371st Auction

24-28 September 2019 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.486


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Catalogue no.82

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €
1920, Monogramm overprint: 50r. on 1r. imperforated block of five with empty field, lower stamp with cyrillic cds. "ERIVAN " and neatly placed above the official Erivan post office seal in violet, a very fine and attractive item, opinion Berger (2015)
Lot no.487



Catalogue no.nach 118

Opening200 €
Sold for160 €
1920, Emergency issue 2k. imperforated with "10" double surcharge on HH monogramm, unused, a very rare stamp with only three exmaples of this combination recorded, listed by Ceresa under #721 in his handbook, opinion Berger (2011)
Lot no.3304
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


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Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold forUnsold
1919/2000, interessante Sammlung mit vielen Aufdruckwerten (diese wie oft fraglich), 4 Fiskaldokumente und einem guten postfrische Sammlung ab 1992 mit Blocks und Kleinbogen
Lot no.3305


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Catalogue no.

Opening400 €
Sold for700 €
1920/23, kleine Partie von 23 besseren Werten, dabei ein Chassepot MIttelstück Probedruck, teilweise auf Ausschnitten von Ashford Seiten, je mit Befund Stefan Berger (Michel ca. 4.000,-)
Lot no.3306



Catalogue no.

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for60 €
1990/98(ca.), interessante Partie "progressive proofs" für insgesamt 6 verschiedene Marken, außerdem 4 Epreuve de luxe sowie etwas Nagorno-Karabakh
Lot no.6551



Catalogue no.Russ. 69

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €
1916, Russia Coat of Arms 10k. vertical pair tied by cds. "АЛЕКСАНДРОПОЛЬ 9-1 16" to registered cover with military censor marks on front and reverse to Neuchatel, fine
Lot no.6552



Catalogue no.3a,15a

Opening250 €
Sold for320 €
1919, Framed Z overprint 1k. single and 1r. single and horizontal pair tied by cds. "ЭРИВАНЬ 19 3 20" to registered "Serebrakian"-cover to Tiflis with arrival mark, with accompanying receipt
Lot no.6553



Catalogue no.5

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold
1919, framed Z on 3k. with inverted surcharge as block of ten with sheet margins, mint never hinged, Ashford/Tchilinghirian lists this item with an “?”. It is no 163 in the Ceresa checklist of genuine stamps. Two rows of a quarter sheet is an astounding large quantity of this rare stamps, which is normally hard to find as a single stamp, signed Serebrakian and certificate Berger BPP (2019)
Lot no.6554



Catalogue no.42Aa,43Aa

Opening300 €
Sold for500 €
1919, Unframed Z in black on 1r. and vertical pair 3,5r., tied by cds. "ЭРИВАНЬ 19 4 20" to reverse of registered cover to Tiflis with arrival mark, minor ageing, a fine and scarce entire showing the 8r. tariff, signed Mikulski and Romeko
Lot no.6555


Catalogue no.unlisted

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1920, Ruble surcharges with HH monogram 3r. on 10k., corrected to 5r, used with small part of "ERIVAN" cds., a rare "corrected overprint",  this stamp is not listed in Ashford/Tchilinghirian. Ceresa describes it on page 122 of his handbook, fine, signed Jem and certificate Berger BPP (2019)
Lot no.6556


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Catalogue no.76b Kdr.

