384. Auction

19–20 & 23–28 September 2024 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1287



Catalogue no.8

Opening1.200 €
Sold for2.700 €

1860, Trinacria ½ t. blue, fresh color, good to wide margins, used with clear boxed “ANNULLATO”, fine, a very attractive example of this scarce stamp, signed H. Köhler (slightly showing through) and certificates Heinrich Köhler (1950) and Philatelic Experts (2024)

Provenance: 124. Heinrich Köhler-Auction (1949)

Lot no.1288



Catalogue no.8

Opening1.200 €
Sold for2.700 €

1860, Trinacria ½ t. blue, fresh color, with equally wide margins on all sides, used with red cds. “(PARTEN)ZA DA NAPOLI 26 DEC (1)860”, reverse with traces of optical brighteners visible only under UV, otherwise very fine and especially attractive with the vivid red cancellation, signed Sorani with certificate

Lot no.1289



Catalogue no.9a

Opening800 €
Sold for2.000 €

1860, Croce di Savoia ½ t. blue, fresh color, with extraordinarily wide margins all around, used with black boxed “ANNU(LATO)”, tiny paper inclusion at top, with these margins a very attractive and rare stamp, signed E. Diena, A. Diena and G. Bolaffi and certificate Philatelic Experts (2024)

Lot no.1290



Catalogue no.7

Opening28.000 €
Sold forUnsold

1859, 6 baj. on green, two copies, one with large margins, the other one slightly cut into at left, otherwise large margins with part of sheet margin at top and part of neighbour stamp at bottom, tied by clear grid, with adjacent c.d.s. "FERRARA 25 FEB. 60" to entire letter to Venice. Some minor ink corrosion in the address, still very fine and attractive. An extremely rare letter; just 4 double frankings (for comparison. 28 single frankings) have been recorded, according to the certificate Colla (1993) this is the finest existing. Signed Alberto  Diena with certificate (1960) 


Lot no.1291



Catalogue no.10

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold

5 cmi. dull light green, last printing, large margins, tied by c.d.s. "LUGO 20 DEC 63"  to lettersheet to Fusignano, with adjacent "DOPO LA/PARTENZA". A scarce and late usage. Certificates Colla (1988) and Bottacchi (2024).(Sassone 13Eb)

Lot no.1292



Catalogue no.10,13

Opening300 €
Sold for300 €

5 cmi. dark yellow-green, horizontal pair, and 40 cmi. scarlet, clear to mostly large margins and nice fresh colour, tied by c.d.s. "YENNE 10 DIC. 57" to small letter sheet with adjacent red "SARD. BELLEY", to Poirs in France. Extremely fine. Signed Bottacchi with certificate (2024) (Sassone 13Ae,16A)

Lot no.1293



Catalogue no.10H

Opening7.500 €
Sold forUnsold

1855/63, 5 cmi. bright green, vertical bisect (used as 2 cmi.) with large margins, tied by light cds. "PERGOLA MARCHE 31 OCT. 63" two small piece. Very fine and most attractive. A great rarity; just two further bisects of this stamp have been recorded, of which one is used on entire. Signed Sorani and Bottacchi, the later with certificate (2024).


Lot no.1294



Catalogue no.11

Opening300 €
Sold forUnsold

10 cmi. dark bistre brown, good to mostly large margins, tied by c.d.s. "TORINO 26 GEN. 62" to double raid printed matter raptor to Scio, Veneto, with arrival mark on front. A fine and rare franking. Signed Bottacchi with certificate (2024) (Sassone 14Da)

Lot no.1295



Catalogue no.12

Opening1.500 €
Sold for1.500 €

20 cmi. grey-blue, first printing, vertical strip of 4 and single stamp, all with good to large margins (upper stamp of strip sharp crease in upper margin), tied by c.d.s. "TORINO 11 NOV.58" to lettersheet to Alexandria, Egypt, with arrival mark of the French PO on reverse. A rare and most attractive item. Certificate Bottacchi (2024)

Lot no.1296



Catalogue no.12

Opening1.000 €
Sold for1.000 €

20 cmi. blue, somewhat touched at top and right, otherwise good to large margins, used on the first day of the Provisional Government of Lombardy, tied by c.d.s. "MILANO 1/7" (1859) to entire letter to Torino. A fine and extremely rare 'first day letter'. Signed Alberto Diena and Bottacchi with certificate (2024)

Lot no.1297



Catalogue no.13H

Opening14.000 €
Sold forUnsold

40 cmi. red, 1860 printing, diagonal bisect, upper left half, tied by clear and upright c.d.s. "SERIATE 5 FEB 61" (Lombardy) to entire letter to Milan, with arrival mark on reverse. A rarity and most attractive. Certificates Enzo Diena (1984) and Colla (2019)


