371st Auction

24-28 September 2019 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.593



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

1829, Entire letter from New York to Neusohl in Hungary, privately transported to Hamburg and here posted, part-paid with "7" shilling (noted on reverse); certificate Van der Linden BPP (1999)

Lot no.594



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €
1855, Franklin 1 c. blue, vertical pair, tied by cds. "NEW ORLEANS LA. JUL.4" to "Printed Circular" letter sheet via Great Britain with tax mark "2" (Pence) to Genoa with arrival mark, letter sheet with small faults and stamp pair with heavily cut on all sides (Scott 9)
Lot no.595



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for130 €
1855, Postal stationery envelope 3 c. used from "RIO GRANDE CITY Texas DEC.31" with handwritten tax "Paid 24" via N.YORK. 8 U.S. PKT. FEB.24 PAID" (8 Cent credit to Bremen) and Bremen with blue transit mark "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" to Ifingen, Württemberg, on front red tax mark "19" with red grid cancel overstamped, cover with margin faults
Lot no.596



Catalogue no.3, 4

Opening300 €
Sold for500 €
1856, small cover with 1851/57, 1 c. blue, type II, horizontal pair with 3 c. dull-red, tied by blue "INCINNATI & LOUISVILLE MAIL ROUTE SEP 17"  via New York and France to Spezzia, Italy, showing on front black "ETAT UNIS PAQ. BRIT. A CALAIS", taxed with "17" decimes on arrival; small faults, very scarce (Scott 7, 11)
Lot no.597



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for95 €
1859, unpaid entire letter from "CINCINATTI O. JUL.8" via New York with Prussian Closed Mail via Aachen with handwritten tax "13" (Sgr.) and Hamburg with converted credits "65" (Skilling) to Holtorf, near Rendsburg, Holstein, fine, inside with sender embossed seal "VICE CONSULATE OF DENMARK", fine
Lot no.598



Catalogue no.

Opening250 €
Sold for500 €
1859, Washington 12 c. black, horizontal pair with  sheet margin at right, tied by black grid cancel and cds. "WILMINGTON DEL. SPE. 21" to envelope via "NEW YORK 24/ 23 SEP." (24 cent debit to France) with adjacent red boxed "SHORT PAID", French octagonal "ET.UNIS SERV. AM. D HAVRE 8.OCT.59" and tax mark "16" to Paris with arrival mark and re-directed within France. A fine short paid letter, treated as completely unpaid.(Scott 36)
Lot no.599



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1860, envelope from "SOUTH BEND MINN. DEC.27" with handwritten tax "Due 46 cents" via "NEW YORK AM.PKT. 23 JAN.7.", Hamburg and Svinesund to Norway with arrival mark, fine
Lot no.600



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1860, Washington 10 c. green, two single stamps and Franklin 1 c. blue, tied by cds. "WOOSTER O....." to envelope via "NEW YORK PAID JAN.12. 12" (12 cent credit to France) with French Convention Mail via Paris to Moutier, Switzerland with arrival mark; cover with vertical file fold and stamps with tiny age stains at left, other wise fine (Scott 35,24)
Lot no.601



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1860, Washington 12 c. black and Franklin 3 c. dull red, tied by blue grid to envelope with adjacent blue cds. "VINCENNES Ind. NOV.2.1860" via "NEW YORK PAID 12 NOV.7" with French transit mark "ET.UNIS.SERV.BR. A.C. B 20.NOV.60" to France with arrial mark, slightly stained at right and cover with paper faults at reverse, otherwise fine (Scott 36, 24)  
Lot no.602



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1861, Jeferson 5 c. brown, tied by red grid and black cds. "NEW YORK..." to letter sheet via "BOSTON BR.PKT. JUL.10." and London with handwritten tax "1 Sh." to Gouda with arrival mark, creases and lettersheet inside with glassine paper backed, some faults at right (Scott 29)
Lot no.603



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for64 €
1862, "History of our Flag"-cover from "PRINCETON WIS. DEC.9." via "N.YORK 12 BREM.PKT. PAID DEC.20" and Bremen with blue transit mark "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO" to Osterode, Hanover with arrival mark, tiny spots and small corner faults at top
Lot no.604



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for90 €
1863, Washington 12 c. black, horizontal pair tied by black grid cancel" to envelope from "CAMBRIDGE MASS. SEP. 25" via "BOSTON AM.PKT. 3 PAID SEP.25" to London with arrival mark, cover shortened at right, otherwise fine (Scott 69) Provenance: Henry C. Gibson
Lot no.605