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold
1920, Ruble surcharges with HH monogram 3r. on 3k., block of four from the lower sheet margin,with two tête-bêche (the bottom stamps with inverted surcharge). The lower left stamp showing part of "ЭРИВАНЪ “м” — ERIVAN “m”" CTO. A small quantity of the 3 Kopeck stamps were overprinted using violet ink, a very rare and attractive multiple, certificate Berger BPP (2019)
Lot no.6557



Catalogue no.unlisted

Opening100 €
Sold for110 €
1920, Ruble surcharges with HH monogram 3r. on 5k., corrected to 5r., unused, this stamp is listed in Ashford/Tchilinghirian on page 139. Ceresa describes it on page 122 of his handbook, fine, signed Romeko and certificate Berger BPP (2019)
Lot no.6558



Catalogue no.unlisted

Opening150 €
Sold for150 €
1920, Ruble surcharges with HH monogram 100r. on Romanow 1k., tied by small part of "ЭРИВАНЪ" to piece, fine, a rare counter production, described by Ceresa on page 161 of his handbook, small corner crease at lower left, otherwise fine, signed Mikulski and certificate Berger BPP (2019)
Lot no.6559



Catalogue no.unlisted

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €
1920, Ruble surcharges with HH monogram 100r. on Romanow 2k., tied by small part of "ЭРИВАНЪ" to piece, fine, a rare counter production, described by Ceresa on page 161 of his handbook, fine, signed Mikulski, Lissiuk NY and certificate Berger BPP (2019)
Lot no.6560


Catalogue no.87Ib

Opening200 €
Sold for160 €
1920, combined framed Z and ruble surcharge, 1r. on 60k. on 1k. orange with violet framed Z, vertical pair used with illegible cds. (most likey arrival- or transit mark), fold between the stamps and light wrinkles, otherwise fine, a very rare stamp, certificate Berger BPP (2019)
Lot no.6561



Catalogue no.97Ib

Opening200 €
Sold forUnsold
1920, combined framed Z and ruble surcharge 10r. on 50k. with violet framed Z, block of four with gutter at bottom, used with central cds. ЭРИВАНЪ  6-7 20", fine, certificate Berger BPP (2019)
Lot no.6562



Catalogue no.100IIb

Opening200 €
Sold for170 €
1920, combined framed Z and ruble surcharge 100r. on 3,50r. with violet framed Z, block of four with right sheet margin, mint never hinged, fine, a scarce and attractive multiple, opinion Berger (2011)
Lot no.6563



Catalogue no.107IIa

Opening500 €
Sold for500 €
Combined Overprints, 5r. on 10k. on 7k. blue horizontal pair tied by cds. "ЭРИВАНЬ 31 5 20" to reverse of registered and censored cover to Tiflis with arrival mark, Georgian boxed censor mark on front (Ashford type 32), a very rare and early cover with the combined overprint, fine
Lot no.6564



Catalogue no.unlisted

Opening100 €
Sold for130 €
1920, Ruble surcharges with unframed Z, 5r. on 35k. corrected with inverted surcharge to 10r., unused, a rare "corrected overprint",  this stamp is described and listed in Ashford/Tchilinghirian on page 139. Ceresa describes it on page 126 of his handbook, fine, certificate Berger BPP (2019)
Lot no.6565


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Catalogue no.116Ia

Opening100 €
Sold for85 €
1920, 100r. on 5r. as irregular block of five with one blank space, perforated 12½ from the upper right sheet corner, used with central "ЕРИВАНЬ 4-11 20" on block of four, the other two mint never hinged, mounted on origina P.T. Ashford page
Lot no.6566



Catalogue no.unlisted

Opening150 €
Sold for160 €
1920, Emergency Issue 10r. in type II combined with the HH monogramm of the 100r. surcharge, unused, fine, a rare stamp, desricbed by Ceresa on page 155 of his handbook, certificate Berger BPP (2019)
Lot no.6567


Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.200 €
1920, Chassepot Issue of Paris, complete presentation booklet "Timbres Poste" with 20 pages and 61 items with a total of 100 stamps, book front side separated and the stapling somewhat rusty, otherwise very fine and most interesting, one of the great rarites of Armenia
Lot no.6568



Catalogue no.

