366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Koehler Auction
19–24.03.2018 in WiesbadenPages
CRETE: 1902/03, French Offices in Crete Issue, complete country, first set 5fr appears never hinged others range from hinged to very lightly hinged; second set values are backstamped, most unused.
1902/03, French Offices in Crete, complete country issues, first set's top two values backstamped Schmitt; most of second issue marked as "echt" in Schmitt's handwriting.
1902/03, French Offices in Crete, complete country issues, top values of first set backstamped; most of second set on fragments, marked as "echt" in Schmitt's handwriting.
1902/03, French Offices in Crete, complete country issues, very nicely canceled, second set all backstamped Schmitt.
1902/08, Complete set of the postal stationery cards and envelopes issued, including all their different sizes, all unused, some with pencil numbers, overall clean, a couple with some bends or toning.
1902/08, Complete set of the postal stationery cards and envelopes issued, including their different sizes, all unused, some with pencil numbers, overall clean, a couple with some toning.
1902/13, Complete set of the postal stationery cards and envelopes issued, in all their different sizes. Group of 25 used to a variety of destinations, with or without additional stamps affixed to pay the various rates. Of particular are registered Mi.U2A and Mi.U2B to Bavaria, uprated, among all of the postal stationery cards without additional frankings to Germany, Austria, Hungary, etc. Also included is a group of four France proper 10c postal stationery cards all mailed to different destinations and a small size postal stationery envelope with an additional Offices in the Levant mailed to France. Overall clean.
CIVILIAN MAIL: Candia 1899/1911: 16 items franked with various Levant or Cretan stamps, all canceled with "CANDIA" cds. Included are "AR" & registered envelopes, very interesting
Canea 1815: Entire folded letter with dateline "Consulat de la Canée 29/3/15" sent to the Sanitary Department of Marseilles, giving information about the plague at the villages and Rethymno. Manuscript "Au Parfum" (of great importance), sealed with black negative seal "ROYAUME DE CANDIE", decorated with lilies. Disinfected upon arrival with 2 disinfection slits, very rare, a must for a postal history collection
Canea 1815: Entire folded letter with dateline "Consulat de la Canée 5/1/15" sent to the Sanitary Department of Marseilles, giving information about the plague at Rethymno. Manuscript "Au Parfum" (of great importance), sealed with wax seal "ROYAUME DE CANDIE", decorated with lilies. Disinfected upon arrival with 4 disinfection slits, very rare, a must for a postal history collection
Canea 1898: Cover insured for 300 francs, franked with 5c +15c +4pi/1Fr Sage, all tied with "LA CANEE 31.Juil.98" cds, together with "CHARGE" straightline, sent to "Le Havre" via "Marseille" cds. On reverse the extremely rare boxed marking used for the insured mail. Unusual rarity, hard to find
Canea 1899: Large registered cover franked with 4pi/1Fr Sage (single franking), tied with faint "LA CANEE 4.Aout.99" cds, sent to "Aue" cds Germany, via "Cattania", rare franking
Canea 1900/01: Two covers franked with 1pi/25c Sage, sent to Scotland, tied with "LA CANEE 9.Nov.00" and "9.Mars.01", the second bearing the scarce "APRES LE DEPART" straightline. Minor faults but very unusual
Canea 1900, 1912: Two corner covers properly posted, one franked with 20pf Bayern tied "LA CANEE 17.Fevr.00" cds sent to Nuremberg, and the other franked with French 25c Semeuse , with "LA CANEE 31.Aout.12" sent to Paris. Unusual franking and very fine
Canea 1901, 1911: Two items properly posted, one cover franked with 1pi/25c Sage tied with Italian "LA CANEA 27.7.01" cds sent to Scotland, and a 10c postal card canceled with "LA CANEA 16.6.11" sent to Nuremberg. Minor faults but very unusual
Canea 1901: Small registered military cover franked with 15c +1pi/25c Sage, tied with "LA CANEE 1.Janv.01" cds, First Day of the 20th Century,sent to "Paris" cds with return markings, unusual
Canea 1914: Large philatelic registered cover franked with 106x1c Crete, large interpanneau (Nr. 3) blocks and singles, tied with "LA CANEE 31.Mars.14", sent to "Athens" via "Piraeus" cds. Offered together with a 2c Crete interpanneau (Nr. 2) sheet, hard to find
Rethymno 1899/1911: 9 items franked with Levant or Cretan stamps, canceled with "RETHYMNO" cds, including 2 registered covers. Also an unaddressed postcard with Austrian Levant tied with "HIERAPETRA". Interesting lot, hard to find
