384. Auktion
19.–20. & 23.–28. September 2024 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (10) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Deutschland, Europa und Übersee – Die Sammlung Dr. Jürgen Wiedemann (2) Apply Deutschland, Europa und Übersee – Die Sammlung Dr. Jürgen Wiedemann filter
- Helgoland – Die Sammlung Hans-Jürgen Borowski (Teil I) (1) Apply Helgoland – Die Sammlung Hans-Jürgen Borowski (Teil I) filter
1906, Olympic issue 25 l. in vertical pair, with c.d.s. "ATHENS 9/ APR 11 19.." to special envelope "KOMITEN FOR SVERIGES DELTAGANDE I OLYMPISKA SPELEN I ATHEN 190 CENTRALPALATSET, STOCKHOLM", to Helsingborg, Sweden, with Athens registered label on reverse and on front Helsingborg registered label. On reverse 5 l. and pair 10 l. uncancelled. Light transportation marks. A very scarce.
1858, single 5ø green and 30ø brown, vertical pair 12ø blue and 1862 3ø brown, all tied by cds. “FINERÖDJA 22 10" to insufficiently paid cover, initially franked with, Franklin 1c. blue and Jackson 2c. brown tied by cork cancel, via “BOSTON DIRECT” and “HAMBURG 16 10 71” to Finerödja, Sweden. In red crayon charged with „61“, the Swedish adhesives adding up to 62ø, possibly due to the fact that other values to make the correct charge were unavailable. Despite slight and expected ageing an exceptional and only Transatlantic Mail cover to Sweden which has a combination of postal adhesives from both countries. This is probably the most important UPU Transatlantic Mail cover from the USA to Sweden, certificate Obermüller-Wilen (2011) (Facit 7c2,9d3,11e2,14Bd)
1886, 3 ö. yellowish-brown and orange-brown (two different shades), with 1892 1 ö. brown/blue, 2 ö. blue/yellow and 4 ö. carmine/blue in strips of three, neatly tied by dotted cds. "LUND 17 9 1892" to 10 öre registered postal stationery envelope to San Marino, Italy, alongside boxed "SVERIGE R", reverse transit cds. "MALMO POST 18 9 1892". Faint stamping of the cancellation device on reverse, of no importance, cover correctly franked at the 40 öre tariff, very fine and attractive, a delightful item combining scarce franking and rare destination, certificate Obermüller Wilén BPP, AIEP (2019) (Facit-Nr. 41a, 41b, 61b, 62a, 64a)
Official envelope 'BILJETTFÖRSÄLJNING', sent locally with 2 ö. tied by cds. "STOCKHOLM 22 2 12", fine and scarce
1912, Official envelope 'BILJETTFÖRSÄLJNING', sent locally, franked with 4 ö., tied by cds. "STOCKHOLM 22 6 12", very scarce
1912, Official envelope 'INKVARTERINGSKOMMITEN', sent to the Czech Olympic Committee in Prague, franked with 20 ö., tied by cds. "STOCKHOLM 23 6 12", very scarce
1912, "STOCKHOLM STADION / LBR. 16.7.12", good strike on 10 ö. on official postcard to Helsinki with adjacent arrival mark. Very fine
1912, "JEUX OLYMPIQUES + STOCKHOLM 1912 + LE 29 JUIN-22 JUILLET", publicity cachet in black, superb strike on cover with 2 copies 10 ö. from "OSTERSUND" to the US. The envelope with few pinholes and minor staining, stille fine and very scarce.
"STOCKHOLM OLYMPISKA SPELEN / 22 7 1912" (sailing finals and closing ceremony), machine cancel on 10 ö. on picture postcard to New York
Finnish envelope 'SUOMEN OLYMPIALAINEN UUTISTOIMISTO…' franked with 5 ö., tied by trilingual ship mail c.d.s. "ABO 13.VII.12" (finals of fencing, swimming, waterball, etc.), as printed matter to Kuopio with arrival mark.
"HELIGOLAND JA 28 1888" klarer Kreisbogenstempel auf Schweden Ganzsachenantwortkarte 10 Ø rot nach Lund mit Ankunftsstempel, tadellos, ausgesprochen selten und attraktiv, wir haben in dieser Form kein weiteres Stück registriert

1855/1920 (ca.), unused and mostly used collection with covers, specialized with cpl. sets and many duplicates, better items starting with Coat of Arms Mi.-Nr. 2(7), 4(2), 6(3), 7(40), 8(6), 10(34), 12(13), etc., nice selection of cancellations with many clear strikes, together with a selection of entires and postal stationery cards, some occasional faults as to be expected, overall in fresh condition, an appealing lot in one album
1872/1996 (ca.), extensive mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation with some covers, incl. Postage Dues and Military Stamps, strength before the 1940s with an abundance of duplicates, many cpl. sets, with a strong part of the 1921 Definitives, together with some souvenir sheets. Some occasional faults, mostly fine and fresh, neatly housed in four stockbooks