384. Auction
19–20 & 23–28 September 2024 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (95) Apply Main catalogue filter
- Germany, Europe and Overseas – The Dr Jürgen Wiedemann Collection (5) Apply Germany, Europe and Overseas – The Dr Jürgen Wiedemann Collection filter
- Airmail and Zeppelin Mail – inclusive the collection of the Sieger family (part II) (4) Apply Airmail and Zeppelin Mail – inclusive the collection of the Sieger family (part II) filter
- Heligoland – The Hans-Jürgen Borowski Collection (2) Apply Heligoland – The Hans-Jürgen Borowski Collection filter
- Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia – The "P.G." Collection (7) Apply Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia – The "P.G." Collection filter
1703, "D´Italie" endorsement on folded entire from Carpi, Modena to Nancy, charged "17" sous, fine and scarce mail from the Italian campaign during the Spanish Succession War (1701-1714)
1734, "AR. DITALIE" on folded entire to Paris, tax "12" sous, fine and scarce mail from the Polish Succession War (1733-1735)
1794, "2E DIV. ARMÉE D´ITALIE" very fine strike on folded entire from a soldier of the Second Division stationed at the "Port de la montagne" (Toulon), sent to Grasse, "8" sous for a double weight step letter, tariff of 1st January 1792; very fine, signed Vollmeier
1797, "ARM. D´ITALIE 6ME DON" on entire letter written from Lazi, "a small village located on the mountain of Italian Tirol", and addressed to Melun, charged "13" sous, tariff of 25 December 1796; fascinating text from a son to his parents describing in details the hardships of battle, minimal toning of no importance
1797, "PORT PAYÉ ARM. D´ITALIE 6ME DON" on entire letter from Vicenza to Treviso, manuscript cross to validate the pre-payment and on reverse "4" sous, tariff of 25 December 1796, very scarce (illustrated in Giribone & Vollmeier on page 550)
1798, "ARM. D´ITALIE 12ME DON" superb strike on folded entire from the commander ship´s captain to the "Général en Chef de l´armée d´Italie", endorsed "Service de la Marine très pressé", a delightful and scarce item in very fresh condition
1798, "ARM. D´ITALIE 24ME DON" nicely struck in red on folded entire from Perugia to Amiens, endorsed "B.(ureau) de spoletto", charged "19" sous, signed Pothion
1801, "N°6. PORT-PAYÉ ARM. D´ITALIE" superb strike on entire letter from Ferrara, addressed to a prefect in Bruxelles, reverse "8" décimes, tariff of 22 March 1800, "P.P." applied on transit in Paris; fascinating text by a soldier who took, for a sum of money, a wine merchant´s place during conscription and complained that he did not receive full payment. A fine cover with a very rare postmark combination, signed Pothion
1801, "N°12. PORT PAYÉ ARM. D´ITALIE" almost complete strike on folded entire from Brescia to the Puy, reverse "5" décimes, tariff of 22 March 1800, a very scarce pre-paid mark (illustrated in Giribone & Vollmeier on page 589)
1805, "N°12 ARM. D´ITALIE" neatly struck on folded entire from Villafranca to Grenoble, charged "8" (décimes), tariff of 20 July 1702, interesting text inside "we are about to battle, all military troops have been rapidly gathered on the Adige´s shore...", very fine
1809, "N°14 ARM. D´ITALIE" rather faint strike in red on folded entire from Raab, Hungary to a marshal of the empire "à la Grande Armée", redirected to the army of Spain, initial tax barred and red "N°1 ARM. D´ALLEMAGNE" applied on reverse as a Déboursé mark, the recipient being a high official the letter was considered a service mail. A delightful and rare combination (illustrated in Giribone & Vollmeier on page 596)
1812, "N°3 ARM. D´ITALIE" very fine strike on entire lettersheet to Modena, dated inside "Rastemburg 17. Giugno" and written by an italian soldier one week before the beginning of the Grande Armée march towards Russia; adhesive stamp added and cancelled posthumously on the inside, still fine and scarce
"ARM. D´ITALIE 6ME DON" in red, a somewhat weak strike on lettersheet addressed "au Général en Chef de l´armée d´Italie Bonaparte" in Milan, scarce mail to Napoleon before his coronation in 1804
0 4Catalogue no.1116U
6Catalogue no.