Lot no.1298



Catalogue no.15,13+Ital.12

Opening1.800 €
Sold forUnsold

3 l. bronze, large margins all round and in deep colour, used with 40 cmi. (cut in at right) and in combination with Kingdom 80 cmi. orange-yellow, tied by cds. "LIVORNO 16 NOV.63" to small piece. A most valuable and attractive 3-colour franking with the 2 high value. Certificate Bottacchi (1994)

Lot no.1299


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Catalogue no.16

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold

1861, embossed, 1 cmi. grey, printing sheet of 100 stamps, unmounted mint. One stamp small marginal tear, otherwise very fine and fresh. A rare multiple. Signed Bottacchi with certificate (2024)

Lot no.1300


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Catalogue no.17

Opening2.500 €
Sold forUnsold

1861, embossed, 2 cmi. greenish grey, sheet of 50 stamps, unused with original gum, most stamps unmounted mint. Small marginal faults and three stamps with the diagonal crease; folded between stamps three times. A very rare multiple. Certificates Raybaudi (1992) and Bottacchi (2024)


Lot no.1301



Catalogue no.3x

Opening800 €
Sold for1.000 €

1851, Lion 2 so. brown-red on blue paper, fresh color and good to wide margins, used grid of diamonds, fine, an attractive example of this scarce stamp, signed. E. Diena and A. Diena and certificate Philatelic Experts (2024)

Lot no.1302



Catalogue no.9Uu

Opening4.000 €
Sold forUnsold

10 cmi. bistre, horizontal strip of three with lower sheet margin and ‘riga di colore’, imperforated at base, with clear c.d.s. "LIVORNO 16 GIU 62". Very fine. An extremely rare and most attractive multiple. Signed Alberto Diena with certificates (1963 and 1971), Colla with certificate (2004)and  Bottacchi with certificate (2024)

Lot no.1303



Catalogue no.10

Opening4.000 €
Sold forUnsold

20 cmi. indigo, tied by c.d.s. "BOLOGNA 3 MAR 62"  to lettersheet to Milan. Very fine. This is the earliest recorded usage of a stamp of the kingdom of Italy at Bologna and the second earliest usage of this stamp at all. Certificate Bottacchi (2024).(Sassone 2)

Lot no.1304



Catalogue no.10Uu

Opening2.500 €
Sold forUnsold

20 cmi. blue, horizontal strip of three with lower sheet margin and ‘riga di colore’, imperforated at base, tied by c.d.s. "S.MARIA MAGGIORE 14 DIC 62", to piece. Very fine. An extremely rare and most attractive multiple. Signed Alberto Diena and Enzo Diena with certificate (1984), Certificates Colla (2004)and  Bottacchi (2024) (Sassone 2I)

Lot no.1305



Catalogue no.14 var+9

Opening750 €
Sold for800 €

1863, Typo Sardegna 15 cmi. blue, horizontal pair with clear to large margins, with parts of dividing line between the stamps, in combination with Kingdom 10 c. ocre (few short perfs), tied by cds. "CASALE 11 FEB. 63" to small envelope to Lyon. A fine and rare combination cover to abroad. Certificate Bottacchi (2024) (Sassone 11var,1c)

Lot no.1306



Catalogue no.15I var

Opening3.000 €
Sold forUnsold

1863, Matraire 15 cmi. blue, type I, with variety 'upper part of design missing' (senza tassello superiore), unmounted mint. Very fine and extremely rare. The most outstanding variety of this issue. Signed Colla with certificate (2002) and Bottacchi with certificate (2024).

Lot no.1307



Catalogue no.15II

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold

15 cmi. blue, type II, tied by Papal State straight-line "CONSELICE" two envelope with adjacent c.d.s. "LUGO 2 GEN. 64", to Imola, with arrival mark. Very fine. A very rare untaxed usage after validity and very scarce cancellation on this issue. Signed Alberto Diena and certificate Bottacchi (2024)


Lot no.1308


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Catalogue no.15II+Sard.

