365 / September 2017

365. Heinrich Koehler Auction


Lot no.1217



Catalogue no.72

Opening80 €
Sold for64 €
1897, Fasan 5c. tied by cds. "SANDAKAN 18 MY 1890" to postal stationery card 1c. red to Bruxelles, slight stains, otherwise fine ex Waelbroeck
Lot no.1218



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
POSTAL STATIONERY: 1889, 6c. with cds. "KUDA 12 OCT " to Zwijndrecht, Netherlands, fine ex Waelbroeck
Lot no.1219



Catalogue no.32

Opening80 €
Sold for900 €
1892, Victoria 6x. as horizontal strip of three tied by barred oval with adjacent cds. "LABUAN NO 27 1893" to large size registered cover to Egypt, one stamp corner fault, few folds, otherwise fine ex Waelbroeck
Lot no.1220



Catalogue no.70

Opening80 €
Sold for90 €
1897, Chief 1c. tied by cds. "LABUAN 26 MAY 99" to postal stationery card 3c. green to Bruxelles, slight stains, otherwise fine ex Waelbroeck
Lot no.1221
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.113-114

Opening700 €
Sold for680 €
3s. and 5s. , each tied by Apia cds. to piece, fine, each certificate BPA (2017)
Lot no.1222



Catalogue no.16a

Opening300 €
Sold for440 €
1916, Georg V. £ 1 red and green, unmounted mint, fine
Lot no.1223



Catalogue no.25,F1,Nata100,125

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €
1894, Victoria 1 s. green and Fiscal stamp 1 d. lilac in mix-franking Natal 3 d. blue and HALF on 1 d. rose, each tied by cds. "MAFEKING NO.18.12" to registered cover to Germany with arrival mark, slight toned
Lot no.1225



Catalogue no.20+ Fr.

Opening450 €
Sold for450 €
1867/74, 5 c. red, tied by "BUENOS AIRES JUL 26 1875" to lettersheet with combination franking France Ceres 25 c. in strip of 4 with ancre cancellation and adjacent "BUENOS-AYRES PQ. FR. No. 5" to France, fine combination cover, sign. A. Diena
Lot no.1226



Catalogue no.20+ Fr.

Opening600 €
Sold for620 €
5 c. red, tied by cds. "BUENOS AIRES 10 MAI 74" to envelope with combination franking Ceres 25 c. and large numeral 80 c., tied by ancre with adjacent "BUENOS-AYRES PAQ. FR. J No.3 10 Mai 74", to Lyon, fine, sign. Calves
Lot no.1227



Catalogue no.26+ Ita.PO

Opening5.000 €
Sold forUnsold
1876, 5 c. red rouletted, tied by cds. "BUENOS AYRES ... " to envelope with combination franking Italy with overprint "ESTERO" 20 c. and 30 c., tied by "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani", minor imperfections; a rare combination cover, certificate Enzo Diena (1990)
Lot no.1228



Catalogue no.Fr.31+ 41III

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
FRENCH POST: 1871, Lettersheet franked with France Lauré 80 c. and Bordeaux 20 c., tied by ancre with adjacent "BUENOS-AYRES PAQ.FR.J No.1 30 DEC. 71" to Bordeaux; 18 c. faint crease; a scarce combination
Lot no.1229



Catalogue no.1

Opening3.500 €
Sold forUnsold
1859, 5 c. blue with ample margins, tied by pen cross to entire letter from Chanar to Cordoba; a fine and rare letter with not much more than a handful of entires registered, certificate Moorhouse (2013)
Lot no.1230


1 3

Catalogue no.19a,73

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for90 €
1919, framed Z 10r. used and monogramm overprint 10 r. perforated in two colour varities, one with margin "V", fine, signed Berger BPP
Lot no.1231



Catalogue no.77

Opening100 €
Sold for160 €
1920, 5 r. on 2 k. depp green imperforated, block of 4 and horizontal pair without cancel to reverse to registered cover with register label "Alexandropol" to Baku with arrival mark from 27.2.21, cover horizontal folded and shortened at right
Lot no.1232


0 1

Catalogue no.84

Opening80 €
Sold for220 €
1920, Monogramm overprint, 5 r. imperforated, one unused and one mint never hinged copy, fine, signed Romeko a.o. and short certificate Berger BPP
Lot no.1233



Catalogue no.85

Opening180 €
Sold for280 €
100 r. on 7r., unused, very fine, a scarce stamp, signed Jem and certificate Berger BPP
Lot no.1234


Catalogue no.85

Opening180 €
Sold forUnsold
100 r. on 7r., used, very fine, a scarce stamp, signed Lissiuk a.o. and certificate Berger BPP
Lot no.1235



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for600 €
Over the counter production: 5 r. on Romanov 4 k. red, unused, a very rare stamp,  tiny brownish spot on reverse, otherwise fine, signed Senf and certificate Berger BPP
Lot no.1236



