368. Auction
26-30 March 2019 in Wiesbaden
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1857, folded letter with rare blue cds. "BUENOS AYRES 15 DIC 57" of the sardian agency addressed to Cette, transported by the "Sardgena" and good strike of boxed "Vapori transatl." applied upon arrival in Genoa, two disinfection slits, a very fine and rare cover from the sole journes by the "Sardegna" from Buones Aires to Genoa
1857, folded lettersheet with rare blue cds. "BUENOS AYRES 18 MAR 57" of the sardian agency addressed to Havre, first transported by ship "Italia" to Rio and then transshipped onto the "Cavour", the cover was disembarked thus missing the boxed "Vapori transatl.", minor paper faults in the front, a rare and attractive cover proving that the handstamp "Vapori transatl." was used by the Sardinian P.O. in Genoa
1870, folded letter dated "Buenos Ayres 17/1870" endorsed "p. Vapor Pampa" addressed to Genoa, taxed 4 d. on arrival and postage due 40 c. applied, with clear red strike of boxed ship mark "PAMPA" and black "VIA DIE MARE (E)" alongside, fine. A very rare entire of this short lived Italian passenger company with only two covers known with the ship mark "PAMPA"
1871, folded letter dated "Buenos Ayres Giugno 9 1871" endorsed "p. Italo-Platense" addressed to Genoa, routed via french PO, taxed 10 d. on arrival and postage due 1l. c. applied, with clear red strike of boxed ship mark "ITALO-PLATENSE", slight discoloration at bottom, otherwise fine. A very rare entire of this short lived Italian passenger company with only two covers known with the ship mark "ITALO-PLATENSE", signed and certificate Sorani (1993)
1874, Rivadavia 5c. orange paying the local postage tied by numeral to reverse of envelope endorsed "por Vapor paquete Espresso" addressed to Genoa, taxed 90 d. and postage due 30 and 60c. applied with adjacent three-line "PIROSCAFI POSTALI FRANCESI", (this cancellation was in use because the handstamp "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani" was not ready yet), two disinfection slits (one affecting the adhesive on reverse), fine. A very rare and attractive entire from the first journey of the Laverello Company from Buenos Aires and one of only two letters known from this journey, signed Sorani
1874, Rivadavia 5c. orange paying the local postage tied by cds. to envelope endorsed "p. Sud America" addressed to Genoa, taxed 90 d. and postage due 30 and 60c. applied (a little over the edge) with adjacent three-line "PIROSCAFI POSTALI FRANCESI", (this cancellation was in use because the handstamp "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani" was not ready yet), two disinfection slits, fine. A very rare and attractive entire from the second journey of the Laverello Company from Buenos Aires and one of only two letters known from this journey
1871, complete Rosario newspaper "LA CAPITAL" dated 18.1.1871 under wrapper addressed to Padova, rated 7d. for printed matters and postage due 2c., three singles and 1c. applied with "VIA DI MARKE (E)" alongside, small part of the address restored and some tears, otherwise fine. A very rare and interesting entire and to our knowledge to only Rosario newspaper sent from Argentina to Italy in these years, certificate Bottachi (2016)
1874, 10c. brown-orange and 60c. violett tied by dotted blue cancel of Buenos Aires to folded letter to Catania with two-line "Da Buenos.-Aires coi Postali Italiani" alongside, adhesives few imperfections and cover slightly unfresh, not further disturbing and very attractive as well as one of only two known covers showing this rare cancellation of the Italian Post office in Buenos Aires, signed E. Diena with certificate (1988)
