383rd Auction
14–15 & 18–23 March 2024 in Wiesbaden

Ansichtskarten der Büttenpapierfabrik Neumühle: 1900/04 (ca.), Ansichtskarten auf Büttenpapier im Auftrage des Grafen von Schulenburg, Sammlung mit 29, meist gebrauchten Karten mit den Motiven "Schloss Wolfsburg", "Försterei Rothehof" und "Restaurant Kliebersberg" (sechs verschiedene Ansichten), zum Teil mit leichten Varianten bzw. verschiedenen Farben. Dabei eine ungebrauchte Karte mit e. Unterschrift "Graf von der Schulenburg" (vermutlich als Visitenkarte gebraucht), dazu noch andere Karten mit gleichen Motiven und ein Eilboten-Brief 1895 an die Büttenpapierfabrik Neumühle. Die Büttenpapierfabrik Neumühle war spätestens seit 1898 im Besitz des Grafen von der Schulenburg
6Catalogue no.
1875/1939 (approx.) comprehensive stock with more than 400 cards, many used, mostly with motif "Gruß aus...", "Briefmarken", etc., with interesting postage paid, airmail, zeppelin mail, se-tenants, official mail, including yellow dog on Rhine-Main airmail card (2) (oxidised), etc., mostly good condition

1890/1945(approx.), Germany, Uelzen and nearer surroundings, collection of 41 old picture postcards before 1945, mostly up to 1914, with many scarce maps (streets, buildings, places), mostly good condition

1891/1900, Germany, collection of 47 forerunner lithographs (2 forerunners cancelled 1907/8, but issued much earlier), including 7 private postal stationery, (41 forerunners topography), in good condition
1897/1910, Germany, 430 lithographs, (96% topography), with many better views, in two old picture postcard albums, in good condition

1897/1950 (approx.), attractive picture postcard collection SYKE and surroundings with well 150 cards. Including several lithographs and better collotype views of small inns, street sections partly with railway, stagecoaches or automobiles, occasion cards and scarce motifs of the small districts such as "Gruss aus Okel" with a view of the "Okeler Dampfmolkerei". An attractive collection in mostly good condition.
1897/1960 (approx.), mainly Germany, over 650 mostly used maps, mainly topography, including lithographs, good overall condition
1897/1974 (ca.), Germany, over 280 mostly used maps, mainly topography, including lithographs and motifs of ships and aeroplanes, etc.

1900, Germany, album with 47 lithographs "Halt gegens Licht!" (4 pieces from 1915) including 37 pieces topography, in good condition
1900/1945 (ca.), round 500 used cards, including topography, greeting cards, military, etc.; condition as needed

1900/35, Germany, 5 albums with over 400 picture postcards, all topography, mostly better views (streets, squares, buildings)
Germany: 1900/45 (approx.), several hundred cards with better ones, the focus is on "greeting cards" with many different variations, mostly cards from Bavaria

WIESBADEN: 1897/1960 (approx.), group of over 300 cards, including lithographs, suburbs, etc.

1891/1932, interesting collection of 242 lithographs, picture postcards, postal stationary, postcards and letters on the subject of "exhibitions, congresses, festivals, events", neatly in 2 albums with many special cancellations, including scarce ones, including 30 lithographs and 20 private postal stationary, in good condition