384. Auktion
19.–20. & 23.–28. September 2024 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (36) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Deutschland ab 1849 – Österreich ab 1850 – Die Sammlung des „American“ Bruce Wright (Teil I) (2) Apply Deutschland ab 1849 – Österreich ab 1850 – Die Sammlung des „American“ Bruce Wright (Teil I) filter
- Deutschland, Europa und Übersee – Die Sammlung Dr. Jürgen Wiedemann (1) Apply Deutschland, Europa und Übersee – Die Sammlung Dr. Jürgen Wiedemann filter
- Luft- und Zeppelinpost – inklusive der Sammlung der Familie Sieger (Teil II) (8) Apply Luft- und Zeppelinpost – inklusive der Sammlung der Familie Sieger (Teil II) filter
3 l. bronze, large margins all round and in deep colour, used with 40 cmi. (cut in at right) and in combination with Kingdom 80 cmi. orange-yellow, tied by cds. "LIVORNO 16 NOV.63" to small piece. A most valuable and attractive 3-colour franking with the 2 high value. Certificate Bottacchi (1994)
10 cmi. bistre, horizontal strip of three with lower sheet margin and ‘riga di colore’, imperforated at base, with clear c.d.s. "LIVORNO 16 GIU 62". Very fine. An extremely rare and most attractive multiple. Signed Alberto Diena with certificates (1963 and 1971), Colla with certificate (2004)and Bottacchi with certificate (2024)
20 cmi. indigo, tied by c.d.s. "BOLOGNA 3 MAR 62" to lettersheet to Milan. Very fine. This is the earliest recorded usage of a stamp of the kingdom of Italy at Bologna and the second earliest usage of this stamp at all. Certificate Bottacchi (2024).(Sassone 2)
20 cmi. blue, horizontal strip of three with lower sheet margin and ‘riga di colore’, imperforated at base, tied by c.d.s. "S.MARIA MAGGIORE 14 DIC 62", to piece. Very fine. An extremely rare and most attractive multiple. Signed Alberto Diena and Enzo Diena with certificate (1984), Certificates Colla (2004)and Bottacchi (2024) (Sassone 2I)
1863, Typo Sardegna 15 cmi. blue, horizontal pair with clear to large margins, with parts of dividing line between the stamps, in combination with Kingdom 10 c. ocre (few short perfs), tied by cds. "CASALE 11 FEB. 63" to small envelope to Lyon. A fine and rare combination cover to abroad. Certificate Bottacchi (2024) (Sassone 11var,1c)
1863, Matraire 15 cmi. blue, type I, with variety 'upper part of design missing' (senza tassello superiore), unmounted mint. Very fine and extremely rare. The most outstanding variety of this issue. Signed Colla with certificate (2002) and Bottacchi with certificate (2024).
15 cmi. blue, type II, tied by Papal State straight-line "CONSELICE" two envelope with adjacent c.d.s. "LUGO 2 GEN. 64", to Imola, with arrival mark. Very fine. A very rare untaxed usage after validity and very scarce cancellation on this issue. Signed Alberto Diena and certificate Bottacchi (2024)
15 cmi. blue, type II, block of four with clear to large margins, in combination with Sardinia 5 cmi. dull green, partly touched, tied by c.d.s. "BOZZOLO 14 GIU 63", to piece. Very fine. A rare multiple and combination. Certificates Enzo Diena (1986) and Bottacchi (2024)
1944, Lictor bundle 5 l. , 9 copies (one with pinhole), tied by c.d.s. "TORINO CENTRO 3.12.44" to postal receipt. Fine and scarce. Certificate Raybaudi (1994)
1944, Parcel card with black overprint "REPUBBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA" 7.5 L. with additional package stamp 4 L. used with cds. "* COMO - PACCHI * CENTRO -1.2.45" and violet “UFFICIO PROVINCIALE DI COLLOGAMENTO” to a prisoner of war to Camp No. 11 in Ludwigshafen, heavily creased with small toning at the bottom, otherwise fine and scarce
1940, postcard 50 cent. violet, used with cds. “* PARENZE CORR. PACCHI * < FRANC. > 24.1.42” to Wien with Italian and German censor marks, upper left corner with light crease, otherwise fine and scarce
1944, postcard 15 cent. darkgreen with black overprint “REPUBBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA” with additional 15 cent. stamp, used with cds. “STEFANO DI ZIMELLA VERONA 28.3.45” to Leipzig, lower right corner with light crease, otherwise fine
1944, postcard 30 cent. brown with red overprint “REPUBBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA” with additional 50 cent. stamp, used with cds. “BERGAMO CORR. PACCHI 15.4.45” to Staefa, Switzerland, slight corner creases, otherwise fine and scarce
1874/83, 10 c. black, tied by c.d.s. "VERA CRUZ FRANCO ABR 18 1877" to part paid letter sheet via New York to Genova, Italy, here taxed and postage due stamps 1 l., 5 c. and 10 c. added, tied by Genova cds., very fine
"CARIDDI*PIROSCAFO POSTALE ITALIANO 24 GIU 96" on 25 l. with additional strike alongside, on commercial cover to Germany, with arrival mark. Slight opening faults, still fine and scarce.
