384. Auction
19–20 & 23–28 September 2024 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (95) Apply Main catalogue filter
- Germany, Europe and Overseas – The Dr Jürgen Wiedemann Collection (5) Apply Germany, Europe and Overseas – The Dr Jürgen Wiedemann Collection filter
- Airmail and Zeppelin Mail – inclusive the collection of the Sieger family (part II) (4) Apply Airmail and Zeppelin Mail – inclusive the collection of the Sieger family (part II) filter
- Heligoland – The Hans-Jürgen Borowski Collection (2) Apply Heligoland – The Hans-Jürgen Borowski Collection filter
- Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia – The "P.G." Collection (7) Apply Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia – The "P.G." Collection filter
6MCatalogue no.
1928, Transatatlantik Erstflug “Ile de France” Le Havre - New York, R-Luftpostbrief mit hoher Frankatur von “LE HAVRE A NEW YORK 13.8.28” nach New York in einwandfreier Erhaltung
1870, Feldposttrauerbrief mit komplettem Inhalt, geschrieben in Saint Antoine, ab “TOULON-S-MER JUL 29 1870” mit nebengesetztem roten “P.P” über Dünkirchen adressiert an “Capitaine de vaisseau a bord de Deerés a Helgoland”, kleine Einrisse im Kuvert, sonst einwandfrei, ein sehr interessanter Brief während des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges
1872, Ceres 30 C. hellbraun, farbfrisch, leicht über den Rand geklebt, sauber mit DKr. “St. GERMAIN-EN-LAYE 27 AVRL 76” auf kleinem grünlichblauem Briefkuvert nach Helgoland, ein attraktiver und sehr ungewöhnlicher Incoming-Mail-Brief in guter Erhaltung

1849/1949, highly specialized mint never hinged/unused and used collection, incl. postage dues, telegraph and colonial general issues, strength in the 19th century, great number of duplicates throughout the collection, plenty of material with multiples, tête-bêches, nuances, varieties, paper types and plates flaws, starting with a strong selection of the Cérès issue abounding with various shades and cancels, better items with Mi.-Nr. 3yK and 4K used (faults), 4 used on laid paper, 1 used (13), 5 used (11, one on lettersheet), 7 used (5), Napoleon issues with 8 used (6), 11 used (35), 32 used (9), Bordeaux issue 36 (11), 37 (15), 41I used (incl. 2 folded entires), 44 (14), etc., good part of Sage with some large mutliples, nice assembly of cancels incl. foreign offices “5089” JAFFA, “5082” BEYROUTH", cds. “YOHOHAMA”, 1870 envelope with “5119” LE CAIRE and more, Postage Dues Mi.-Nr. 6 used on piece (sign. Köhler), five ballons montés, some telegram-cards, some modern material with Merson 99 unused block of four (some faulty gum), Bl. 1 (2), Bl. 2 (2), together with some specimen, essays, Rothschild reprints and some Monaco incl. the early high values. Mixed condition, some signed, an engaging holding in two albums

1849/1990 (ca.), large mint never hinged/unused and mostly used balance of a collection with some covers, incl. postage dues, French Colonies, Monaco and Andorra, strength in the early issues with an abundance of duplicates, better items and cpl. sets like Mi.-Nr. 1(4), 2(3), 5(4), 7(4), 8(6), 32(6) used, etc., good part of Colonies with general issues, New Caledonia Mi.-Nr. 1, etc., together with some multiples. Mixed condition, especially in the early issues, mostly in fresh condition, a good lot neatly housed in four stockbooks
1853/1936, small group of unused and used, a few better values with Mi.-Nr. 135, 311(2), 321(2), etc., together with two covers, mixed condition

1926/89, extensive mint never hinged collection with a few unused and used, incl. Officials and Postage Dues, many better items and cpl. sets with Mi.-Nr. 211-214, 239 sheet corner (signed Calves), 242(2), 321 sheet margin, 305-311, Bl.2-3, etc., together with some booklets, sheetlets, proofs and a few postal stationeries. Overall very fine and fresh condition, a nice lot, in four albums

1820/1902(ca.), group of over 150 entires, postal stationeries and cards, many interesting usages and frankings incl. prephilatelic Port Payé, Mi.-Nr. 4 on entire with village handstamp “39 pouillon” alongside and circular “X”, Mi.-Nr. 16 on entire, 1865 three-colour franking from Paris to Mauritius, other interesting destinations like Warsaw (1864), Caracas (1864), Egypt (1871), etc., together with some multiple and combination frankings, somewhat mixed condition, an attractive lot