Opening500 €
Sold for1.000 €
1921, First Essayan Issue, 11 artists proofs in black for presentation to the designer S. Khachaturian including 5000r. on toned paper, mounted on original collection page of P.T. Ashford, very fine, attractive and rare
Lot no.6569



Catalogue no.IIsA

Opening250 €
Sold for250 €
1921, First Essayan Issue 25000r. yellow-brown perforated, unused with original gum, a rare stamp, certificate Berger BPP (2019)
Lot no.6570



Catalogue no.178,187

Opening120 €
Sold for220 €
1923, Erivan Pictorials surcharged with metal handstamp 200000r. on 4000r. in together with Pictorials surcharged with rubber handstamp 100000r. on 2000r. tied by cds. "КАРАКЛИСЪ ЭРИВАН" to money transfer form for 2.000.000 rbl. to Erivan with arrival mark, one stamp applied on edge, otherwise fine, scarce, certificate Ceresa (2008)
Lot no.6571



Catalogue no.180

Opening100 €
Sold for220 €
1923, Erivan Pictorials surcharged with metal handstamps 500000 on 10000r. tied by illegible cds. to registered cover from "ЭРИВАНЬ" to Boston with transit and arrival mark, vertical fold, otherwise fine
Lot no.6572



Catalogue no.188

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for60 €
1923, Erivan Pictorials surcharged with rubber handstamps 200000r. on 4000r. tied by cds. of "ЭРИВАНЬ" and New York transit mark to reverse of censored registered cover to Berkley, California, one stamp missing and some paper faults at upper left, otherwise fine
Lot no.6573



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1920, Imperial stationery cards 3k., one uprated with 30 kop. and framed Z, one with 5r. uprate, both unused, the latter small corner crease, otherwise fine
Lot no.6574



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for550 €
1920, Imperial stationery card 3k., uprated with framed 30 kop. and framed Z with additional 20k. framed Z, tied by cds. "ЭРИВАНЬ 27 3 20", in addition same combination unused, the used one signed Serebrakian, fine
Lot no.6575



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold forUnsold
1920, Imperial postal stationery envelope 10k. blue with HH monogramm 50r., unused, fine, rare
Lot no.6576



Catalogue no.

OpeningMake an Offer
Sold for120 €
VARIOUIS: 1918, pre-printed envelope "American Committee for Armenian And Syrian Relief Caucasus Branch." with senders manuscript "...c/o Tiflis Consulate.." addressed to Boston with boxed "DEPARTMENT OF STATE" on front and reverse, small tears and adhesive mark at top, otherwise a fine an interesting diplomatic mail cover
Lot no.6577


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Catalogue no.

Opening10.000 €
Sold forUnsold
SEMI-POSTALS: 1929, Philately for Children, handstamped in violet or red on Soviet Definitives, 1-2k, 3k (watermarked), 4-5k, 7k, 10k, 18-20k and 70k, group of 10 different, unused or mint never hinged, 18k with tiny gum soak, otherwise fine  The proceeds of sale of these overprinted stamps was intended to benefit homeless children. The stamps were on sale for only one day (April 25, 1929) and few exist. A rare group of gems of Armenian philately, ex-Stefan Karadian collection (Artar Catalogue P1-9,11)
Lot no.6578



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for130 €
1904/15, interesting group of 4 postcards with cancels of Alexandropol, Erivan, Novo-Bayater, Tiflis-Erivan 229 Railway TPO, the latter missing the franking, otherwise fine
Lot no.6579


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Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for380 €
1920, Chassepot Issue of Paris, interesting collection with 1-15r. with "SPECIMEN" overprint, four color trials on back, red, brown and blue, 5r. as horizontal strip of four with missing vertical perforation, in addition reprints with missing and double center, perforation varities etc.
Lot no.6580


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Catalogue no.

Opening600 €
Sold for700 €
1921, First Essayan Issue, interesting collection containing rare proofs on glazed paper in blocks of four, than specialized by printings on written up pages, also some forgeries and other multiples
Lot no.6581


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Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for160 €
1921, Second Essayan Issue, small collection of originals, reprints und forgeries on two pages
