384. Auction
19–20 & 23–28 September 2024 in Wiesbaden
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1881 (July 4), 1pre on 20pa green, overprinted “R.O.” in blue, tied to cover to Koprivtschitza by blue railway c.d.s., reverse with blue Tartar Pazardschik (Jul 6) and Karlovo (Jul 8) transit backstamps, underpaying the 1pi rate for the second weight class by 20pa, thus struck with blue “T” due mark, cover reduced at right, various small edge tears, heavy vertical fold at right, but a rarity of Eastern Rumelia, one of only a few genuine RO overprinted covers recorded by Hitzler; with 2022 Hitlzer certificate.
1881 (January / February), two 1/2pre on 20pa green, horizontal pair and single, tied to piece by Plovdiv c.d.s. in red (Jan. 16), and and 2pi single, tied to piece by Plovdiv c.d.s. in blue (Feb 20), the former with some toned perfs, else a fine duo of early usages of these adhesives, which were received in Plovdiv in late December, 1880.
1881, 20pa violet & green, overprinted “R.O.” in blue, cancelled with circular grid cancel in blue, well-centered and without the usual perforation flaws seen on multiples of this issue, fine and scarce.
1881, 20pa “R O” overprint, three used singles, one each cancelled with blue grid, blue c.d.s., and red c.d.s., the odd perf flaw as often seen, else a fine trio illustrated the cancellation types in use during this provisional period.
1881 (May 25), 2pi overprinted “R.O.” in blue, diagonally bisected and tied to cover by blue circular grid cancel, neatly-struck Plovdov c.d.s. alongside, the bisect paying the 10pi foreign letter rate, large portion of piece missing from back, trivial given the cover’s exceptional rarity, the only recorded usage of a bisected RO overprint, certificate Hitzler (2022)
1881, 10pa black & lilac, overprinted “R.O.” and “Roumélie Orientale” , block of four, cancelled with several strikes of blue circular grid, some perforation flaws, small thin at top, yet a rare multiple, with few genuine examples recorded; with 2004 Hitzler certificate.
1881 (November 27), 10pa black & lilac, overprinted “R.O.” and “Roumélie Orientale” in blue, tied by crisp circular grid cancel in blue to bilingual newspaper “Maritza”, Vol. 4, No. 340, published in Plovdiv, adhesive damaged, torn in half prior to being affixed to paper, the newspaper itself with trivial edge flaws, a late usage of any denomination of this printing, uncommonly found used after July, 1881.
1881, 10pa black & lilac, overprinted “R.O.” in blue, overprint “Roumélie / Orientale” omitted, lightly corner cancelled in blue, stained at left side, but a rare used example of this scarce variety.
1884 (January 4), postal card franked with two 5pa black & olive, perforated 13.5, paying the 10pa inland postcard rate, tied by circular grid cancel, Plovdiv c.d.s. despatch struck on front, to Kazanluk, without backstamps, fine.
1880/81, 5pa black & olive, horizontal strip of four, cancelled with bold blue grid cancel and partial Yambol c.d.s., with 5pa black & green block of four and strip of four, each cancelled with neatly-struck green grid cancels, strip of six cancelled with light blue c.d.s. postmarks, a few trivial perf flaws, else a fine and scarce group of used multiples.
1881 (January 9), 10pa black & green, perforated 13.5, block of four, tied to piece by blue Plovdiv c.d.s., trace of the odd toned perf, else of fresh colour and nicely-centered, a scarce multiple, being the early recorded use of the 10pa value.
1881 (March 24), folded letter, Klissura origin notation in manuscript, franked with two 10pa black & green, cancelled “X” in black pen and tied by blue circular grid cancel, to Plovdiv, with neatly-struck “Post Plovdiv” Russian-type arrival backstamp (Mar 26), Karlovo c.d.s. transit (Mar 24) on front, a remarkably fresh entire with tremendous visual appeal.
1881 (May 16), cover franked on reverse with two strips of three 10pa black & green, tied to cover from Jambol to Adrianopel by smudged red datestamps, adhesives paying the 60pa foreign letter rate of up to 15g, a scarce usage of the “Post Jambol” c.d.s. in red; with 2022 Hitzler certificate.