Rethymno 1900-07: 2 envelopes franked with Levant or Cretan stamps, canceled with "RETHYMNO" cds, the one with "AR" sent to Greece and Turkey. Also a cover franked with 5L Cretan tied with the "RETHYMNON" cds sent to Germany via the French Post, very clean & interesting
Canea 1897/1914: 19 items franked with various Levant or Cretan stamps, canceled with the two types of "LA CANEE" cds. Included are registered & "AR" envelopes, early mail with violet cds, stamps with gutter pairs' numbers and nice early postcards, very interesting
Canea 1901/14: 6 registered philatelic envelopes franked with the high values of the 1902 issue, tied with "LA CANEE" or "CANDIA" cds, sent to Germany or Austria, with arrival cds, high catalogue value
MILITARY MAIL: Canea 18971905: 11 items (8 envelopes, 2 postcards & 1 fragment) franked or free of charge, sent from LA CANEE" cds. Some very interesting covers, i.e. a cover to China (via "Ligne N Paq. Fr. No2), a handstamp of "Le Commandant de l'Arsenal LA SUDE", 7 early covers dated 1897, etc, Very nice & interesting selection
Canea 1897/99: Two registered covers, with "LA CANEE 3.Juil.97" & "26.Fevr.99" cds tying 5c +pair of 1pi/25c and 5c +2pi/50c respectively, with octagonal "R" marking, both addressed to France. The second cover with Naval unit handstamp, scarce registered military mail, clean and very fine
Canea 1902/09: Three military covers franked with stamps overprinted "FM" (for military use), tied with "LA CANEE" cds as follows: 15c Mouchon (1.Aout.02) with violet military handstamp, 15c Semeuse (12.Oct.06) with "Marine Française" handstamp and 10c Semeuse (22.Juin.09), all addressed to France. Good to Very Fine, the oldest one with scotch tape remnants. Two of them are from the Blechev collection
Hierapetra 1899: Cover franked with 5c +10c Sage, tied with three clean "HIERAPETRA 30.Nov.99" cds, sent to France via "La Canée". Additional military h/s "HIERAPETRA CRETE Commandant d'Armes", very rare and desirable
Hierapetra 1899: Free of charge military envelope, handstamped with clean "HIERAPETRA 12.Avril.99" cds, sent to France via "La Canée". Additional military h/s "HIERAPETRA CRETE Commandant d'Armes", very rare and desirable
Hierapetra 1899: Free of charge military envelope, handstamped with clean "HIERAPETRA 2.Mars.99" cds, sent to France via "La Canée". Additional military h/s "Secteur Français, Affaires Indigènes - HIERAPETRA", very rare and desirable
Hierapetra 1899: Front franked with 15c +1pi/25c Sage, tied with three very clean "HIERAPETRA 3.Fevr.99" cds & octagonal "R" marking, sent to France. Very rare registered mail from this small Post Office
Neapolis 1899: Small cover bearing the handstamp "District NEAPOLIS Le Lieutenant Commandant" and his signature, franked with 15c Sage, tied with "CANDIE 5.Aout.99", "sent to Paris via "La Canée" cds. Very rare and clean
San-Nicolo 1899: 1c Sage wrapper canceled with two strikes "SAN NICOLO 6.Juin.99" cds, addressed to Paris. Address erased by ink, otherwise very rare
San-Nicolo 1899: Free of charge cover sent from "Bordeaux 10.Mars.99, addressed to a soldier at the island of Spinalonga, via "HIERAPETRA 20.Mars.99", "SAN-NICOLO 21.Mars.99" (faint) and "SITIA 22.Mars.99". The three rarest French postmarks of Crete found on one cover! Clean, reduced at right, very desirable
San-Nicolo 1899: Free of charge mourning cover with "SAN NICOLO 4.Janv.99" cds, together with blue military "4eme Régiment d'Infanterie de la Marine Attaché à l'Ile de CRETE / Chef de Bataillon, Commandant" addressed to Paris via "LA CANEE". The rarest French postmark used in Crete. Clean, a must for the French Crete
Sitia 1897: Free of charge military envelope handstamped with "SITIA 15.Juin.97" cds, sent to Paris, rare and desirable
Sitia 1897: Free of charge military envelope handstamped with "SITIA 15.Oct.97" cds, together with faint "8e Régiment d'Infanterie de Marine, Bataillon de Crète, Conseil Eventuel", sent to Paris, scarce
Sitia 1897: Free of charge military envelope handstamped with "SITIA 20.Aout.97" cds, together with clean "8e Régiment d'Infanterie de Marine, Bataillon de Crète, Conseil Eventuel", initially addressed to Tananarive Madagascar, but sent to Villeneuve s/Lor, very interesting and desirable
Sitia 1898: Free of charge military envelope handstamped with faint "SITIA 29.Mars.98" cds, sent to Paris, with additional naval h/s "Marine Française", rare -flap missing