371st Auction

24-28 September 2019 in Wiesbaden


Lot no.6688



Catalogue no.45

Opening300 €
Sold for600 €
1920, The second "British Occupation" Tree-type issue, 1r. chestnut two block of four tied by cds. "БАТУМ 12 7.20" to Bern with arrival mark, vertical fold, otherwise fine, covers from the last issue are very scarce, as postal circulation was only possible for about two weeks, this cover being the latest known usage being sent 5 days after Batum had been absorbed into Georgia. Stamps of the Georgian Republic were not yet available, thus occupation stamps where used, an exceptional cover depicted in "BATUM UNDER OCCUPATION the years 1917 – 1921", page 134 (by Hans G. Grigoleit & Edward Klempka)
Lot no.6689



Catalogue no.45-53a

Opening250 €
Sold for420 €
1920, The second "British Occupation" Tree-type issue, 1-50r. with overprint error "BPITISH instead of BRITISH" occuring on R 1/19, unused, some with slight adherence, as complete set quite scarce, fine (SG £1.530)
Lot no.6690


0 1

Catalogue no.45-46,48-49,51-53a

Opening150 €
Sold for400 €
1920, The second "British Occupation" Tree-type issue, 1-2, 5-7 and 15-50r. with overprint error "BPITISH instead of BRITISH" occuring on R 1/19 each within a larger multiple, the overprint variety always mint never hinged, 2r. strip of three with minor thin away from design and 50r. tiny gum stain, otherwise fine  
Lot no.6691



Catalogue no.1-6,7-8

Opening150 €
Sold for130 €
SPECIALITIES: 1919, local registered "poste restante" cover front with large registration cachet, franked with First Tree-type issue 5k.-5r., complete set and 10r. surcharge on arms type on 1 and 3k. imperforated tied by cds. "БАТУМ 26 7 19", only very few entires with this registration cachet known, fine depicted in "BATUM UNDER OCCUPATION the years 1917 – 1921", page 76 (by Hans G. Grigoleit & Edward Klempka)
Lot no.6692



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for240 €
CANCELLATIONS: "BATUM" double-ring “For correspondence” handstamp on Tree 5k. green block of six and three further values, fine
Lot no.6693


Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for120 €
CANCELLATIONS: "KOBULETI" double-ring “For correspondence” handstamp in violet, part strike on Tree 10k. blue, scarce, fine
Lot no.6694



Catalogue no.1-6,8

Opening250 €
Sold for215 €
CANCELLATIONS: "MARADIDY" double-ring “For correspondence” handstamp on Russia postal stationery 10k. with complete first Tree-type set and 15r. on 1k. imperforated with red surcharge, in addition a franked picture postcard from Maradidy, fine and 1 of only 5 covers known depicted in "BATUM UNDER OCCUPATION the years 1917 – 1921", page 39 (by Hans G. Grigoleit & Edward Klempka)
Lot no.6695



Catalogue no.1-6,19

Opening250 €
Sold for300 €
CANCELLATIONS: "MARADIDY" double-ring “For correspondence” handstamp on Russia postal stationery 10k. with complete first Tree-type set and 10r. on 3r. imperforated, vertical fold, otherwise fine and 1 of only 5 covers known  
Lot no.6696


Catalogue no.3

Opening100 €
Sold for110 €
“Kerensky” double eagle seal, clear strike on first Tree-type 50k. yellow, fine depicted in "BATUM UNDER OCCUPATION the years 1917 – 1921", page 39 (by Hans G. Grigoleit & Edward Klempka)
Lot no.6697


Catalogue no.3

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
“Kerensky” double eagle seal, clear strike on first Tree-type 50k. yellow, fine, signed Ceresa
Lot no.6698


Catalogue no.1

Opening120 €
Sold for180 €
“Kerensky” double eagle seal, part strike on first Tree-type 5k. green, fine, very rare on the 5k., signed Ceresa with certificate
Lot no.6699



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for180 €
Mail via the British Consulate in Batum: 1920, commercial cover, franked with 1d. and tied by cds. "ARMY POST OFFICE A 20 AP 20", with consular cachet "BRITISH CONSULATE BATOUM" at lower left, sent to Constantinopel, some faults, rare and interesting usage depicted in "BATUM UNDER OCCUPATION the years 1917 – 1921", page 60 (by Hans G. Grigoleit & Edward Klempka)
Lot no.6700