Note: At the time these stamps were issued, the foreign letter rate was 60pa for letters weighing up to 15g; this included mail to Turkey, as illustrated by this cover. This rate was reduced to 40pa in mid-1882, and mail to Turkey became classed as domestic mail. This rate remained in effect until the Revolution of September, 1885. In both Yambol and Plovdiv, red ink was rarely used on mail struck with the Russian-type c.d.s., becoming more common upon the usage of the bilingual hammers in mid-1881.
1881 (October 5), cover franked with 10pa black & green horizontal pair, tied to cover from Plovdiv to Sliven by blue circular grid cancel, neatly-struck Plovdiv despatch c.d.s. above, reverse with Yambol transit and Sliven c.d.s. receiver (Oct 6), transit mark showing the rare “YAMPOLI” misspelling, trivial light wrinkling and the odd spot of discoloration, not detracting from this exceptional cover, struck not only with the scarce YAMPOLI error, but showing three examples of the newly-introduced bilingual datestamps.
1882 (September 16), 10pa black on green, showing the “missing frame at upper right corner” variety, tied to postal card to Karlovo by circular grid cancel in green, partial Plovdiv c.d.s. at left, a rare example of this flaw.
1880/1, 20pa black and rose, affixed to postal card, with attached reply card, tied by blue “Obrasets” (SPECIMEN) handstamp in blue, scarce and fine.
1882 (October 3), 20pa black & rose, the scarce paler shade, tied to reply card from Budapest by blue crayon, sent via Constantinople, with c.d.s. transit backstamp (Oct 8), received by the Austrian Post Office in Plovdiv, with black Filipopoli arrival c.d.s. on front (Oct 11), a most unusual usage.
1884 (July 8), 20pa black on rose, perforated 13-¼,, horizontal pair, tied to reverse of cover by blue circular grid cancel, front with Karlovo despatch c.d.s., reverse with Kazanlik (Jul 10) and Gabrovo (Jul 12) transit marks, Svischtov (Swischtow) c.d.s. receiver (Jul 14), piece torn from lower left corner, impacting one cancellation, else a fine example of the 1pi foreign letter rate.
1884 (August), 20pa black & rose, perforated 13.5, dark shade, tied to postal card by green circular grid cancel, matching Plovdiv despatch c.d.s., to Vienna, Austria, with Constantinople-Galata / Départ transit c.d.s. of the French Post Office (Aug 9) and Istamboul - Arrivée c.d.s. backstamp, Mariahilf-Wien c.d.s. receiver (Aug 12), crease at upper left, some surface abraisions to reverse, else a fine example of the 20pa foreign postcard rate.
1884 (August 17), 20pa black & rose, perforated 13.5, tied to postal card to Sofia by blue circular grid cancel, corresponding Poste Yambol despatch c.d.s., transported by rail, with blue “Roumelie Orientale / Du Train” transit backstamp (Aug 18), next-day Sophia receiver struck on front, some light edge toning to card, yet a rare railway cancellation.
1884 (October 20), 20pa black and rose, perforated 13.5, tied to postal card to Dédéagh by green circular grid cancel, postmarked with green Tatar Pazardjik despatch c.d.s., reverse with partial Constantinople French transit c.d.s. in blue (Oct 24), a fine example to a scarce destination.
1884 (November 28), 20pa black on rose, perforated 13.5, tied to postal card to Vienna, Austria, by blue circular grid cancel and Plovdiv c.d.s., Constantinople - Galata / Départ transit (13 Dec) and Landstrasse / Wien arrival (16 Dec) cd.s. on front, slight toning in places, else a fine stationery card to an uncommon foreign destination.
1885 (July 24), 20pa black & rose, perforated 13.5, horizontal pair, tied to cover to Plovdiv by blue circular grid cancel, Ichtiman c.d.s. despatch below, reverse with next-day blue bilingual c.d.s. receiver, with enclosure, pair slightly separated prior to being affixed to cover, a few trivial edge flaws, else a fine example of the 1pi double inland letter rate.
1885 (September 20), postal card written from Archialos (Achielo), franked with 5pa lilac horizontal pair, tied to postcard to Plovdiv by green circular grid cancel, with c.d.s. arrival backstamp (Sep 25), a fine and scarce usage, sent following the issuance of the overprinted Lion stamps, but before their receipt by post offices in more outlying areas, this example being from a small town on the Black Sea.
