kiautschou – Die Transsibirische Eisenbahn und Kriegspost – Die Sammlung Dr. Heinz Findeiss (125) Apply Deutsche Post in China und Kiautschou – Die Transsibirische Eisenbahn und Kriegspost – Die Sammlung Dr. Heinz Findeiss filter
- Deutsche Reichspost – Brustschildezeit – Die Sammlung Michael Rehme (Teil II) (360) Apply Deutsche Reichspost – Brustschildezeit – Die Sammlung Michael Rehme (Teil II) filter
- Deutsch-Südwestafrika – Stempelsammlung auf Privater- und Feldpost (94) Apply Deutsch-Südwestafrika – Stempelsammlung auf Privater- und Feldpost filter
- Deutschland 1849–2000 – Deutsche Kolonien mit Besetzungsausgaben (G.R.I. und MAFIA), Deutsche Nebengebiete, Deutschland nach 1945 – Die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil III) (758) Apply Deutschland 1849–2000 – Deutsche Kolonien mit Besetzungsausgaben (G.R.I. und MAFIA), Deutsche Nebengebiete, Deutschland nach 1945 – Die Sammlung Erik B. Nagel (Teil III) filter
- Großherzogtum Baden – Frankaturen und Postgeschichte – Die Sammlung Klaus Peter Geis (97) Apply Großherzogtum Baden – Frankaturen und Postgeschichte – Die Sammlung Klaus Peter Geis filter
- Helgoland – Die Sammlung Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser (Teil II) (215) Apply Helgoland – Die Sammlung Dr. Hans Friedrich Häuser (Teil II) filter
- Königreich Bayern – Postgeschichte und Social Philately 1806–1875 – Die Sammlung Oliver Reifenrath (98) Apply Königreich Bayern – Postgeschichte und Social Philately 1806–1875 – Die Sammlung Oliver Reifenrath filter
- Ludwig van Beethoven – Die Sammlung Yukio Onuma (67) Apply Ludwig van Beethoven – Die Sammlung Yukio Onuma filter
- Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part III) (270) Apply Registered letters of the German foreign post offices and colonies (part III) filter
- Schleswig-Holstein 1850–1867 – Die Sammlung Rolf Beyerodt (244) Apply Schleswig-Holstein 1850–1867 – Die Sammlung Rolf Beyerodt filter
- Olympische Sommerspiele – Die Sammlung Fredrik C. Schreuder (Teil II) (92) Apply Olympische Sommerspiele – Die Sammlung Fredrik C. Schreuder (Teil II) filter
- Die Sammlung ERIVAN - Altdeutsche Staaten - Auktion der verpassten Gelegenheiten (131) Apply Die Sammlung ERIVAN - Altdeutsche Staaten - Auktion der verpassten Gelegenheiten filter
- Die Lippischen Fürstentümer, Deutschland ab 1849 – Die Sammlungen Gustav Strunk (Teil II) (97) Apply Die Lippischen Fürstentümer, Deutschland ab 1849 – Die Sammlungen Gustav Strunk (Teil II) filter
- Volkswagen – ein Deutscher Mythos – Die Sammlung Dr. Edo-Meino Eden (38) Apply Volkswagen – ein Deutscher Mythos – Die Sammlung Dr. Edo-Meino Eden filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1486) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (435) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (1111) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (248) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (384) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (702) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (411) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (931) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (244) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (481) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (122) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Übersee (291) Apply Übersee filter
- Helgoland (1) Apply Helgoland filter
- Lübeck (1) Apply Lübeck filter
- Sachsen (1) Apply Sachsen filter
- Schleswig-Holstein (2) Apply Schleswig-Holstein filter
- Österreich (14) Apply Österreich filter
- Belgien (Belgique, België) (3) Apply Belgien (Belgique, België) filter
- Bulgarien (България) (1) Apply Bulgarien (България) filter
- Dänemark (Danmark) (1) Apply Dänemark (Danmark) filter
- Frankreich (2) Apply Frankreich filter
- Algerien (1) Apply Algerien filter
- Ungarn (Magyarország) (1) Apply Ungarn (Magyarország) filter
- Italien (2) Apply Italien filter
