376th Auction
19-24 April 2021 in Wiesbaden
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"KIRKE(FUGLØ)", superb strike on Christian 7 øre orange used on piece, very fine and attractive
"KVIVIG", superb strike on Christian 50 øre grey on small registered cover with adjacent "THORSHAVN 8.3.25" to Copenhagen with arrival mark, very fine and scarc, certificates Dr. Debo BPP (1980) and Moeller (1992)
Provenance: Geoffrey Noer (366. Heinrich Köhler-auction, 2018)
"LERVIG", clear strike on Christian 30 øre and 5 øre on money letter to Klaksvig with frontside arrival mark of 2.8.1921, a fine and rare commercial cover
"MYGGENAES", 2 clear strikes and part of Thorshavn cds. on horizontal strip of 3 Christian 15 øre lilac, very fine
"MYEGENAES", clear strike on 1926, surcharge 7 ØRE on 1 øre orange with additional and addtional "THORSHAVN 5.2.27" on small printed matter envelope to the meteorological institute at Copenhagen. A very attractive cover, only 10 entires recorded with this cancellation
"NOLSØ", 4 clear strikes on Christian 20 øre brown (3) and numeral 10 øre green on money letter with adjacent cds. "THORSHAVN 1.2.24" to Syöradalur on Kalsoy with unclear arrival mark
"NOLSØ", 4 strikes on 1924, 300th Anniversary of the Post Office 10 øre and 20 øre (3) with adjacent "THORSHAVN 26.1.25" to money letter to Kalsoy with provisional violet label, fine and scarce. Certificate Moeller AIEP (2019)
"NORDDEBLE", fine strike on Christian 20 øre brown with adjacent cds. "KLAKSVIG 23.-5.1924" to cover to Thorshavn with arrival mark, fine and very scarce, signed Moeller BPP
"NORDDEBLE", good strike on 1927, Caravelle on cover with adjacent "KLAKSVIG 18.4.28" to Sweden with Thorshavn transit mark on reverse; a fine and rare usage to abroad. Certificate Vagn Jensen (1995)
"RUTH", clear and central strike on 1907, Frederik 5 øre green, slightly toned at bottom, otherwise very fine; an extremely rare cancellation with only a few strikes recorded on single stamps. Certificate Moeller BPP (2000)
"SANDEVAAG", clear strike on Christian 20 øre brown on cover with adjacent "THORSHAVN 30.5.23" to Copenhagen with arrival mark, very fine
"SELLETRAE", on vertical pair 1920 re-union 10 øre, additionally tied by cds. "THORSHAVN 3.12.20" to envelope (somewhat reduced in size) to Fuglefjord, still fine
"SKOPEN", clear on numeral 5 øre brown on postcard with 1926 Christmas label to Sandur
"SKUØ", very clear strike on numeral 10 øre green on small piece, very fine
"SMIRIL", clear strike on bi-coloured type 8 øre, very fine, certificate Ehlern Jessen (1988)
"STRENDER", superb strike on bi-coloured type 4 øre, extremely fine, certificate Nielsen (1997)
"STRAENDER", 2 clear strikes on Christian 15 øre and 2 copies 25 øre on parcel card with adjacent "THORSHAVN 20.9.22"; fine and scarce
"SVINE", 2 good strikes on 2 copies Christian 20 øre red (originally pair, mounted together), very fine
"TRANGISVAAG", clear and almost complete strike on bi-coloured type 16 øre, some short perfs and slightly toned, still fine and extremely rare; this cancel has been recorded only as arrival mark on one cover and as cancellation on a few single stamps. Certificate Moeller BPP (2002)
"VAAG", 2 clear strikes on horizontal pair 1907, Frederik 5 øre green, very fine
The remaining collection of star cancels with generally fine to very fine strikes of 12 different post offices; denominations between 5 and 50 øre, including 4 pairs
"EJDE" with star removed, clear strike on Caravelle 15 øre solid background with adjacent Thorshavn cds. to Copenhagen, here re-addressed to Buenos Aires, franked with 15 øre with quadrillé background, with perfin "APM", tied by cds. "KJØBENHAVN 20.6.34", arrival mark on reverse; an interesting letter with scarce destination
"GØTEGJOV" with star removed, clear strike on Caravelle 15 øre on cover with adjacent "THORSHAVN 28.7.30" to Sandevaag
STARCANCELS WITH STAR REMOVED: Nice collection on 10 pieces (most with multiple stamps) and 9 entires including better stamps like Mi.-No. 2 (2 covers) and 6 (2 pieces)
"THORSHAVN 30.12.19" on Christian 30 øre green/grey on money letter to Kalsø with arrival mark
"THORSHAVN 9.7.34" on Caravelle quadrillé background 15 øre on picture postcard to the US; underpaid and taxed with "T" in circle with adjacent "10 c." and "N.YORK DUE 2 CENTS". Interesting text "...I don't really believe they gave me a big enough stamp. If it reaches your it will not only be a curiosity but a wonder..."
"TRANGISVAAG 21.-11.-1922" on numeral 10 øre green on postal receipt for a postal money order to Copenhagen, fine and scarce
"TRANGISVAAG 12.-8.-1931" on 1930, 40 øre green on registered cover to Copenhagen with arrival mark, very fine, certificate Ehlern Jessen (1988)
1921/35, 4 entires with different cancellations including parcel card and registered letter
"Fra Faeröerne", straight line on postcard to Sweden and commercial cover to Copenhagen
"Paquebot", boxed handstamp on Iceland 5 aur and 10 aur on picture postcard from Prastalundur to Thorshavn with arrival mark of 7.8.1934, one stamp slightly applied over the edge of the card, still fine
"TRANGISVAAG 1.-12.-1923" on Great Britain George V 1½ pence and 2½ pence on cover with embossed Leeth return address to Vaag, fine and scarce ship mail
1940, 6.8., quadrillé background Caravelle 15 øre and numeral 5 øre, tied by "SAND" with star removed and adjacent "THORSHAVN 6.8.40" to cover to Thorshavn; fine example of the shortage of 20 øre stamps
22.8.40, Caravelle 35 øre and numeral 5 øre with Thorshavn cds. on bank cover to Manchester with British censor label
20 on 1 øre-60 on 6 øre, the complete set used on 6 pieces, partly with additional frankings
20 on 1 øre, tied by "MYGGENES" with star removed to cover to Thorshavn with frontside arrival mark of 20.5.41, very fine