1930, 7,70 Lire Geschwaderflug General Balbo und Freimarke 1,25 Lire mit Sonder-Maschinenstempel “POSTA AEREA CROCIERA ITALIA-BRASILE ROMA 15.DEC.1930” auf Vordruckumschlag mit eigenhändigen Unterschriften von 18 Piloten nach Rio de Janeiro mit vorderseitigem Maschinen-Ankunftsstempel. Sehr dekorativer und seltener Brief in einwandfreier Erhaltung
1930, Geschwaderflug General Balbos 7.70 Lire und Freimarke 1,25 Lire mit Sonder-Maschinenstempel “POSTA AEREA CROCIERA ITALIA-BRSAILE ROMA 15.DEC.1930” auf entspechendem Flugpostbrief mit diversen Unterschriften der Piloten inklusive von Balbos nach Rio de Janeiro mit vorderseitigem Ankunftsstempel, leichte Beförderungsspuren, in guter Gesamterhaltung
1926, Polarfahrt des Luftschiffes NORGE, Etappe Ciampino bis Kingsbay, Vordruckbrief mit Sondermarke 1,25 Lire und Flugpostvignette mit violetem L1 “NORGE” und übergehendem Stempel “CIAMPONP 8.4.26” sowie violettem Flugstempel “VOLO TRANSPOLARE 1926 - AMUNDSEN - ESSLWORTH - NOBILE” und eigenhändige Unterschrift von Ettore Arduino nach Kingsbay mit Ankunftsstempel. Der Umschlag ist oben leicht verkürzt und die Vignette hat einen Eckfehler, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung, selten
1931, Geschwaderflug General Balbo, Brief mit entsprechender Sondermarke 7,70 Lire und Freimarke 1,25 Lire mit Sonder-Maschinenstempel “POSTA AEREA CROCIERA ITALIA-BRASILE ROMA 15.DEC.1930” sowie Unterschriften von 18 Piloten nach Rio de Janeiro mit vorderseitigem Maschinen-Ankunftsstempel, gute Erhaltung
1933, Geschwaderflug Rom - Chicagoa, Etappe Rom - New York, R-Luftpostbrief mit Flugpostmarke “LONG” 5,25 + 44,75 Lire mit Stempel "VERONA" 12.6.33" via Rom mit Flugpoststempel nach New York mit Ankunftsstempel. Die Marke mit kleinem Gelbfleck, ansonsten in guter Gesamterhaltung, selten, signiert. A. Diena
1933, Geschwaderflug Rom - Chicagoa, Etappe Rom - Amsterdam, R-Luftpost-Eilboten-Brief mit Flugpostmarke “NANN” 5,25 + 19,75 Lire mit Stempel “ROMA CENTRO 2 9.6.33” sowie nebengesetztem Flugpoststempel via Amsterdam nach s'Gravenhage mit Ankunftsstempel. Der Umschlag mit Beförderungsspuren im Rand und rechts mit zwei kleinen Flecken, ansonsten in guter Gesamterhaltung, selten
1934, Ersflug Rom - Buenos Aires, Sondermarke 3 Lire mit Stempel “ROMA 27.1.34” auf Ganzsachenkarte San Marino 30 Cent mit Zufrankatur und Stempel “REPUBLICA DI SAN MARINO 25.CEN.34” sowie rückseitigem Flugpoststempel via Buenos Aires nach Casablanca, Marokko mit vorderseitigem Ankunftsstempel, gute Erhaltung, sehr seltene Kombination, es sind nur rund 20 Belege aus San Marino bekannt (Longhi 34RLi)
1934, Erstflug Rom - Buenos Aires, R-Brief mit Flugpost 2-10 Lire komplett und Zufrankatur mit Sonderstempel “ROMA 27.1.34” und nebengesetztem Flugpoststempel nach Buenos Aires mit Ankunftsstempel in einwandfreier Erhaltung (Longhi34RLa)
1918, Aufdruckausgabe auf Österreich: Unverausgabte 90 Heller mit Aufdruckfehler "Italla", farbfrisch und tadellos gezähnt, postfrisch in sehr schöner und frische Erhaltung. Nur 50 Exemplare dieser Wertstufe wurden überdruckt; diese Aufdruckabart von Position 33 ist somit ein Unikat. Unsigniert, Fotoatteste Enzo Diena (1987) und Sismondo (2013) (Sassone 17Am)
1918, Aufdruckausgabe auf Österreich: 10 Kronen grauviolett mit dem für diese Marke typischen öligen und unleserlichen Handstempel-Aufdruck, farbfrisch und gut gezähnt, postfrisch. Herstellungsbedingte kleine Durchschläge des Aufdruckes. Mit einer Auflage von nur 37 Stück gehört diese Marke zu den Seltenheiten der Nachfolgeausgaben Österreichs. Signiert Luigi Gazzi mit Attest (1998)
1819/99, extensive unused and used collection with covers, incl. Sardinia and postage dues, specialized with many shades, multiples, better items starting with two Cavalini 15 c.(2) used early in 1819 and 1820, strong section of the early issues with Sardinia Mi.-Nr. 2(10) used, 4 used, 5(9) used, 8(6) used, 13(90) used, the collection then follows the Kingdom issues with Mi.-Nr. 6PFä scarce postal forgery (Opinion Newiger BPP), many cpl. sets and duplicates, together with a selection of entires with some combination frankings, some forgeries and reprints noted. Some occasional faults, mostly in fresh condition, some signed Richter, Köhler, Bühler. A fine assembly, neatly housed in one album.
