375th Auction
16-21 November in Wiesbaden
1919, Issue for North-Latvia, 10 k. black on machine paper, block of four plus single 10k-. blue handprinted on thin paper, without gum, fine
1925, Tercentenary of Liepaja 50 s. perforated from positions 19 with plate flaw "PAPDOŠANAS instead of PARDOŠANAS", unmounted mint, very fine
1919, unused/ mint never hinged and used collection with some covers including Mi.-Nr. 1-11 (without 10k.) on two covers, later issue also with multiples, gutter pairs etc., in addition some forgeries, many signed Davydoff, Hoffmann, Rucins etc.,
1918, Women with ears of corn on their arms in front of the rising sun 5 k., black ink drawing, partly touched up with opaque white, on thin carton (104x147mm), signed on reverse, a very attractive and unique item
1918, Acorn branch and Corn bundle in front of the rising sun 20 k., black ink drawing, partly touched up with opaque white, on thin carton (102x147mm), signed on reverse, a very attractive and unique item
1918, Sun pattern 5 k. black on map and vertical pair carmine printed on map side, without gum, the pair light bend, otherwise fine
1918, Sun pattern 5 k. orange as colour proof on map paper, mint never hinged, fine
1918, Sun pattern 5 k. carmine, block of four printed on both sides, without gum, fine
1918, Sun pattern 5 k. carmine, block of six with large and attractive paper fold, without gum, fine
1918, Sun pattern 5 k. carmine, single with double print, one horizontally on map, and single and pair with double overprint, one inverted on blank paper, without gum, fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map N15 Mitau, mint never hinged, fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map 016 Ponedele, mint never hinged, folded three once vertically and horizontally, minor wrinkles in the margin, otherwise fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map P14 Üxkül, mint never hinged, fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map K18 Telsze, mint never hinged, fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map R14 Erlaa, mint never hinged, fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map U15 Rjeshitza, mint never hinged, fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map N14 Schlok, mint never hinged, bottom sheet margin few wrinkled, fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map S15 Kreuzburg, mint never hinged, folded vertically and horizontally, otherwise fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map R15 Kokenhusen, mint never hinged, bottom and sheet margin creased, otherwise fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map R16 Buschhof, without gum, fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map U17 Puscha, mint never hinged, folded several times, few toned spots, otherwise fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map Q16 Groß Salwen, mint never hinged, margin with small tears and wrinkles, otherwise fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map T15 Warklany, mint never hinged, folded once vertically and horizontally, otherwise fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map T14 Alt Luban, mint never hinged, few wrinkles and minor tears in the margin only, small rust spots at top, otherwise fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map M17 Kurszany, mint never hinged, fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map M16 Zagory, mint never hinged, fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map P19 Poniewiez, mint never hinged, few perforation separations, otherwise fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map K17 Siday, mint never hinged, few perforation separations in the outer margin only, otherwise fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map N18 Szadow, mint never hinged, few perforation splits and small part of margin missing, otherwise fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map O17 Ponedel , mint never hinged, few perforation splits and tining part of margin missing, otherwise fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map K18 Telsze, used, some perforation seperations, otherwise fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map U17 Puscha, used, some perforation separations strengthened, otherwise fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map L19 Worny, mint never hinged, fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map R17 Oknißta, mint never hinged, minor perforation splits in the margin, otherwise fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map L17 Wieksznie, mint never hinged, fine
1918, 5 k. red, complete sheet on map L18 Lukniki, mint never hinged, fine