1874, 60c. violett as horizontal pair tied by boxed "PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI" to insufficiently pre-prepaid envelope originating from "BUENOS AIRES 18 OCT 1874" with adjacent two-line "Da Buenos.-Aires coi Postali Italiani" alongside addressed to Livorno. The correct rate was 1.40l., in Livorno the cover was charged with "9" d. as fully unpaid, thus postage due 40c and 50c. applied and tied by cds. "LIVORNO 18 NOV"., the 50c. as meticulous reconstruction in fraud of two different stamps. Two disinfections slits, few imperfections not further distracting and very attractive as well as to our knowledge only known cover with stamps overprinted "Estero" used with the cancel "PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI". Signed Emilio and Enzo Diena with the latter certificate (1983)
1874, 10c. brown-orange as horizontal pair together with 30c. brown unusually tied by numeral "13" and the handstamp "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani" upon arrival from Buenos Aires, two stamps of 10c. removed before despatch since the postal rate was already reduced to 50c. effective February 1st. 1876, a very rare and attractive consular usage without additional Argentinian stamps, signed Enzo Diena with certificate (1986)
1874, 5c. brick red tied by cds. "BUENOS AIRES 19 AGO 74" and Estero 10 and 20c. tied by two-line "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani" to large fragment of "Aloi cover" and Estero 20c. as block of 9 used with several strikes of "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani" showing the typical "Aloi" pen strokes. Both items with minor imperfections but a beautiful ensemble and a very rare large unit showing the typical use of these stamps by Eloi Aloi. Signed Diena and others and certifcates E. Diena, Sorani and Raybaudi for the fragment and E. Diena for the multiple
Aloi collected letters from Italian emigrants in Buenos Aires in his shop. He asked 10 cents and the full transatlantic rate for each letter, and sent parcels containing non stamped letters to Italy. As the parcel contained many letters, on the wrapping were many stamps overprinted “ESTERO”. Aloi agents in Genoa added stamps to each letter which was forwarded at the local much lower rate, so taking advantage of the difference. Aloi picked up the stamps overprinted ESTERO, marked “his” stamps with thin pen strokes and sold the stamps to collectors.
1874, 5c. brick red tied by cds. "BUENOS AIRES SET 30 76" and Estero 20 and 30c. tied by two-line "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani" to small size envelope to Valdobbiadene, a beautiful letter showing the new postage of 50 C. introduced from May 1876 on. Signed Enzo Diena with certificate (1981)
1874, 8c. on 10c. green tied by cds. "PARANA 29 SETIE 77" and Estero 20 and 30c. as vertical resp. horizontal pair tied by two-line "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani" to double-weight mourning cover addressed to Rome, backflap missing, 20c. the upper stamp with added corner, 30c. left stamp with small corner crease, despite this negligible imperfections a very attractive and rare letter with only about 5 covers known bound to Italy from the interior of Argentina, signed Diena
1874, Moreno 4c. brown as horizontal pair tied by cds. "BUENOS AIRES 1877" to cover to Moneglia, upon arrival in Genoa Estero 10c. as horizontal pair and single 20c. applied and tied by two-line "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani", these insufficiently paying the transatlantic journey thus postage due 1l. applied in Moneglia. The right 10c. stamp showing the rare variety "unmodified upper left corner", stamps and enevelope with minor imperfections, but a very appealing and unusual coverm, signed E. Diena and Alberto Diena with certificate (1970)
1874, 8c. on 10c. green tied by cds. "BUENOS AIRES MAR 7 1877" and Estero 20 and 30c. tied by dotted cancel with two-line "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani" and "P.D." alongside to enevelope to Florence, the Argentinian adhesive applied at the edge, minor toning, tears/wrinkles and backing at top of cover, despite this negligible imperfections a very attractive and rare cover, signed E. Diena with certificate (1994)