1850/1953 (ca), mint never hinged/unused and used assembly with some covers, incl. postage dues, parcel and fiscal stamps, good part of Triest and Italian occupied territories, better items like Triest Mi.-Nr. Bl. 1A-1B, GNR18I used (signed Richter), many interesting covers from the occupied regions, together with one album of CNL with many cpl. sets mostly mint never hinged (many questionable overprints), together with some duplicates ; an interesting group
1861/1945, mostly unused and used collection including service and postage due stamps with some better and complete issues, including Michel No. 188-93 unused and Michel No. 479-87 used, neatly in the album with preprinted pages
1862/1945, mostly used collection with many better items like 1922 Congresso Filatelico, Zeppelin 1933, Soccer WCS 1934, Posta Pneumativa, Officals Mi.-Nr. 1-8, Postage Due, Parcel stamp. stamps with advertising label, Military mail, Nationalgard Mi.-Nr. 44-56, some signed Diena etc., mostly good quality
1862/2007, mint never hinged/unused and used collection, incl. parcel, pneumatic and postage due stamps, from 1945 cpl. in the main Michel numbers, some better values like Mi.-Nr. 682-704 unused, Parcel Mi.-Nr. 79 and 81 (1000 L. small fault, both signed with certificate BPA), some duplicates, miniature sheets, together with a selection of Venezia Julian and Triest Zone A; some occasional faults, mostly very fine, in seven albums and stockbooks
1863/1980 (ca.), large balance of a collection mint never hinged/unused and used, incl. postage dues, parcel and official stamps, Levant and colonies, great number of duplicates, cpl. sets, some better values like Mi.-Nr. 702A MNH, together with a few covers, some forgeries and reprints noted in the early issues, mixed condition in the classics, otherwise mostly fine to very fine, an interesting holding in 26 albums and two boxes
1863 /1981 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used collection with some covers, incl. Express, Officials, Military and Postage Due stamps, strength before the 1950s, some cpl. sets and better items like Mi.-Nr. 188-193, 479-487, 494-513 unused, a few multiples, mostly fine to very fine, an interesting lot
1874/1944(ca.), unused and used accumulation of Occupation area and Foreign Post Offices with some better items like Merane Mi.-Nr. 4-6 and some Proofs with “SAGGIO” overprint, a little mixed condition
1893/1924 (ca.), interesting unused and used collection of Sperati proofs, trials and forgeries, including 1863 15c. blue proof pair with A and B type frames, dated "6/4/51" in manuscript by Sperati, Mi. B83, used, B83K with inverted overprint, used, B91K with inverted overprint, used, B131II, used, B.L.P. overprint proof in block format, 5l. brown and red-brown without inscription in bottom tablet, each as a working color proof with additional printed notes on bottom, further Naples with three trial exposures, Levant 20c. with forged "ESTERO" overprint, San Marino 1892 62c. Sperati II, Plate D (2), unused, etc., on four pages
1911/2010, extensive unused and predominantly mint never hinged collection with many full sets and virtually complete from 1930 onwards including key issues of these years such as 1930, “General Balbo” (Mi. 361), 1933 “Crociera Rom-Chicago” (Mi. 445-6), 1934, “Football World Championship”(Mi. 479-87), 1934 “Medaglie al valore militare” (Mi. 494-513), 1945 “Democrazia” (Mi. 682-704) or 1949 "Republica Romana (Mi. 773) as well as a large amout of valid postage in €. Also a somewhat more sparse used collection 1867-2010 and some duplicates. Generally fine to very fine.
1944, Destroyed monuments 75c. with inverted watermark, 274 values, mostly in multiples, mint never hinged (Mi.-Nr. 658 var)