- Kirchenstaat (1) Apply Kirchenstaat filter
- Liechtenstein (5) Apply Liechtenstein filter
- Niederlande (1) Apply Niederlande filter
- Niederländisch-Indien (1) Apply Niederländisch-Indien filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (3) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Portugal (1) Apply Portugal filter
- Russland (Poccия) (2) Apply Russland (Poccия) filter
- San Marino (1) Apply San Marino filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (2) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (1) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
- Basel (1) Apply Basel filter
- Ukraine (Уkpaïha) (1) Apply Ukraine (Уkpaïha) filter
- Argentinien (2) Apply Argentinien filter
- Bolivien (1) Apply Bolivien filter
- China (1) Apply China filter
- Guatemala (1) Apply Guatemala filter
- Haiti (République D'Haïti) (1) Apply Haiti (République D'Haïti) filter
- Honduras (1) Apply Honduras filter
- Iran (Persien) (1) Apply Iran (Persien) filter
- Mexiko (2) Apply Mexiko filter
- Peru (2) Apply Peru filter
- Puerto Rico (1) Apply Puerto Rico filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (1) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
- Australische Staaten (1) Apply Australische Staaten filter
- Bermuda (1) Apply Bermuda filter
- Britisch Guiana (1) Apply Britisch Guiana filter
- Kanada (1) Apply Kanada filter
- Portomarken (1) Apply Portomarken filter
- Indien (1) Apply Indien filter
- (-) Remove Einzellose filter Einzellose
FILIBE: Cover to Edirne, franked with Tughra 3rd printing, 1 pia., tied upon arrival by clear blue dotted Edirne handstamp; one backflap missing, otherwise fine and attractive. Opinion Todd AIEP
FILIBE: 1864, entire letter to Constantinople, franked with Tughra 2nd printing, 1 pia. and 2 pia. ‚damaged black print‘ (cut into at upper right), tied by indistinct dotted handstamp and additional battal. Fine and rare. Certificate Nakri AIEP
„Filibe 81“, all arabic double circle, 2 clear strikes, tying Duloz 1869/71, 1 pia. yellow and 10 pa. violet in vertical pair ( bottom stamp scissors cut at bottom), to envelope (somewhat roughly opened) to Constantinople, fine. Opinion Todd AIEP, ex Hornung
„Filibe 81“, all arabic double circle, 6 clear strikes tying Duloz 1869 postage due , 1 pia. brown, 2 vertical pairs and single and single 20 pa. brown, to overweight registered cover to Deraliye, franked on reverse with „Sehir“ overprint 1 pia. brown (pulled perf and small tear), tied by bilingual „BAGHTCHE CAPUSSI“, for local delivery. Usual slight transportation marks, still fine. A remarkable and scarce letter. Certificate Isfila
„HEZARGRAD“, all arabic double circle, to clear to fair strikes tying Duloz 1873, 10 pa. in horizontal pair and 1876, 1 pia. to entire letter to Varna. A fine and rare letter. Signed Nakri with certificate (Isfila RR)
ISLIMIYE: 1864, entire letter to Ruscuk, franked with Tughra postage due 1 pia. and 2 pia., cancelled upon arrival by dotted „RUSCUK“ handstamp. Despite a sharp but almost invisible crease affecting the two stamps a fine and very rare letter. Opinion Todd AIEP
Provenance: "Sultan" (David Feldman 2016, described as "very fine")
KAZGAN: 1864, entire letter to Ruscuk, franked with Tughra postage due 1 pia. with large margins and wide sheet margin at right, cancelled upon arrival by dotted „RUSCUK“ handstamp. An extremely fine and rare letter. Opinion Todd AIEP
„LOFCA 81“, all arabic double circle, 2 clear strikes tying Duloz 2 pia. red and 1 pia. yellow to entire letter to Tirnova: The stamps affected by light horizontal cover crease, otherwise fine and fresh. A very rare letter; just a few entires have been recorded with this handstamp. Opinion Todd AIEP (Isfila RRR)
MUSTAFA PASHA: 1882, military cover with clear arabic seal handstamp „2nd army, 7th cavalry regiment“, to Thessaloniki; fine and very rare; the sole recorded entire bearing this handstamp. Signed Nakri and opinion Todd AIEP
