371st Auction

24-28 September 2019 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.119



Catalogue no.61IV

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1908, Mongtseu 50 c. tied by cds. "MONG-TSEU-CHINE 12 SEPT. 08" to small registered envelope via Lao-Kay and Haiphong to Kadikoy, Turkey with transit and arrival marks on reverse
Lot no.484



Catalogue no.181A,India70

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1909, Coat of Arms 1 ab. pal ultramarine tied by oval arabic cancel to reverse to envelope with India King Edward VII. 1/2 a. green cancelled "CHAMAN 30.HAN.14", envelope with small faults and creases
Lot no.485



Catalogue no.181A,India 70

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1909, Coat of Arms 1 ab. ultramarine tied by oval arabic cancel to reverse to envelope with India King Edward VII. 1/2 a. green cancelled "CHAMAN 2.MA.09", envelope shortened at left, otherwise fine
Lot no.486


0 3

Catalogue no.82

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €
1920, Monogramm overprint: 50r. on 1r. imperforated block of five with empty field, lower stamp with cyrillic cds. "ERIVAN " and neatly placed above the official Erivan post office seal in violet, a very fine and attractive item, opinion Berger (2015)
Lot no.487



Catalogue no.nach 118

Opening200 €
Sold for160 €
1920, Emergency issue 2k. imperforated with "10" double surcharge on HH monogramm, unused, a very rare stamp with only three exmaples of this combination recorded, listed by Ceresa under #721 in his handbook, opinion Berger (2011)
Lot no.488



Catalogue no.16,18,23,27P

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold
1921, Pictorials 10, 50, 500 and 5000r., black proofs, two on thin white paper with visible guidelines and two on thin newsprint without guidelines, extremely rare, fine
Lot no.489



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold forUnsold
1832, Entire letter from Rio to France with frontside boxed "PAYS D'OUTREMER" (Brest removed) and Brest date stamp of 3.11.1832
Lot no.490


Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: 1922, International Reply Coupon 200 r., vertical and corner crease
Lot no.491
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.V1III,V4I

Opening100 €
Sold for120 €
VARIG issue: 1927/28, 1300 r. green with overprint type III and express stamp $ 700 on 1300 r. green with overprint type I and additional franking 300 r. rose tied by flight cds. "VARIG PELOTAS 5.AGO.29" to express cover to Porto Alegre with arrival mark and special flight cachet on reverse, fine
Lot no.492



Catalogue no.

Opening60 €
Sold forUnsold

1952, Crashcover from "SANTIAGO DE CHILE" to Lübeck, crashed on board of KLM on the 22nd of March, forwarded to Germany with corresponding typewritten note about the crash, usual traces of fire and water, fine

Lot no.493



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
TELEGRAPH STAMPS: 1883, 2 c.-10 p. in imperforated proof blocks of 4 in issued colours, imperforated on ungummed paper, some creases and 5-10 p. small tears (Especializado T1-6)
Lot no.494



Catalogue no.48, 49+Germ. post

Opening500 €
Sold for500 €
1 c. ochre (2) and 2 c. red, tied by rectangular negative seal cancel to postcard dated 'Boshan 12.IV.1900" with adjacent oval transit marks of Weihsien and Kiaochow and combination franking German post in China 5 pfg., tied by "TSINGTAU KIAUTSCHOU 23/4 00" to Germany with arrival mark; card with slight corner creases, otherwise fine and scarce
Lot no.495



Catalogue no.48, 49, P+Germ. post

Opening300 €
Sold for270 €
1898, Coiling dragon 1 c. ochre and 2 c. red as additional franking on postcard 1 c. rose, tied by 2 different oval postmarks "KIAOCHOW 3 MAR. 1900" in combination franking with German post in China 5 pf., tied by cds. "TSINGTAU KIAUTSCHOU 4/3 00" to Germany with arrival marks; very fine and scarce
Lot no.496



Catalogue no.59, 61, P

Opening300 €
Sold for650 €
1902/08, ½ c. brown in vertical pair and 2 c. red, tied by tombstone to postcard 1 c. red dated "Tungkun 4. Juli 1903" via Kanton to Germany with transit and arrival marks, fine and scarce
Lot no.497



Catalogue no.62

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1902, 4 c. brown tied by Tientsin bilingual cds. to postcard via Shanghai and the French post to Germany with arrival mark
Lot no.498



Catalogue no.62

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1902/08, 4 c. brown, tied by cds. "SHANGHAI .. JAN. 08" to postcard with adjacent transit mark of the German post, addressed to Austria
Lot no.499



Catalogue no.P+60

Opening200 €
Sold for650 €
POSTAL STATIONERY: 1907, postcard 1 c. green with additional franking 1 c. ocre (3), tied by lunar dater with horizontal frame, dated "Qufu 15.11.07" and sent via Tsinan and Shanghai British P.O. to Germany; lower card corners slightly thinned on reverse and light diagonal corner crease; a scarce card (Han 4)
Lot no.500



Catalogue no.Han14,149

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
1914, card Junk 4 c. with additional franking horizontal pair Junk 1 c. orange used from Linpingchow via "CANTON 19.JUL.24" to Switzerland, fine
Lot no.501