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for460 €
Over the counter production: 50 r. on War Aid 10 k., unused, a very rare stamp, signed Jem and certificate Berger BPP
Lot no.1237



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for850 €
Over the counter production: 100 r. on Nikolaus II. 10 k. blue, unused with gum as issued, a very rare stamp which Cerea gives a "RR" rating, signed Jem and certificate Berger BPP (2017)
Lot no.1238



Catalogue no.142bA

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1922, Overprint in gold curreny, red overprint, 1 on 1r. grey-green as block of four with upper sheet margin, mint never hinged, fine, opinion Berger
Lot no.1239



Catalogue no.147aB

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for50 €
1922, Overprint in gold curreny, black overprint, 3 on 20000 k., mint never hinged, fine, opinion Berger
Lot no.1240



Catalogue no.150aAII

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
10 on 100 k. as block of four with bottom sheet margin, mint never hinged, fine, certificate Berger BPP
Lot no.1241



Catalogue no.22

Opening100 €
Sold for160 €
1921, 400 r. blue, block of 4 and two single stamps, tied by cds. "BAKU 6.11.21" to reverse to rigistered cover with rigister label on reverse via Moskau and Kaunas to Anyksciei, Lithuania with arrival mark, two stamps with faults and small part of cover are missing
Lot no.1242



Catalogue no.32

Opening100 €
Sold for220 €
1922, 400 r. deep blue with violet overprint, horizontal pair tied by cds. "BAKU 13.2.22" to reverse to registered cover via Kaunas to Anyksciai, cover two sides opened and one stamp torn  
Lot no.1243



Catalogue no.

Opening5.000 €
Sold forUnsold
1851, Entire letter from the French Consul General at Chuquisaca to Paris with superb consular "BOLIVIE 13 AOUT", blue forwarding agents' mark and "PANAMA 22 SP 1851 / TRANSIT" to Paris, here taxed with "21" decimes. Supposed to be the finer of 2 recorded strikes of the consular handstamp
Lot no.1244



Catalogue no.

Opening700 €
Sold forUnsold
1877, "CORREOS DE LA CHIMBA * BOLIVIA", blue negative seal marking, struck twice on envelope with adjacent "ADMON DE CORREOS DE LA CHIMBA", "FRANCA" and "T170" via Lima and British PO at Callao to Paris, here taxed with "29" decimes, fine and scarce
Lot no.1245


Catalogue no.1-3

Opening500 €
Sold for950 €
1843, 30 r.-90 r., intermediate to worn impression, all with good to mostly large margins and neatly cancelled by cds., 30 r. and 60 r. sign. Pfenninger, 90 r. sign. Georg Bühler and Schlesinger
Lot no.1246



Catalogue no.13-14+23

Opening1.000 €
Sold forUnsold
1849/50, 30 r. black and 60 r. black in combination with 1866, 10 r. red, tied by boxed "BRAGANSA" to entire letter to Santos; tear in the entire fixed, otherwise fine and scarce, certificate Moorhouse (2013)
Lot no.1247



Catalogue no.28+ Italy

Opening1.000 €
Sold forUnsold
1866, Pedro 200 r. black, tied by cork cancel to envelope (small part of backflap missing) with adjacent "RIO DE JANEIRO 25 JUN 74" to Lucca, Italy with adjacent oval loop "INSUFICENTE", taxed on arrival and franked with Italy postage due 1870/74, 5 c., 40 c. (2) und 1 l.; partly perforation faults, otherwise fine; a scarce combination cover
Lot no.1248



Catalogue no.142

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €
1900, Bay of Rio de Janeiro 50 r. green, horizontal strip of five and single stamp, tied to reverse to cover via "RIO DE JANEIRO 14.JUN.1902" and New York to Curacao with arrival mark and ship mark "BARBADOS SHIP LETTER 30.JU.02" on reverse, fine
Lot no.1249



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1863, "VALPARAISO A 18.DE.1862", slight stroke to reverse to folded letter with handwritten endorsement "via Panama" via London to Schiedam, Netherland with arrival mark, fine
Lot no.1250



Catalogue no.8

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1867/68, 1 c. orange tied to lettersheet with adjacent violet "PETORCA 17 OCT. 75" to Santiago, here charged with double of missing postage 4 c. with violet handstamp "SANTIAGO MULTADA 8 Cs.", very fine and scarce
Lot no.1251



Catalogue no.34+ Peru 71

Opening350 €
Sold forUnsold
1883, 5 c. blue, tied by Valparaiso cds. to envelope 1891 to Tacna, Peru, additionally franked with Peru 10 c. 1886, 10 c. black; fine and scarce Pacific War cover
Lot no.1252


Catalogue no.20IVb

Opening80 €
Sold for100 €
1897, 5 c. on 5 ca. lemon yellow tied by black cds. "NINGPO CUSTOMS MAY.6.97", fine
Lot no.1253


Catalogue no.33II

Opening600 €
Sold for1.100 €
1897, Red Revenue 1 $, type II, neatly cancelled with Pa-Kua, very fine