„PAZARCIK“, all arabic double circle, two very clear and almost full strikes on Duloz 1868/71, 1 pia. in strip of 3 on piece; very fine and rare (Isfila RRR)
„Petric posta subesi 294“, all arabic negative seal handstamp, 4 ample to very clear full strikes on 2 strips of 4 of 1876, 10 pa. lilac (left stamp scissors cut); very fine and most attractive. A rare cancellation of which only few stamps/pieces but no entires have been recorded; unrecorded by Isfila. Ex Hitzler
RUSCUK: „RUSCUK“, dotted handstamp, clear strike tying Tughra 2nd printing, 5 pia. with wide margins, showing white sheet margin left, to entire letter from Deraliye to Ruscuk. A very fine and rare letter. Opinion Todd AIEP
„An canib-i Postahane-I Samakov 1274“ large arabic negative seal, superb strike cover to Sevlievo, rated 2 piasters in manuscript. Fine and scarce. Opinion Todd AIEP. (Isfila RR)
„SAMAKOV: letter sheet (part on reverse missing) from the well-known correspondence to the Zahari of the Bulgarian church at Constantinople, franked with Tughra 2nd setting 20 pa. in tête-bêche pair with large margins and 2 copies 1 pia., all tied by blue ‚battal‘. The pair lightly affected by a cover crease. A fine and extremely rare entire; just 2 further tête-bêches on cover from Bulgarian soil have been recorded. Certificates Isfila and Nakri.
SAMAKOV: letter sheet from the well-known correspondence to the Zahari of the Bulgarian church at Constantinople, franked with Tughra 1st setting 2 pia. And 2nd setting 20 pa. in pair with enormous margins including wide sheet margin at left, tied by ‚battal‘. A fine and rare usage from Bulgarian soil. Certificates Isfila and Nakri.
„SAMAKOV 81“, all arabic double circle, tying Duloz 1875, 10 pa. lilac-rose, 2 pairs, and postage due 2 pia. yellowish brown to reverse of entire cover to Saraybosna, bosnia; fine and rare. Certificate Isfila. Ex Hitzler (Isfila RR)
SOFYA: 1748, entire letter, written in French, from Sofia to Marseille, showing slight traces of desinfection. Tiny part of inner text sheet missing (most likely removed by opening), otherwise very fine. The earliest recorded letter from Bulgaria in private hands. Opinion Todd AIEP
„AN CANIB-I POSTA-I SUMNU 260“, clear arabic negative seal on registered letter sheet to Constantinople with adjacent small negative registration handstamp. Fine and scarce. Opinion Todd AIEP
„SUMNU“, dotted handstamp in blue, good strike on Tughra 2nd printing 1 pia. on entire letter to Ruscuk. The cover with vertical paper repair on face panel and the stamp with light horizontal bend. A rare letter. Ex Passer. Opinion Todd AIEP
"T.PAZARDJIK 17 1 87", cds. on front and reverse of unpaid cover to Constantinople, charged upon arrival, franked with 1884, 1 pia., tied by blue cds.. little roughly opened, otherwise very fine. Certificate Nakri (2017) and Todd (2013)
„TUTRAKAN“, all arabic double circle in greenish blue, almost complete and clear strike, centrally struck on Duloz 1875, 20 pa. green. Very fine and extremely rare; just few strikes on singles stamps but no covers have been recorded from this small village at the Danube. Ex Hitzler
Reference: illustration copy of the Isfila handbook
„VARNA“, dotted handstamp in blue, nice clear strike with full name on 1865, Duloz 5 pia. carmine. Very attractive and fine example of this rare handstamp, of which only three singles stamps but no entires been reported. Ex Hitzler
„ZAGRA 81“ all arabic double circle, four good strikes on 1865, 20 pa. orange and 1 pia. Lilac-grey on entire double rate letter to Constantinople. A fine and scarce franking with quite rare cancellation. Opinion Todd AIEP
1879, 50 c. black/blue, fresh colours and nicely perforated, neatly tied by bilingual cds. "SOFIA 20 VII 81" to registered mourning cover to Wien, adjacent registration boxed postmark and reverse arrival cds., small opening tear on the back flap, of no importance. A very fine, very scarce and delightful cover.
