371st Auction

24-28 September 2019 in Wiesbaden


Lot no.6838



Catalogue no.3,7

Opening200 €
Sold for440 €
1923, Star Overprint 25k. horizontal pair and 1 rbl. imperforated tied by black cachet of Annenskoje (Annenfeld) to reverse of registered cover with repeated strike with inserted date "9.V.23" on front to Biely-Gorod, some faults, but a rare and still attractive cover
Lot no.6839



Catalogue no.4, Aserb. 25

Opening200 €
Sold for500 €
1923, Star Overprint 35k. block of four and Azerbaijan Pictorials 2000r. tied by violet cachet of Annenskoje (Annenfeld) to reverse of cover via Moscow to Leipzig, there re-addressed, a very fine, rare and most attractive cover, signed Mikulski  Annenfeld (Annenskoje) was named after the Queen of the Netherlands, Anna Pavlova. The village - located in the Ganja-Gazakh plain about 400km from Baku - founded by German colonists on the territory of present day Shamkir in 1819, was known as Annenfeld unteil 1938. The district was a settlement for German colonists in the 19th century with special permission of czarist government.
Lot no.6840



Catalogue no.5,7

Opening120 €
Sold for180 €
1923, Star Overprint 50k. and 1 rbl. imperforated two singles and strip of three (some faults) tied by TPO mark "БАКУ ВОКСАЛ 7 6 23" to reverse of pre-printed registered cover to Vienna, some transportation wear and tear at right, a scarce and attractive entire
Lot no.6841



Catalogue no.5,7

Opening100 €
Sold for120 €

1923, Star Overprint 50k. and 1 r. imperforated tied by cds. "БАКУ 10 5 23" to registered cover to Kiev, vertical fold not affecting adhesives, fine and attractive, signed Winter

Lot no.6842



Catalogue no.5,7

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1923, Star Overprint 50k. and 1 rbl. imperforated tied by cds. "ПРИШИБЪ БАКИН 19 5 23" to money transfer form over 6.000.000 r. to Baku, vertical fold and some ageing, otherwise fine
Lot no.6843



Catalogue no.5,7

Opening100 €
Sold for200 €
1923, Star Overprint 50k. pair and 1 r. imperforated pair (affixed around) tied by cds. "БИЛАСУВАР 30 5 23" to of money transfer form over 30.000.000 r. to Baku, fine  
Lot no.6844



Catalogue no.5

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1923, Star Overprint 50k. strip of four tied by cds. "ПРИШИБЪ БАКИН -7 6 23" to money transfer form over 4.250.000 r. to Lenkoran, sime ageing, otherwise fine
Lot no.6845



Catalogue no.5

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1923, Star Overprint 50k. strip of three and three singles tied by cds. "ПРИШИБЪ БАКИН 31 5 23" to front and reverse of money transfer form over 30.000.000 r. to Lenkoran, sime ageing, otherwise fine
Lot no.6846



Catalogue no.7

Opening100 €
Sold for120 €
1923, Star Overprint 1 r. imperforated stip of three tied by weak cds. "ЛЕНКОРАНЬ  19 1 23" to registered cover to Tifflis, fine and attractive
Lot no.6847



Catalogue no.15I

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €
1923, Pictorials 500000k. on 5r. (showing variety left ornament inverted) tied by cds. "ВАКУ 21 7 23" to reverse of registered cover to Leipzig, there charged with "20" and forwarded, light horizontal fold at top, a very scarce and attractive cover, signed Prof. Winterstein and Mikulski
Lot no.6848



Catalogue no.19,22

Opening250 €
Sold for250 €
1923, Ararat 100000 and 300000r. tied by TPO mark "​ТИФЛИС ВОКСАЛ " to notification about receiving of registered letter to Rostov-on-Don with arrival mark. Front showing boxed "СПЕШНАЯ ПОЧТА ТИФЛИС-ВОКСАЛ" express-mail marking, a very attractive and rare entire with only a handful of express mail items known
Lot no.6849