1849/1960, substantial unused collection (incl. one cover). Beginning with a strong section “Empire” incl. 1 C. olive (Mi.-No. 10) and 10 C. bistre (Mi.-No. 12), 25 C. blue (Mi.-No. 14), an unused block of ten with good margins all round and 1 F. carmine (Mi.-No. 17), a well margined example on cover from Marseille to Grenoble (signed Calves and Pigeron). There follows “Emission de Bordeaux”, 10 C. brown with enormous margins on all sides (Mi.-No. 40, cert. E. Diena), 20 C. blue (Mi.-No. 41) and 30 C. brown (Mi.-No. 42, signed Calves), Allegory, Mi.-Nos. 66I, 67I, 61II, 62II (cert. E. Diena), 76 and 96-100) and finishing on Airmails with 1936, Mi.-Nos. 305-11 and 321. An interesting collection in fine general condition.

1849/1978, interesting used and unused/mint never hinged collection starting with good classic part including Mi.-Nr. 1-5, 7, furthermore 8, 17, 36-44 and Mi.-Nr. 127, 239, Bl. 1-3, some covers etc., mostly good qualitly
1849/90(ca.), used and unused/mint never hinged collection with some better like Mi.-Nr. 128-135, Bl. 2-3 and Mi.-nr. 321, the modern part mint never hinged, mostly good condition
1 2 3 5Catalogue no.
1849/1920 (ca.), unused and used group, a few better values like Mi.-Nr. 1, 32, 44a pair used (opinion Goebel BPP), etc., mixed condition

1849/2004, in the beginning used, later also mint never hinged collection with some classic issues, later with better items like Mi.-Nr. 127 and 239 on piece, Bl.2 used, Mi.-Nr. 220-21 on airmailcover, Mi.-Nr. 305-311 and 321 used, mostly good condition

1849/96, Selection of 66 covers including interesting postmarks, uses and destinations such as a three colour franking “Empire dentelé” 10, 20 and 40 C. (Mi.-Nos. 20-22) tied by gros chiffres “5051” to 1866 entire letter from Oran (Algeria) to Saigon (French Indochina) or 1870 “Emission de Bordeaux” 80 C. carmine (Mi-No. 44) on folded letter from Le Havre to Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Slightly variying condition.

1849/1960, unused and used collection containing some better values like Mi.-Nr. 144-51 used and unused and Mi.-Nr. 239 unused, also some better pre-cancellations, PEXIP souvenir sheet etc., mostly good condition

1850/2003, in the beginning used, later in the main catalogue numbers mostly complete mint never hinged and partly used collection incl. souvenir sheets and booklets with e.g. Mi. Bl. 1, 2, better early values, etc., mostly good condition, in five hingeless albums
1902/36 (ca), mostly mint never hinged group, many better sets and values with Mi.-Nr. 96-100, 102-106 (x2), 181-183, 242A, 326-327, 956, etc, also one booklet, together with 128-135 used and French Andorre 24-47 and 56-79; mostly in fresh and very fine condition, an attractive lot
0 1 2 4Catalogue no.

1925/92 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused accumulation, incl. Monaco, some better values with Mi.-Nr. 327(5), 851 sheetlet, also a fine selection of full sheets like Mi.-Nr. 856(4), some large part sheets, etc., mostly in very fine and fresh condition, a good lot
1925/49, small mint never hinged group of three miniature sheets, with Paris 1925 international stamp exhibition, Strasbourg 1927 (minor gum bend) and 1949 Citex, mostly fine
1927/49, mint never hinged/unused and used collection of souvenir sheets, with e.g. Mi. Bl. 2 (2) used (one horizontally folded), 3 (2) and used (4), 4 as miniature sheets (3) and two additional used, furthermore Rouen “Journée du timbre” vignette souvenir sheets in set of three with cds. “JOURNEE DU TIMBRE ROUEN 5 -3 / 39”, etc., in the beginning occasional faults, otherwise fine, on album pages