Catalogue no.D.Reich37e

Opening200 €
Sold for420 €
Incoming Mail: 1898, German Empire 2 m. red-carmine, vertical strip of three tied by cds. "HANNOVER 8.8.98" to complete parcel card via Bremen to the German consulate in Chefoo, fine, rare
Lot no.502



Catalogue no.Russ.post 3x, 6x+ Kia.10

Opening3.000 €
Sold for2.700 €
RUSSIAN POST: 1899/1908, 3 k. rose and 7 k. blue, each in vertical pair, tied by Chefoo cds. to registered letter with combination franking German Kiautschou 30 pf., tied cds. "TSINGTAU 27/11 02", to Germany with arrival mark; vertical fold at bottom not affecting the franking; usual light transportation resp. age marks, still fine and extremely rare combination cover
Lot no.503



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1857, entire letter from Remdios (dated 9.2.) with Forwarded Agent "Lillie, Rasines & Co, New York" via "NEW YORK BR.PKT. MAR.4." and Liverpool with accountancy handstamp "GB 1 Fr.60 C." via Calais with transit mark "ANGL. AMB.CALAIS K 17.MARS.57" and tax mark "8" (Decimes) to Hasparren with arrival mark, fine
Lot no.504



Catalogue no.241 proof

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1917, Definitives 2 c. red, single die proof in block format on sunken paper
Lot no.505



Catalogue no.264

Opening600 €
Sold for480 €
1920, Airmail 2 c. red, unused, tiny spot at top, otherwise fine, very rare stamp in unused condition, signed Champion and Kessler (Mi. 4.200,-)
Lot no.506



Catalogue no.264

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold
1919, Airmail 2 c. red with surcharged error "P from Postal broken", unused without gum, fine, signed Brun with certificate (1956) (Mi. for unused 4.200,-)
Lot no.507



Catalogue no.1

Opening700 €
Sold for1.100 €
1920, Multicolores: 10 c. "Woman and Boy watching Plane", unused without gum as issued, fine, certificate PF (1965) (Mi. 3.600,-)
Lot no.508



Catalogue no.2

Opening800 €
Sold for1.200 €
10 c. "Clouds and small Biplane" tied by oval cachet "CCNA/CARTAGENA" to First Flight cover with 1 c. green and 2 c. red cancelled by double circle "CORREOS AEREO CARTAGENA-COLOMBIA 27.FEB.1920" to Barranqilla with arrival mark on front, cover slightly shortened at right, otherwise fine, signed Champion and Holcombe with certificate (1999) 
Lot no.509



Catalogue no.5

Opening700 €
Sold for1.050 €
10 c. "Lighthouse", unused without gum as issued, fine, signed Sanabria, rare (Mi. 3.600,-)
Lot no.510



Catalogue no.7

Opening1.000 €
Sold for900 €
10 c. "Condor on cliff", unused without gum as issued, small margin at top, otherwise fine, very rare (Mi. 7.000,-)
Lot no.511



Catalogue no.8

Opening800 €
Sold for1.100 €
10 c. "Plane at rest, Pilot foreground", unused without gum as issued, fine, certificate PF (1965) (Mi. 4.200,-)
Lot no.512



Catalogue no.9

Opening600 €
Sold for540 €
10 c. "Ocean Liner" with additional franking 3 c. red tied by oval cachet "CCNA/CARTAGENA" and bold datestamp "CORREO AEREO" to First Flight cover to Barranquilla with arrival mark, cover vertical and horizontal folded, stamp very fine, rare 
Lot no.513



Catalogue no.9

Opening800 €
Sold for720 €
10 c. "Ocean Liner" with additional franking 3 c. red tied by oval cachet "CCNA/CARTAGENA" and bold datestamp "CORREO AEREO" to First Flight cover to Barranquilla with arrival mark, fine, very rare cover, signed Holcombe with certificate (1994)
Lot no.514



Catalogue no.10

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
Pilot waves to bypassing plane 10 c. green tied by oval "AERO Agence Barranqilla..." and four line "PRIMER CORREO AEREO..." to flight cover with 3 c. red to Medellin with arrival mark on front, cover slight toned, otherwise fine
Lot no.515



Catalogue no.12

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
Cliffs and Lighthouse 10 c. green tied by oval "Cia Colombiana da Nevegacion AEREA MEDDELIN" to flight cover to Medellin with additional frankinc 3 c. red cancelled with arrival mark "Medellin (Antiequia) 18.APRIL.22", cover with diagonal crease, otherwise fine
Lot no.516



Catalogue no.12

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
Cliffs and Lighthouse 10 c. green and 3 c. red tied by oval "CCNA CARTAGENA" to flight cover to Barranquilla with arrival mark, fine
Lot no.517



Catalogue no.13-14

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
Sea and Mountains and Cliffs and Lighthouse 10 c. brick-red as vertical tête-bêche strip of three, unused without gum as issued, fine, certificate BPA (1968)
Lot no.518



Catalogue no.15-16

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €
10 c. brown-red as block of six from the lower left sheet corner with margin inscription and three pairs, unused without gum as issued, tiny creases and spots, otherwise fine