1900, United States cancels, 9 covers and cards with two types of machine cancels and scarce duplex cancel, including May 22 (fencing and sailing) and July 19 (athletics)
6 8Catalogue no.
Postcard Pasteur 15 c. 'Rugby', used on the day of issue with olympc machine cancel "PARIS R.J ROY 25 VII 1924" to St. Etienne with arrival mark, slight transportation marks, still fine and rare.
2Catalogue no.169 proof
1924,10 c. presentation die proof in the issued colours with control perforation at top, very rare with only 10 examples printed, manuscript notation on reverse
2Catalogue no.essay
30 c. green, essay in green, similar to design of issued 50 c., as die proof on sunken chalky paper, very fine and rare
6Catalogue no.172U
50 c. imperforated, good to mostly large margins, tied by clear cds. "EPINAL-R.THIERS 27-7 24" to envelope mailed locally, with machine arrival mark on reverse. The envelope with faults, the stamp very fine. One of just 11 copies recorded of this rare variety, which was discovered at Epinal post office.
6Catalogue no.
6Catalogue no.119
"COLOMBES 25.III.24 JEUX OLYMPIQUES / PARIS / MAI-JUIN-JUILLET / 1924“ roller publicity cancel with time, as arrival mark on cover with Semeuse 25 c., tied by olympic machine cancel "PARIS DEPART", very fine and scarce
6Catalogue no.169-72
"VILLAGE-OLYMPIQUE 15-7 24" ( finals in fencing, swimming and water diving) on complete Olympic set in blocks of 4 (25 c. with shifted vignette), on 2 official envelopes 'LE VILLAGE OLYMPIQUE', addressed to Paris, adjacent cachets „COLOMBES / OLYMPIQUE“, „COLOMBES-VILLAGE OLYMPIQUE“ and „JEUX / OLYMPIQUES / MAI à JUILLET /1924“; lttle unfresh on reverse. Fine and very rae in this combination.
6Catalogue no.170,172
Machine cancel "JEUX OLYMPIQUES/PARIS/MAI-JUIN-JUILLET/1924" in box. without c.d.s.-application, tying olympic issue 25 c. and 50 c. to commercial cover to Sweden. 50 c. with lower right corner somewhat rubbed, otherwise very fine. Very rare. The lot comes with an almost identical cover but with c.d.s. "PARIS GARE ST:LAZAIRE 16-6 24"
6Catalogue no.143
1924, Official Olympic Committee envelope, franked with 'Semeuse' 50 c., tied by Paris machine cancel "JEUX OLYMPIQUES 29 III 24", to the Secretary-General of the Czech Olympic Committee at Prague, very fine.
6Catalogue no.170, etc.
Official Olympic Committee envelope, franked with Olympic issue 25 c. and 'Semeuse' 25 c., ied by Paris machine cancel to Luxembourg with arrival mark, Little roughly opened, still fine
0 1 4Catalogue no.53-56
LEBANON: bilingual issue 0,50 – 2,50 p. in blocks of 4, unused, most stamps unmounted mint
"AABCal" auf waagerechtem Paar Napoleon 20 C. auf Briefhülle der 2. Gewichtsstufe mit nebengesetztem DKr. "ARMEE D'ITALIE B.AU GENERAL 12 NOV.59" nach Lyon. Signiert Enzo Diena mit Attest (1991)
“ARMÉE D'ITALIE” lettera per Lione con una coppia del 20 c. di Francia annullato “AABCal”.