1955/95 (ca), group of over 220 mint never hinged imperforated modern issues, together with some miniature sheets and épreuves de luxe, many cpl. sets with better items like Mi.-Nr 1053-1058, extremely fine, in one stockbook
1960/2007 (ca), group of mint never hinged printing varieties, incl. missing colours and plate flaws, some better items with Yvert-Nr. BF11c, 14b, 1263g and h, 2556A, etc., an interesting assembly in mostly extremely fine condition
1960/2000, mint never hinged, in the main catalogue numbers almost complete collection including booklets, self-adhesive stamps, precancels and service stamps, in three hingeless albums

1980/2015, group of mint never hinged souvenir sheets, incl. some private issues, extremely fine, in one album
6Catalogue no.
1985/95, grosser Bestand 800 bis tausend "Documents Philatéliques Officiels" der Ausgaben 1986, "Carneval Venise" (Mi.-Nr. 2531), CEPT Umwelt (Mi.-Nr. 2546-7), 1987, CEPT Moderne Architektur (Mi.-Nr. 2603-04), 1993, CEPT Zeitgenössische Kunst (Mi.-Nr. 2943-4) sowie 1985 Europäischer Rat Beamte, je 100 in den originalen Polestyrene-Behältern.

1850/75, collection of the Cérès and Empire issues in a large album including more interesting usages such as 1863 value declared letter, letters to Argentina, USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, Austria or Bavaria as well as an attractive vertical pair of the 1872 colonial issue, 25 C. blue tied by black dotted lozenge to folded letter from Guadeloupe to Bordeaux, endorsed “Paquebot francais” and struck with black “PA. FR. BASSE-TERRE GUADEL.”
1850/1950 (ca.), accumulation of approx. 100 letter and cards including some nice pre-philatelic entires, early issue covers, French Colonies and P.O.s abroad. Mixed condition.

1937/2008, good collection souvenir sheets with more than 50 covers, containing many registered, express, special cancellations, better thematics, better items like Mi.-Nr. Bl. 3(3), mostly good condition
1893/1907, small unused and used group (21) with four covers and cards, some better items with two single frankings of the high values 8 pia. on 2 fr. and 20 pia. on 5 fr., each neatly tied by cds. “VATHY SAMOS” to registered covers to Germany and France with transit via Smyrna, etc.; a fine lot

1880/1960 (ca.), extensive unused and used collection, incl. postage dues, abounding with cpl. sets from the 1892 Allegory issues and thereafter, many better items like Wallis and Futuna Mi.-Nr. 102-134 unused, Ivory Coast 1-17, Camerun 1-15 unused, Congo 29 used, Djibuti 4 used, 27 unused, Dahomey A40I unused, Gabon 15 used, 33-48, China Guandzhou 19 used, Reunion 161 unused, Magadascar 23 used, New Caledonia 237-271, Syria 142 unused (cert. Behr), Alexandrette cpl. with postage dues, Tunisia P1-8N used, etc., together with some covers and souvenir sheets. As to be expected a few forgeries and questionable overprints noted, condition varies in the early issues, overall in a good and fresh quality, many key items signed A. Brun, J-F. Brun or Calves. An attractive and generous assembly, neatly mounted in six albums
0 1 3 6 4Catalogue no.
1892/1960 (ca.), unused and used accumulation with a few mint never hinged and cover, some cpl. sets, a few duplicates and multiples, a few questionable items, some occasional faults and toning, otherwise fine, in three small stockbooks

1860/1915, Lot 49 letters and postcards including “GORÉE 21 JUIL. 1860" cds in blue on complete folded letter “Voie anglaise” from Sénégal to Bordeaux, rated “12” centimes in manuscript on arrival (cert. Roumet), two frankings of the 1872 and 1877 colonial issues from Martinique to France, 1881, 25 c. yellow cancelled by black “N.ELLE. CALÉDONIE / NOUMÉA” cds in black to Marseille or 1892 “Bulletin de dépot” form Pondichérry as well as some postal stationery uses.
1999/2009, mint never hinged stock with souvenir sheets and miniature sheets, with a.o. Mi.-No. 1701-09 KLB (110)

1987/90, Flora, 35 artist die proofs in black or different colours, signed by the artist
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1970/90, mint never hinged dealers stock with souvenir sheets, gutter pairs, complete and some incomplete miniature sheets, many multiple and in numbers totaling up to 200 pieces per issue, good condition, in three hingeless albums and loose album pages
1977/96, mint never hinged stock, often in sheets, plus souvenir sheets, high catalogue value