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for170 €
1863, Patriotic cover "Not a star must fall" from "JONDBET N.Y. JUL.15" with tax mark "PAID 30" via "N.YORK AM.PKT. JUL.18 7 PAID" and "AACHEN 31.JUL.FRANCO" to Saaz, Austria with arrival mark, cover slight shortened at right and light signs of aging, otherwise fine
Lot no.606



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for170 €
1864, Washington 10 c. green and Jefferson 5 c. brown tied by cork cancel to entire letter from "N. YORK 12 BREM.PKT. PAID JUN.4." via Bremen Convention Mail with blue transit mark "AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANKO" to Darmstadt, Hesse with handwritten tax "1" (Kreuzer) for delivery, fine (Scott 68, 76)
Lot no.607



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
1864, Washington 10 c. green, two singles, and 3 c. rose, tied by cork cancel to envelope from "N. YORK PAID HAMB. PKT. 10 /APR.16" (10 cent credit to Hamburg) via Prussia with transit mark "Fr. Grenze" and Switzerland with transit mark "Débours...Transit swisse (30 Cts.)" to Milan with arrival mark, blurred ink stains, otherwise fine (Scott 68, 65)
Lot no.608



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for260 €
1865, Franklin 1 c. blue, two single stamps tied by cds. "TRENTON N.J...." to small wrapper with handwritten endorsement "Via Hamburg to Germany" and tax "6" (Kreuzer) to Illertissen, Bavaria with arrival mark, stamps without faults glued over the edge at bottom, fine  
Lot no.609



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for80 €
1865, Jefferson 10 c. brown, two single stamps tied by cork cancel to envelope with adjacent cds. "NOTREDAME DEC.31" via "NEW YORK PAID ALL BR. TRANSIT JAN 4." to Gand, Belgium with arrival mark, fine (Scott 161)
Lot no.610



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for100 €
1865, Washingtion 12 c. black and 3 c. rose tied by cork cancel to entire letter from "NEW YORK PAID 12 MAI.31" (12 Cent credit to France) with French Convention Mail with red transit mark "ETATS-UNIS 3 SERV.BRIT.CALAIS 11.JUIN.65" to Bordeaux with arrival mark, fine (Scott 69, 65)
Lot no.611



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for220 €
1865, Washington 24 c. grey and two single stamps 3 c. rose, tied by cork cancel to envelope from "NEW YORK PAID 12 FEB.11." with French Convention Mail with transit mark "ETAT-UNIS 3 SERV. AM. CALAIS 24.FEVR.65" to Paris with arrival mark, tears at top repaired and flap with faults, otherwise fine (Scott 78b, 65)
Lot no.612



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1866, Franklin 1 c. blue and Washington 3 c. rose uses with cork cancel on large size postal stationery envelope 6 c. from "N.YORK PAID HAMB.PKT. 7 SEP.13" to Hamburg with arrival mark, verrical folded, othwise fine (Scott U39, 63, 65)
Lot no.613



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold
1866, Franklin 1 c. blue and horizontal pair Washington 10 c. green, tied by black grid to letter sheet from "PHILA. AM. PKT. JAN.19 PAID" via London and France to Liege, Belgium with arrival mark, perforation with age stains, otherwise fine. A rare 21 c. rate cover, signed Brettl BPP (Scott 68, 63)
Lot no.614



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for220 €

1866, Jackson 2 c. black tied by cds. "GALVESTON TEX. DEC.31" to partial cash franking printed metter "Cotton Statement/Rates of Gold and Silver" via France to Bremen with handwritten re-stated credits "4" (Grote) and arrival mark "BREMEN TH & TX 25.1.(67)", fine (Scott 73)

Lot no.615



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for180 €
1866, Washington 10 c. green, horizontal strip of three and 12 c. black tied by cds. "CEDAR GROVE WY. JUL.24" to envelope via "NEW YORK PAID JUL.28." and French transit mark "ETATS-UNIS 3 SERV. AM.CALAIS 8 AOUT" to Molsdorf near Dietendorf, Germany with arrival mark, unfresh with waterspots, tear at top closed and part of flap missing, otherwise nice double rate cover via French Convention Mail (Scott 68,69)
Lot no.616



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for100 €
1866, Lincoln 15 c. black tied by cork cancel to envelope from "N.YORK PAID HAM PKT. DEC. 8 12" (12 Cent credit to Hamburg) via Hamburg and Stuttgart nach Brackenem, Württemberg, fine (Scott 77)
Lot no.617