"AAX" auf Napoleon 20 C. auf komplettem Faltbrief mit nebengesetztem DKr. "ARMEE D'ITALIE BEA.X 17 JUIL 59" von Brescia nach Marseille. Signiert Enzo Diena mit Attest (1982)
“ARMÉE D'ITALIE” lettera da Brescia 17/7/1859 per Marsiglia. La lettera venne affidata all' ufficio “X” della P.M. francese.
"AA5C" auf Napoleon 20 C. auf Briefhülle mit nebengesetztem DKr. "ARMEE D'ITALIE Qr.GL.5e CORPS 2 AOUT 59" nach Bordeaux. Signiert Sorani mit Attest (1999)
“ARMÉE D'ITALIE” lettera per Bordeaux con un 20 c. die Francia annullato “AA5C”.
"ACRE" auf Napoleon 20 C. auf Briefkuvert mit nebengesetztem DKr. "ARMEE D'ITALIE CREMONA 30 NOV. 59" nach Soissons. Signiert Enzo Diena mit Attest (1991)
“ARMÉE D'ITALIE” lettera da Cremona 30/11/59 per Soissons con un 20 c. di Francia annullato “ACRE”.
"BRESCIA 23/6", Zier-EKr. auf Napoleon 20 C., noch voll- bis breitrandig, auf Briefkuvert nach Lanouaille mit Durchgangsstempeln von Paris. Ein außerordentlich seltener Brief; das französische Militär konnte in Orten in denen kein Militärpostamt vorhanden war seine Post bei den örtlichen Postämtern aufgeben. Es sind nur wenige derartige Belege bekannt. Signiert Enzo Diena mit Attest (1991) (Sassone R4)
Lettera affrancata con un 20 c. di Francia da Brescia per la Bordogne, affidata alla Posta Civile. Rara.
"CREMONA 26/6", Zier-EKr., sauber auf- und nebengesetzt auf Napoleon 20 C. auf Briefstück (Marke zur Kontrolle gelöst und mit Falz replatziert). Laut Fotoattest Enzo Diena (1989) einzig bekanntes Exemplar einer französischen Marke während der französischen Besetzung beim Postamt von Cremona verwendet. (Sassone R3)
Frammento “CREMONA” con 20 c. di Francia.
"MILANO 25 DIC 59", EKr. auf- und nebengesetzt auf Napoleon 20 C., berührt bis breitrandig, auf komplettem Faltbrief nach Lyon mit vorderseitigen Transitstempel, und Ankunftsstempel. Ein sehr seltener Brief. Signiert Enzo Diena mit Attest (1991) (Sassone R3)
Lettera affrancata con un 20 c. di Francia da Milano per Lione, affidata alla Posta Civile. Rara.
6MCatalogue no.220-21
1927, Flugausstellung Marseille 2 und 5 Franc je mit Sonderstempel “MARSEILLE AVIATION 18.7.” auf zwei Sonderkarten per Luftpost nach Genf, je mit vorderseitigem Ankunftsstempel, gute Erhaltung
6MCatalogue no.255
1930, Flugpostmarke 1,50 Franc blau mit Lochung “E.I.P.A.30” mit zweiter Lochung im Rand sowie Einzelmarke mit Lochung jeweils mit Sonderstempel “PARIS EXPOSITION INTLE POSTE AERIENNE” auf Lutpost-Sonderumschlag bzw. rückseitig auf Sonderkarte mit Zuleitung aus der Schweiz, gute Erhaltung
1917, 35 auf 35C. violett im waagerechten Paar in Mischfrankatur mit Protektorat 5 C. grün, waagerechtes Paar und zwei Einzelmarken sowie zwei Einzelwerte 1917 Baudenkmäler 10C. rot, sauber mit EKr. “TRESOR ET POSTE KASBA TADLA 5 12 22” auf dekorativem Vordruck-R-Brief nach Warschau, Polen, ein Wert der Franktur fehlerhaft, leichte Beförderungsspuren, sonst gute Erhaltung, eine nicht häufige Destination