1885 (September 4), edition of the newspaper “Kampf”, Issue 15, Vol. 1, franked with 1884 10pa green on light green, perforated 11.5, tied by black circular grid cancel, dispatched from Plovdiv to Sofia and returned to Plovdiv, a scarce usage of historical importance, the newspaper positively reporting on the September 2 uprisings in Panagyurishte, and published the day prior to the coup of September 6.
6Catalogue no.
"PHILIPOPLE 12/VI 84", blue c.d.s. on large-size official cover (reduced at top and left), addressed to the Grand Vizier at Constantinople, with arrival mark. Opinion Todd AIEP (2015)
1879 (December 9), stampless cover, from Plovdiv to Worms, via Constantinople, handstamped “FRANCO” in blue, with blue c.d.s. transit marks (Dec. 23) on front and back, some toning, yet a rare cover, one of only a small number of such examples recorded following the closure of the last Russian field post offices and transfer of civil mail responsibility to Eastern Rumelia, but before adhesive stamps had arrive from Constantinople in late 1880.
1880, postal stationery card to Captain Merzenier, Plovdiv Staff, postmarked with scare Russian-type “Posta Haskeuy” despatch c.d.s., Plovdiv c.d.s. receiver on reverse, some small stains to front, not detracting from this scarce card, one of only two recorded used examples of this stationery not having been struck “FRANCO”; with 2022 Hitzler certificate.
1880 (January), group of nine postal stationery cards, showing examples printed on thin light paper without “FRANCO” handstamp, thick grey paper without “FRANCO” handstamp, thin light paper with 30mm “FRANCO” handstamp, thick grey paper with 30mm “FRANCO” handstamp, thick grey paper with short-form (29.5mm) “FRANCO” handstamp, thick grey paper with long-form (31mm) “FRANCO” handstamp, “FRANCO” overprint doubled, and examples on both thick and light paper showing “FRANCO” in light blue and “Ostrumelische Post” in dark blue, usual corner creases and edge wear, a chiefly fine and ideal group for the specialist.
1880 (January 16), prepaid stampless cover to Constantinople, struck with blue Plovdiv c.d.s., straight-line FRANCO in blue below, with c.d.s. arrival backstamp (Jan 31), opening tear to back flap and some light creasing, else fine.
Note: responsibility for civil mails passed to Eastern Rumelian authorities in mid-1879, though adhesive stamps were not available until late 1880.
1880 (February 13), 10pa postal stationery card, sent from Stara Zaragoza to book dealer Christo G. Danov in Plovdiv, small edge stains mostly confined to lower left, scarce.
1880 (March 11), registered cover from Tatar Pazardjik to Adrianopel, likely paid 1-1/2pi letter rate plus 1-1/2pi registration fee, struck FRANCO in black due to unavailability of postage stamps for prepayment, neatly-struck Plovdiv transit on front (March 11), reverse with faint c.d.s. arrival backstamp, some toning, cover reduced at right, yet a scarce example of registered mail from this short-lived period.
1880 (March 28), stampless cover from Plovdiv to Elisabetgrad (Kropyvnytskyi, in present-day Ukraine), endorsed “en Russie”, struck with blue despatch c.d.s. and “FRANCO” in matching ink, Constantinople transit c.d.s. (Mar 30) on front, shortpaid and struck with black circular “T” due mark, “14” (kopecks) in manuscript alongside, a a fine and scarce postage due cover from the short period following the withdrawl of Russian troops, but before the delivery of postage stamps.
1880 (June 25), stampless cover to London, prepaid and struck with blue FRANCO straight-line, alongside fine Plovdiv despatch c.d.s. and Constantinople transit (Jul 9), reverse with second transit c.d.s. and London c.d.s. receiver (Jul 14), portion torn from back, clear of postmarks, cover opened on three sides for display, but a scarce usage to a foreign destination, with clearer strikes than often seen.
1880 (September 1), stampless cover from Jambol to Adrianopel, Turkey, with next-day blue c.d.s. arrival backstamp, blue “FRANCO” struck on front, light spots of toning, else fine.
1880 (19 October), 20pa violet on green and 2pi black & yellow-brown 1876 issues of Turkey, tied to registered cover to Plovdiv by blue Constantinople c.d.s., manuscript notation on reverse “destinatair inconnu” and handstamped on front with blue RETOUR, reduced at left and opened at bottom, some tone spots, yet an uncommon registered & returned to sender cover to Eastern Rumelia.