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for190 €
1866, Washingtion 24 c. gray and 3 c. pale rose tied by cork cancel to envelope from "BOSTON PAID 24/ 23.FEB " (24 cent credit to France) via London and France with ship mark "ET.UNIS SERV. BR.A.C. 14.FEBR.66 D" to Rome, small part of cover at left top missing, otherwise fine (Scott 78 b, 65)
Lot no.618



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for240 €
1866, Washington 24 c. grey and two single stamps Jackson 2 c. black, tied by cork cancel to envelope with adjacent red cds. "N.YORK BR.PKT. DEC.19 7 PAID" via "AACHEN 2.1. FRANCO" to Eichelsachsen near Schotten, Hesse with arrival mark and handwritten tax "0/2" (Kreuzer) for delivery, fine (Scott 78b, 73)
Lot no.619



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for140 €
1866, Franklin 30 c. orange tied by cork cancel to envelope from "BOSTON PAID 9.NOV. 24" (24 cents credit to France) via French Convention Mail with red ship mark "3 ETATS-UNIS 3 SERV.BRIT. CALAIS 22.JANV.66" and boxed "P.D" to Paris with arrival mark, fine (Scott 71)
Lot no.620



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold
1867, Washington 10 c. green and Jefferson 5 c. brown tied by cork cancel to mourning envelope from "NEW YORK PAID 12 FEB.3." with French Convention Mail with red transit mark to Paris with arrival mark, tiny spots, otherwise fine (Scott 68, 76)
Lot no.621



Catalogue no.

Opening120 €
Sold for190 €
1868, Franklin 30 c. orange tied by black grid cancel to entire letter with adjacent violet cds. "PHILa DIRECT PAID ALL APR.29" via Bremen with German transit mark "BREMEN 12.5./68 FRANCO" to Leipzig, Saxony with arrival mark, letter with creases and inside paper backed, otherwise fine, nice third rate cover to Germany, signed Bolaffi (Scott 71)  
Lot no.622



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for120 €
1869, Washington 12 c. black and 3 c. rose tied by cork cancel to short paid envelope from "NEW YORK PAID ALL BR.TRANSIT MAR.24" with German red transit mark "VERVIERS B 4.4.III COELN FRANCO" and red tax mark "4" via Verona to Rome with arrival mark; 3 c. with small faults at right, otherwise fine (Scott 69, 65)
Lot no.623



Catalogue no.

Opening150 €
Sold for340 €
1870, Washington 6 c. ultramarine and horizontal pair Post Horse and Rider 2 c. brown tied by cork cancel to entire letter from "NEW ORLEANS LA. FEB.26" via "NEW YORK MAR.5." and French octogan "ETATS-UNIS PAQ. FR. H N 4.MARS.70" and tax mark "16" to Paris with arrival mark, fine (Scott 115, 113)
Lot no.624



Catalogue no.

Opening80 €
Sold for140 €
1870, Shield and Eagle 10 c. orange tied by cork cancel to envelope with adjacent cds. "WATSONVILLE CAL. JUL.4." via "BOSTON PAID ALL DIRECT JUL.13." to Kirchheim, Württemberg with arrival mark, fine (Scott 116)
Lot no.625



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1871, Webster 15 c. bright orange, tied by cds. "COLUMBUS O. FEB....", with Washington 3 c. green and Jackson 2 c. brown, tied by target cancel to envelope via "NEW YORK PAID ALL BR. TRANSIT FEB.2" and Basel to Burgdord with arrival mark, slightly unfresh, otherwise fine (Scott 146,147, 152)
Lot no.626



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold
1872, Jefferson 10 c. brown, tied by cork cancel to envelope with adjacent cds. "BURLINGTON IOA. JUL.6." via Chicago with German Direct Mail wit red boxed "HAMBURG 23.7/72 FRANCO" and red credit mark "1 1/2 Wf." to Sweden, tiny stains, otherwise fine (Scott 161)
Lot no.627



Catalogue no.36I,P1

Opening80 €
Sold for110 €
1874, Washington 1 c. blue on postal stationery card 1 c. from "ST.LOUIS NOV.18" via "NEW YORK PAID ALL NOV.21. VIA BREMEN" to Basel and re-directed to Aarau, fine; rare pre-UPU rate (Scott 145, P1)
Lot no.628



Catalogue no.

Opening100 €
Sold for100 €
1874, Jefferson 10 c. brown tied by target cancel to envelope with adjacent cds. "CALMUD MAY.3" via Chicago to Bergen, Norway with arrival mark on front, slightly aging traces (Scott 161)  