0 4Katalog-Nr.242-48
1934, Schipka monument 1-14 l. as ministers souvenir sheet, unmounted mint, fine, rare, only 100 pieces issued
Incoming mail: 1887, cover from the U.S. to Sistov, with blue transit mark of Roustschuk and arrival mark
1945, storm division souvenir sheet, used with cds. "ZAGREB 60 9.1.45", slightly wavy paper on top margins, otherwise fine, signed Gilbert and Dr. Rommerskirchen BPP
1945, storm division souvenir sheet, unmounted mint with diagonal bend at top, otherwise fine, signed Dr. RommerskirchenPP. Dr. Rommerskirchen BPP
1934, National Anthem, 1 k. claret and 2 k. blue miniature sheets, fresh colours, no gum as issued, complete with original folders, slightly creased in the margins, otherwise very fine, 2 k. signed Alfons Stach
1934, National Anthem, 1 k. claret and 2 k. blue miniature sheets, fresh colours, no gum as issued, sligtly crease in the margins, otherwise fine
1854/57, 8 sk. green, with 1864/70, 16 sk. olive, horizontal strip of 3 and three single stamps, and two copies 3 sk. lilac, tied by numeral "1" and partly by faint Kopenhagen cds., to lettersheet (side flaps missing) to St. Croix, Danish West Indies. A horizontal filing crease broken and thus one 3 sk. damaged, 2 further stamps small (filing) hole and some usual transportation marks. An outstanding franking.
1870, Coat of Arms 2 sk. grey/ultramarine, 3 sk. grey/lilac (2) and 4 sk. grey/red (2), tied by concentric circles "1" with adjacent cds. "KOBENHAVN 8 2 3-4" to registered folded entire to Harburg, transit three-line mark on reverse, one 4 sk. defective corner, light transportation traces, still fine and scarce three-colour franking (Facit-Nr. 20-22)
6Katalog-Nr.118 ZS (R21,22), 120 ZS (R17, 18), 77, 166-67
1921, 5 ö. brown and 10 ö. green in blocs of three with se-tenant "CHEVROLET", GMC", "OAKLAND" and "BUICK" advertising labels, tied by cds. "NAKSKOV -2.3 29" with 1 ö. , 7 ö. and 12 ö. to registered cover to Frankfurt am Main, reverse arrival cds. and "FEMERN RUTEN" colourfull vignette, some toned perfs, fine
1913, 4 øre stationery bisect with Christian 5 ø., tied by star cancel "SANDEVAAG" with adjacend "THORSHAVN 23.1.19" to envelope to Thorshavn, very fine, certificate Moeller AIEP
1915, 1 ö. and 20 ö., Thiele printing, fresh colours, neatly tied by oval crowned "GRØNLANDS STYRELSE" (Facit IVa) to receipt card (type 4h, 1933/35) for a parcel sent to Jakobshavn, very fine, signed Møller BPP