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for160 €
Mail via the British Consulate in Batum: 1920, commercial cover, franked with 1d. and tied by cds. "RECEIVED FROM H.M. SHIP. NO CHARGE TO BE RAISED", with consular cachet "BRITISH CONSULATE BATOUM" in black at lower left, sent to London, minor transportation wear, rare and interesting usage depicted in "BATUM UNDER OCCUPATION the years 1917 – 1921", page 60 (by Hans G. Grigoleit & Edward Klempka)
Lot no.6701



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
Mail via the British Consulate in Batum: "BRITISH CONSULATE BATOUM" violet cachet on picture postcard showing "Bouknarya platfrom" addressed to Sussex, England. Georgian 1rbl. stamp with illegible cancel applied most likely at later date, some water stains, otherwise fine and interesting entire depicted in "The Postage stamps of Russia, 1917-23, Volume 4, Transcaucasia", page 12 (by Dr. R.J. Ceresa)
Lot no.6702



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for160 €
British military mail: Ardagan, "FIELD POST OFFICE 80 5 MR 19" cds. on greek postal stationery card 10l. with censor mark alongside, used from Ardagan routed through Batum FPO to England, fine depicted in "BATUM UNDER OCCUPATION the years 1917 – 1921", page 52 (by Hans G. Grigoleit & Edward Klempka)
Lot no.6703



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
British military mail: "FIELD POST OFFICE 80 23 JA 19" cds. on picture postcard with adjacent censor mark "53" to Liverpool, some transportation wear,s otherwise fine
Lot no.6704



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
British military mail: "FIELD POST OFFICE 80 13 MR 19" cds. on cover with adjacent censor mark "356" (XVI Corps Cyclist Battalion) to London, flap with tear, otherwise fine
Lot no.6705



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €
British military mail: "ARMY POST OFFICE SX 22" cds. on pre-printed "ACTIVE SERVICE" envelope sent from a Corporal Gray, who was in charge of the British Army Post Office in Batum", to a George King in London. The enclosed letter is written on the back of the original letter sent by Mr. King to the British Army Post Office in Batum, there he asked to receive the postage stamps issued in Batum, a very interesting item depicted and desrcibed in "The Postage stamps of Russia, 1917-23, Volume 4, Transcaucasia", page 6-8 (by Dr. R.J. Ceresa)
Lot no.6706



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
British military mail: "ARMY POST OFFICE SX 22" cds. on small cover endorsed "O.A.S" with adjacent censor mark "125", sent to London, fine
Lot no.6707



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold for800 €
British military mail: "ARMY SIGNALS 12 VI. 20" on reverse of official cover addressed to The High Commissioner of Great Britain at Tiflis, as it was official mail the franking consisting of  "British Occupation" First Tree-Type Issue 5r. brown strip of three, tied by manuscript, was disregarded, few wrinkles, a very attractive and uniqze cover from the occupation period with a cancellation known only on this cover depicted in "BATUM UNDER OCCUPATION the years 1917 – 1921", page 53 (by Hans G. Grigoleit & Edward Klempka)
Lot no.6708



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for320 €
British military mail: Indian fieldpost cancel "F.P.P No 406 28 FEB. 20" on cover endorsed "On Service" to Sussex, fine British troops were supported in Batum by Indian forces using their own Field Post Office no. 406 and eventuelly FPO no. 409
Lot no.6709



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
INCOMING AND TRANSIT: 1919, 10l. greek postal stationery card with cds. "ARMY POST OFFICE S.X. 8" addressed to Cpl. Horton of the Rifle Brigade, attached to the H.Q. 80th Brigade in Batum, and british 2d. registered postal stationery addressed to London, transported from Batum to Salonika and posted there, fine
Lot no.6710



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for220 €
1896/1916, interesting collection of 15 cards including picture postcards with view of Batum, Railway cancellations, many interesting items like picture postcard with the rare oval "БАКУ ВОКЗАЛ" and adjacent violet "ДОПЛАТИТЬ БАТУМ", all written up on pages, mostly good condition
Lot no.6711