Catalogue no.19,21,24

Opening120 €
Sold for120 €
1923, Ararat 100000, 200000 and 500000k. tied by cds. "БАКУ 17 9 23" to reverse of registered cover to Shlobin with arrival mark, some ageing, an attractive and scarce early usage cover
Lot no.6850



Catalogue no.21-22,24

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1923, Ararat 200000-200000r., one single each and vertical pair of 500000k. tied by georgian script cds. "TBILISI 19 9 23" to registered cover with green r-label to Leipzig with arrival mark, vertical fold and small part of address overwritten, yet a scarce and attractive entire
Lot no.6851



Catalogue no.21-22,26

Opening120 €
Sold for140 €
1923, Ararat 700000 on 75000r., 5 singles and one pair with additional frnaking tied by georgian script cds. "TBILISI 24 11 23" to front and reverse of registered cover, address partially erased, to Berlin with arrival mark, some stamps applied over edge, an attractive cover
Lot no.6852



Catalogue no.21,24

Opening100 €
Sold for130 €
1923, Ararat 200000r., two singles and 500000r., three singles tied by cds. "КАМАРЛЮ ЭРИВАН 30 10 23" to registered money order form for 44.874.000 rubel to Erivan, fine
Lot no.6853



Catalogue no.24

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1923, Ararat 500000r. vertical strip of three tied by georgian script cds. "TBILISI 4 25 10 23" to reverse of registered cover to Karlsruhe, fine
Lot no.6854



Catalogue no.27,33

Opening100 €
Sold for110 €
1923, Ararat 1k. horizontal pair and 18l- tied by black cachet of Annenskoje (Annenfeld) to reverse of cover to Berlin, fine
Lot no.6855



Catalogue no.27,29,32-33

Opening120 €
Sold forUnsold
1923, Ararat 1 and 3k. as horizontal pair and 9 and 18k. singles tied by cds. "ЛЕНКОРАНЬ 11 12 23" to front and reverse of money order to Prishib, fine
Lot no.6856



Catalogue no.27,29,32

Opening120 €
Sold for120 €
1923, Ararat 1 and 3k. singles and 9k. as pair and two singles tied by georgian script cds. "TBILISI 5 14 1 24" to reverse of openend out registered cover to New York, a fine and attractive cover
Lot no.6857



Catalogue no.28,33

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1923, Ararat 2 and 18k. tied by georgian script cds. "TBILISI 18 23 23" to reverse of cover to Reval/Tallinn, some small paper faults on front, otherwise fine
Lot no.6858



Catalogue no.29,32

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1923, Ararat 3k., two singles and 9k. tied by georgian script cds. "TBILISI 18 12 23" to pre-printed postcard informing about the correct postal address of the "Muséum de Géorgie", fine
Lot no.6859



Catalogue no.30,33

Opening180 €
Sold for150 €
1923, Ararat 4k. single and 18k. two singles tied by cds. "ЭРИВАН 29 12 23" to reverse of censored registered cover to New York, fine
Lot no.6860



Catalogue no.30,33

Opening120 €
Sold for120 €
1923, Ararat 4k. single (small defect) and 18k. pair together with two two Charity stamps 50 and 250r. tied by cds. "БАКУ 17 1 24" to reverse of registered cover to Teheran with arrival mark, small transportation wear and minor ageing, otherwise fine
Lot no.6861



Catalogue no.30,33

Opening100 €
Sold for110 €
1923, Ararat 4 and 18k. tied by cds. "ШЕМАХА 9 10 23" to money order to Baku with arrival mark, vertical fold not affecting adhesives, fine
Lot no.6862



Catalogue no.30,33

Opening100 €
Sold for120 €
1923, Ararat 4k. and two singles 18k. tied by cds. "ЭРИВАНЬ 5 12 23" to defective registered cover via New York to St. Louis, despite some faults a scarce cover
Lot no.6863



