366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Koehler Auction
19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden
1858, 2 gr. carmin in block of 4 with large margins, used with 2 somewhat week strikes of svolazzo of Spezzano Albanese, the lower stamps show part of marginal watermark "B.T.", very fine and scarce, certificates A. Diena (1961) and Enzo Diena (1985) (Sassone 7e)
1867, Imperforated issue 3 c. on rose-grey, upper left sheet corner with good margins and fresh colour, unused with large part o.g., very fine, sign. Colla with certificate (2010) (Sassone 14)
1868, 5 c. on greenish-blue (celeste), 10 c. on orange and 40 c. on intense yellow, tied to envelope from "ROMA 17 NOV. 69" to Dublin with French transit mark on front; 5 c. corner crease, otherwise very fine, certificate Colla (2016)
1859, 1 baj. on grey-brown, clear to wide margins, together with 2 baj. on yellow, slightly touched at right, otherwise wide to large margins, tied by light grid to small piece, very attractive, sign. Colla with certificate (2016)
1854, 20 c. blue, horizontal pair with good to large margins, cancelled by Turino cds., very fine, sign. Colla with certificate
1855/63, 5 c.-80 c., all with good margins and neatly cancelled, 10 c. and 20 c. with red cds., 80 c. with central "PIROSCAFI POSTALI FRANCESI", all sign. Colla
1851, 1 cr. carmine-violet on bluish, fresh deep colour and good even margins, unused with part original gum, on reverse tiny slight thinning, otherwise very fine; a rare stamp, sign. "G.C" and certificate Colla (Sassone 4c)
1855/62 (ca.), kleiner Sammlungsbestand einschl. Ausgabe für die Provinz Neapel, dabei frankierte und unfrankierte Briefe, auch eingehende Post, Schiffspost etc., interessante Partie
1423/89, 4 Briefe in sauberer Erhaltung
1858/60, spezialisierte gestempelte Sammlung, in den Hauptnummern weit überkpl. einschließlich der seltenen Trinacria (Attest Eichele) und Kreuz von Savoyen auf kpl. Streifband, darüber hinaus diverse Briefe, Einheiten bis zum 4er-Streifen, Postfälschungen, Stempelbesonderheiten sowie rund 30 frankierte Briefe mit interessanten Stücken, einige Atteste bzw. Befund