1873, folded letter endorsed "per St. Liguria" sent from Gibraltar to Genoa, with uncancelled British stamps not consided valid by the Italian P.O., upon arrival taxed "4" d. and postage due 40c. applied and good strike of straigt-line "con Bastim Mercant" alongside, tying one GB stamp, a very rare and to our knowledge the only letter carried by an Italian steamer coming from Buenos Aires and collected Gibraltar
1874, 10c. green tied by cds. and "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani" to double weight folded letter to Genoa, taxed "18" thus postage due 60c. horizontal strip of three applied and tied by cds. "GENOVA", two disinfection slits, a fine and interesting cover from thr third journes of Lavarello and the first day of use of the handstamp "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani"
1874, 5c. brick red tied by cds. "BUENOS AIRES 19 AGO 74" to folded letter to Genoa with adjacent "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani", taxed "9" thus postage due 30c. horizontal pair and single applied and tied by cds. "GENOVA", two disinfection slits, postage due adhesives with faults, otherwise fine. A very interesting entire which was privately carried to Buenos Aires as the call at Montevideo was irregular. The text from the letter states "...From the waters of Montevideo I'll take advantage of the pilot I am leaving near it..." Therefore the letter was consigned offshore Montevideo to the Europa bound to Buenos Aires, where the letter was handed over to the local P.O. and then loaded on the Europa
1875, two printed matters (one not complete) addressed to Genoa, once the local rate paid in cash by the Italian consulate to the Argentinian P.O., the other one with local rate paid by affixing 1x. adhesive, both with adjacent two-line "Da Buenos.-Aires coi Postali Italiani" and with postage due 2 and 10c. applied and tied by cds. "GENOVA", few folds not affecting the franking, slightly stained, otherwise fine and scarce
1876, unfranked enevelope sent from "BUENOS AIRES 5 AGO 1876" to Genoa, taxed "10" d. thus postage due 1l. applied and two-line "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani" alongside, vertical fold, otherwise a fine and attractive cover directly consigned to the Italian Consulate
1879, unfranked enevelope addressed to Mondovì Breo, taxed "10" d. thus postage due 50c. as vertical pair applied and two-line "Da Buenos Aires coi Postali Italiani" alongside, adhesive small tear and and reverse with small rust paper clip mark, otherwise a fine and attractive cover directly consigned to the Italian Consulate
1884, Cover and Posthorn 12c. blue tied by cds. "BUENOS AIRES DI 27 87" to folded letter endorsed "Vap. Duca di Galliera" addressed to Genoa with a superb strike of rare boxed "CASSETTE POSTALI SUI PIROSCAFI" alongside, adhesive with lower left corner added, otherwise a fine and rare entire, signed Sorani with certificate (1995)
1892, Belgrano 12c. blue together with Italy Umberto I 25c. on envelope addressed to Milan and endorsed "Vapore SIRIO" which did not pass through the local P.O. and was embarked on the Sirio by the sender who added an Italian stamp to pay the Italian postage, thus both stamps tied by "SIRIO - PIR. POSTALE ITALIANO", cover with some minor tears etc., nevertheless a unusual and interesting "mixed" franking, signed A. Diena a.o. and certificates A. Diena (1957) and Raybaudi-Massilia (1979)
1859, Cabecitas 1p. blue, good colour, touched at left otherwise good margins, paying the inland rate, tied by dotted oval to small folded lettersheet with adjacent cds. "BUENOS AIRES 14 MAY 62" to Biella, the letter was transferred to the French Consular P.O. and put aboard of the "Saintonge", upcon arrival charged "10" decimes, a fine and rare entire as most letters were directly handed in Buenos Aires to the Consular P.O. avoiding to pay the inland rate
1846, folded letter dated "Pernambuco 25 8 1846" and inside endorsed "p. Swordfish"sent to London, there readdressed to Palermo and Milan with oval "P" and two-line "VIA DI UNINGA" alongside, charged "8" in London, "30" grana in Palermo and "27" creditet to Naples, reverse with red faded "DSAG", address crossed out, otherwise a fine letter with an unusual route as most of the mail from the U.K. passed Paris