Opening2.500 €
Sold for2.000 €

15 cmi. blue, type II, block of four with clear to large margins, in combination with Sardinia 5 cmi. dull green, partly touched, tied by c.d.s. "BOZZOLO 14 GIU 63", to piece. Very fine. A rare multiple and combination. Certificates Enzo Diena (1986) and Bottacchi (2024)

Lot no.1309
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.P47

Opening500 €
Sold forUnsold

1944, Lictor bundle 5 l. , 9 copies (one with pinhole), tied by c.d.s. "TORINO CENTRO 3.12.44" to postal receipt. Fine and scarce. Certificate Raybaudi (1994) 

Lot no.1310



Catalogue no.AP94, P33

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

1944, Parcel card with black overprint "REPUBBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA" 7.5 L. with additional package stamp 4 L. used with cds. "* COMO - PACCHI * CENTRO -1.2.45" and violet “UFFICIO PROVINCIALE DI COLLOGAMENTO” to a prisoner of war to Camp No. 11 in Ludwigshafen, heavily creased with small toning at the bottom, otherwise fine and scarce

Lot no.1311



Catalogue no.P102

Opening100 €
Sold forUnsold

1940, postcard 50 cent. violet, used with cds. “* PARENZE CORR. PACCHI * < FRANC. > 24.1.42” to Wien with Italian and German censor marks, upper left corner with light crease, otherwise fine and scarce

Lot no.1312



Catalogue no.P110

Opening80 €
Sold for80 €

1944, postcard 15 cent. darkgreen with black overprint “REPUBBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA” with additional 15 cent. stamp, used with cds. “STEFANO DI ZIMELLA VERONA 28.3.45” to Leipzig, lower right corner with light crease, otherwise fine

Lot no.1313



Catalogue no.P111

Opening120 €
Sold for1.100 €

1944, postcard 30 cent. brown with red overprint “REPUBBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA” with additional 50 cent. stamp, used with cds. “BERGAMO CORR. PACCHI 15.4.45” to Staefa, Switzerland, slight corner creases, otherwise fine and scarce

Lot no.1314
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.

Opening200 €
Sold for220 €

1897, “POSTE ITALIANE ADEN MASSAUA 21 AUG 97”, clear on German reply part 10 pfg. to Germany, with transit- and arrival marks

Lot no.1316



Catalogue no.39-42A

Opening120 €
Sold forUnsold

1910, 5-20 c. complete with perf. L 13 ½, mint never hinged, fine, 15 c. signed Garanzia with certificate (2016)

Lot no.1317


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Catalogue no.Pk14-24

Opening160 €
Sold forUnsold

1927, 10 c.-20 l. with overprint "LIBIA" complet, unused and mint never hinged, very fine, 10 and 20 l. signed Sottoriva with certificate (2017)

Lot no.1318



Catalogue no.20-23

Opening80 €
Sold forUnsold

1916, Red Cross 10-20 c. and 20 c. on 15 c. complete, mint never hinged, fine

Lot no.1319
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.


Catalogue no.Essay

Opening1.000 €
Sold for800 €

1912, handgezeichnete Essays einer nicht verausgabten Serie in Heller-Währung, Wertstufen 5,10, 20,30 und 50 Heller sowie 1 Krone, einzeln in Bleistift gezeichnet auf Kartonpapier (145:210 mm). Ein einmaliges Ensemble von hohem künstlerischen Wert.

Lot no.1320
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.IIa-b

Opening400 €
Sold for320 €

1921, nicht verausgabte 3 Fr., beide Farben, ungummiert

Lot no.1321 °
For lots marked with a circle (°) next to the lot number an additional 7% VAT on the hammer price will be charged. This charge does not apply to dealers outside Germany and within the European Union with a turnover tax identification number.


2 4

Catalogue no.IIb

Opening500 €
Sold for400 €

1921, unverausgabte 3 Fr. karmin/schwarz im Viererblock aus der linken oberen Bogenecke, ungezähnt und ungummiert, wie verausgabt. Einwandfrei. Fotoattest Marxer (2007)

Lot no.1322



Catalogue no.78-79U,80IU,81U

Opening150 €
Sold forUnsold

1928, Hochwassergeschädigte 5-30 Rp. ungezähnt kpl., dabei 20 Rp. mit Plattenfehler “brauner Fleck im Wasser über Kopf der sitzenden Frau”, tadellos

Lot no.1323
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.Bl.1 P

Opening400 €
Sold for650 €

1934, Vaduz-Block, Konzeptionszeichnung mit Zähnung auf bräunlichem Faserpapier (148x150mm). Die Perforation im Verhältnis zur Zeichnung quer statt hoch angebracht, Inschrift und Zeichnung in Bleistift angedeutet, dabei der Ländernamen in falscher Schreibweise "Lichtenstein", etwas stockig und einige Büge, ansonsten in guter Erhaltung. Ein faszinierendes Stück zur Entstehungsgeschichte der 1. Blockausgabe von Liechtenstein, kein weiteres Stück bekannt, Fotoattest Sieger BPP (1999)