3 5

Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for380 €
TURKISH POSTAL SERVICES IN BATUM: 1918, interesting group of 11 pieces and stamps and one blank postcard with additional franking, all used with arabic cds. "BATUM" with numeral "1", "2" and "3", in addition postage due 1pia. with octogonal arabic cds. in blue etc., and ROPIT 10 pa. with part cds. of Batum, fine
Lot no.6712


0 1 3 6

Catalogue no.ex 1-6

Opening150 €
Sold for200 €
1919, First Tree-type issue, interesting collection with singles and multples including a complete sheet 10k. with the first two upper rows being used, small tear at top and folded, one philatelic registered card, and also some forgeries, written up on pages
Lot no.6713


1 2 3 6

Catalogue no.ex 7-9

Opening200 €
Sold for480 €
1919, 10r. surcharges on Arms Types, interesting group with 10 stamps including unused 10r. on 5k. signed Jem and Lissiuk, in addition some forgeries and bogus overprints, written up on pages (ex SG 7-9, Mi. 7-9)
Lot no.6714


0 1 3

Catalogue no.ex11-18

Opening150 €
Sold for1.000 €
1919, "British Occupation" First Tree-Type Issue, interesting, mostly mint collection with many multiples including some larger multiples of 2-5 r. and 5r. block of six including "missing O in Occupation", 25k. yellow with "Kiss print", the last two items depicted in "BATUM UNDER OCCUPATION the years 1917 – 1921", also some forgeries, good condition
Lot no.6715



Catalogue no.ex 11-18

Opening120 €
Sold for300 €
1919, "British Occupation" First Tree-Type Issue, interesting group of five philatelic cards and covers plus one piece of a commercial letter, fine
Lot no.6716



Catalogue no.ex 29-41

Opening200 €
Sold for700 €
1920, The large 25 and 50r. surcharges from Metalhandstamps, interesting mint never hinged/unused and used group of 29 stamps including 25r. on 5k. inverted surcharge and 25r. on 10 on 7k. as tête-bêche (somewhat seperated) ,mostly fine, in addition some clear forgeries, 11 stamps signed Mikulski or Holcombe
Lot no.6717


0 1 3

Catalogue no.ex 42-44

Opening200 €
Sold for400 €
1920, The 25 and 50r. surcharges on the Tree-type issue, interesting group of 13 stamps and one block of four, mostly unused and mint never hinged, all written up on page, mostly fine
Lot no.6718


0 1 2 5

Catalogue no.ex 45-53

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €
1920, The second "British Occupation" Tree-type issue, interesting mint never hinged/unused and used collection with multiples, paper folds, 10r. with heavily shifted overprint,  25r. as used block of four, one stamp with overprint error "BPITISH instead of BRITISH", three stamps with georgian script cds., also some forgeries, all written up on pages
Lot no.6719



Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold for600 €
SHIPMAIL: Line "Batum-Odessa", interesting collection with 20 cards with cancel "БАТУМ-ОДЕССА" including different types (Mandrovski Type Ч-IIIa-2,  Ч-IVa-6, Ч-IVa-7) and better items like Russia postal stationery envelope 7k. with cds. with posthorn "БАТУМ-ОДЕССА 26 MAR 1896" (Mandrovski Type Ч-IIB-2), in addition some loose stamps and pieces, mostly written up on pages, mostly good condition  
Lot no.6720



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €
SHIPMAIL: Line "Odessa-Batum", interesting collection with 6 cards with cancel "ОДЕССА-БАТУМ", mostly good condition (Mandrovski Type Ч-IV-5)
Lot no.6721



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1920/59, small group of 10 cards and covers including Sovier advertisement postcard showing Batum stamps, cards with Georgian stamps and georgian script cds. "BATUM", some written up on pages
Lot no.6722


1 2

Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for460 €
REVENUE AND MONEY STAMPS: 1919, interesting gropup of 24 stamps including two pairs, mostly unused, mixed condition
Lot no.6723


Catalogue no.

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for20 €
BATUM: Postal History and postage stamps by P.T. Ashford and both Ceresa Volumnes, traces of use