Catalogue no.Russ 77,.Azer.27

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
Russia Coat of Arms 1 r. and Azerbaijan Pictorials 5000r. tied by cds. "БАКУ -6.6.23" to postcard to Basel, the 1 r. revalued to 100.000r. and the 5000r. to 50000r., the 1r. fraudulently used again, a fine and interesting entire 
Lot no.6864



Catalogue no.Russ 77, Azer.27

Opening150 €
Sold for160 €
Russia Coat of Arms 1 r. horizontal pair and Azerbaijan Pictorials 5000r. strip of three and pair tied by cds. "БАКУ -2.6.23" to cover to Basel, the 1 r. revalued to 100.000r. and the 5000r. to 50000r., the 1r. fraudulently used again, some ageing, otherwise a fine and rare entire, signed Prof. Winterstein and Mikulski with certificate
Lot no.6870


Catalogue no.

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for50 €

TRANSCAUSIA / RUSSIA: "Imperial Russian stamps used in Transcaucia", parts 1-2, 4 and 6-8 and four other books including "The postal history of the army of the black sea 1918-23", traces of use

Lot no.6871



Catalogue no.1-3A

Opening150 €
Sold for700 €
Gorskaya ACCP: Mountain Republic 1922, 2-10k. each as pane of 25 with genuine overprint matching the color used by the Sovjets from 1925 to produce reprints, some perfs sperated, signed Ceresa with three certificates
Lot no.6872



Catalogue no.2A

Opening400 €
Sold for1.750 €
Gorskaya ACCP: Mountain Republic 1922, 5k. perforated block of eight and single tied by cds. "ВЛАДИКАВКАЗ 23 8 22" to reverse of cover via Moscow to Reval/Tallinn with arrival mark, a very attractive and rare entire  
Lot no.6873



Catalogue no.2A

Opening500 €
Sold for950 €
Gorskaya ACCP: Mountain Republic 1922, 5k. perforated on folded out cover from Grozny with adjacent cds. "ГРОЗНЫ 24.10.22" to Kislovodosk, stamp was not accepted thus postage due "20" raised, the stamp with small defect at upper right, otherwise a fine and scarce cover
Lot no.6874


0 1 3 5

Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for280 €

Gorskaya ACCP: Mountain Republic 1922, interesting group of 30 stamps containing several multiples, good condition, few signed Pohl

Lot no.7001



Catalogue no.Essay

Opening500 €
Sold for1.700 €
1899 (ca.), Essay Kaiser Wilhelm II. 50 Pfennig blau und Essay Germania mit Muschel 50 Pfennig dunkelbraun jeweils im Blockformat auf Kartonpapier ohne Gummierung, tadellos, in dieser Form nicht im Theuss-Handbuch gelistet (ähnlich Theuss E 22A und E 34A)
Lot no.7002



Catalogue no.Essay

Opening1.500 €
Sold for2.200 €
Essay "Germania im Oval ohne Ramen" (Vignette mit strahlenförmiger Schraffierung) 10 Pfennig rosa im Blockformat mit sechseckiger Zähnung, ungebraucht mit Originalgummierung, rückseitig kleine Einschränkungen, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung, sehr selten, wir haben kein weiteres Exemplar registriert (Theuss E 40 b; Band 3, Seite 45)
Lot no.7003



Catalogue no.Essay

Opening1.000 €
Sold for2.600 €

Essay "Germania im Rokokorahmen" (Vignette ohne Schraffierung) 50 Pfennig hellblau im Blockformat ungezähnt, ungebraucht mit Originalgummierung, tadellos, sehr selten, Fotoattest Jäschke-L. BPP (Theuss E 43 Ac; Band 3, Seite 46)

Lot no.7004



Catalogue no.Essay

Opening1.000 €
Sold for3.000 €
Essay 10 (Pfennig) hellblau gezähnt, drei verschiedene Bildmuster nach den Entwürfen von A. Krüger, ungebraucht mit Originalgummierung mit leichten Haftstellen, vom Vorlagekarton stammend, tadellos, sehr selten (Theuss E 60-62; Band 3, Seite 53)