The brigantine Swordfish wrecked in 1867 in the Gulf of St. Lawrence
1847, entire folded letter from "PERNAMBUCO 13 July 1847" sent to London with good strike of blue "COVE SHIP LETTER" and tax stamp "8" alongside, then re-addressed to Naples and endorsed "Par Paquebot de la Mediterrane" and "Via Marseille", taxed "30" grana in Naples, a very attractive entire and a rare combination of Cove transit marking follwed by the request "Par Paquebot de la Mediterrane" as the usual route was via Calais and overland
1853, folded letter endorsed "p. Tay" from "RIO-JANEIRO JU 13 1853" addressed to Genoa, with nice strike of boxed "COLONIES/&c ART. 13" alongside, taxed "17" dec. upon arrival, a scarce entire
1853, double-weight folded letter endorsed "per Great Western" from "RIO-JANEIRO NO 14 1853" addressed to Genoa, with nice strike of boxed "COLONIES/&c ART. 13" alongside, taxed "34" dec. upon arrival, a scarce entire
1855, printed price list endorsed "per Avon Steamer" from "RIO JANEIRO JY 14 1855" addressed to Genoa, in pen noted "5" on the upper left corner with nice strike of boxed "COLONIES/&c ART. 13" alongside, taxed "85" dec. upon arrival, a scarce entire
1866, Pedro II. 200r. black with black grid cancel on envelope endorsed "per Tiber" addressed to Genoa via London, taxed "11" upon arrival and postage due 40c. two singles and 30c. applied, adhesives some faults, a scarce and attractive entire
1866, Pedro II. 200r. black as horizontal pair tied by red pen stroke to envelope endorsed "p. Potosi" addressed to Genoa, taxed "14" upon arrival and postage due 5, 30c. and 1l. applied, postage due 5c. missing corner, a scarce and attractive entire
1870, folded lettersheet endorsed "...Amazone" to Genoa with adjacent senders cachet "...RIO DE JANEIRO", upon arrival taxed "12" and postage due 10c. as vertical pair and 1l. single applied, a fine and attractive cover with interesting usage of two different postage due issues
1849, Verticais 600r. with good to large margins and two singles Pedro II. 200r. black tied by cork cancel with cds. "RIO DE JANEIRO 27 AGT 73" alongside to folded lettersheet endorsed "par Vapora Poitu" to Genoa, the letter unsufficiently prepaid and handdwritten charge "24" derated to "7" decimes, thust postage due 30c (faults) and 40c. applied, a beautiful and scarce entire, signed Calves
1861, Coloridos 280r. red with large margins on three sides and just touched at ipper right, tied by dotted cancel with adjacent cds. "CORREO GENERAL DA CORTE 25 10 1862" to folded lettersheet endorsed "par St. Bearn" to Genoa, with red boxed "PD" and on top oval "INSUFFICIENTE" with a further strike tying the adhesives, upon arrival charged "12", some ageing but a very charming and to our knowledge only recorded cover to Sardinia franked by 280 reis, erroneously used instead of the 430 reis
1861, Coloridos 430r. yellow good to huge margins all around tied by dotted cancel to cover front to Genoa with red boxed "PD" and cds. "BRESIL BORDEAUX 19 JUIN 62" alongside, some folds and ink errosion, but a a rare and attractive single franking to an unusual destination
1866, Pedro II. 10c., 20c. lilac and horizontal pair 200r. black, the first two un-tied, the latter tied by cds. to reverse of opened out mourning cover to Meta with cds. "PORTO ALEGRE 30 JAN 70" and boxed blue "PD" and red "P.P" and French Italian exchange marking "F*56" alongside. The letter was fully pre-paird with 430 reis for the transatlantic journey, considered unpaid, even though red "PP", upon arrival charged "20" thus strip of three with two singles pasted as stip of five postage due 40c. applied (partly torn, as originally affixed around the envelope) and tied by cds. "META 24 MAR 70"., disinfection slits, cover at top right partially rebacked, despite the quality shortcomings a very appealing and rare letter