366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Koehler Auction
19–24.03.2018 in WiesbadenPages
1909/52, Collection of 21 unused and 16 used parcel cards (some with additional franking taken off), including many better and scarce items
Pozo al Monte: Undated lettersheet with 1877, 1 centavo grey (2) and 2 centavos orange (4), tied by cork cancel with adjacent 'star in circle' to Valparaiso; a very scarce franking and rare markings
Small collection on exhibition pages including 2 entires with Chilean stamps used in Peru and many different provisional cancellations on single stamps; an interesting lot
Fiscals: 1873/1925, Extensive collection in 3 volumes with many die proofs, plate proofs, specimens, issued stamps with multiples and many documents with fiscal stamps; a highly interesting collection with many scarce items
INCOMING MAIL: 1859/1916 (ca.), 25 letters and cards from different countries including 7 early items with incoming mail charge handstamps, registered items from the US and England, furthermore from French PO at Constantinople, India, Uruguay etc.