384. Auction

19–20 & 23–28 September 2024 in Wiesbaden

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Lot no.1523



Catalogue no.1

Opening100 €
Sold for130 €

1840, 1 d. intense black, EH, used with red MC, vf

Lot no.1524



Catalogue no.2

Opening350 €
Sold for650 €

1840, Queen Victoria 1 d. black, Plate 11 (GC), fresh colours, wide margins on three sides, cut close along the frame line at the bottom left, neatly used with a centered black Maltese Cross, fine and rare, certificate K.-A. Louis BPP (2024) (SG-Spec. AS72d)

Lot no.1525



Catalogue no.2

Opening100 €
Sold for130 €

1840, 1 d. black, GG, small to good margins, tied by red MC on letter sheet from “MANCHESTER JY.30.1840” to Derbyshire, fine

Lot no.1526



Catalogue no.2

Opening100 €
Sold for160 €

1840, 1 d. black, LK, good margins, tied by black MC on letter sheet from “COLCHESTER JY.21.1841” to London with arrival mark, fine

Lot no.1527



Catalogue no.2

Opening100 €
Sold for160 €

1840, 1 d. black, IB, good margins, tied by red MC on letter sheet from “WOODBRIDGE OC.19.1840”, fine

Lot no.1528



Catalogue no.14, 55

Opening300 €
Sold for420 €

1841, Queen Victoria 2 d. blue, Plate 4, horizontal pair (LH-LI) and strip of three (KA-KC), mostly large to very large margins, just touched at places, together with 1 s. green (die W.W.1), frame line touched at top and cut into at bottom, neatly tied by barred numeral “723” SOUTHAMPTON to 1 d. pink Postal Stationery envelope to Giessen, transit and arrival on reverse, the envelope with slight water staining and vertical crease, otherwise fine. The sender Michael Thomas Bass was a politician and leader of the largest brewery in the world and best known brand of beer in England, the addressee Baron Liebig a famous German chemist.  



Lot no.1529
There are additional 7% import fees (not tax, non deductible) that will be charged to all buyers. This includes also those buyers from outside the European Union.



Catalogue no.DP71(2)

Opening500 €
Sold for500 €

1850, Prince Consort 1 pence essay in red-brown, fresh colour and good to wide margins on all sides, unused with small rubber spot on top of front, otherwise fine, rare, certificate RPS (1969).

Lot no.1529A



Catalogue no.57

Opening200 €
Sold for160 €

1848, 10 d. brown, 1862 re-issue period, fresh colours, touched framelines on three sides, tied by duplex “LONDON NO. 3 63 -90” to mourning envelope to Bombay, mis-directed to Beverley with scarce “MIDLAND/DIST. S.C.” and arrival on reverse, there re-directed with handwritten “not for Beverley” and “try Bombay via Marseilles”, finally backstamped on arrival “BOMBAY DE 10 63”. The adhesive roughly detached from the sheet as an improvised method of separation, otherwise fine. A very rare usage of the re-issued 10 d. brown, correctly paying the newly introduced reduced rate to India, a charming item, certificate K.-A. Louis BPP (2024)

Lot no.1530



Catalogue no.76/77

Opening100 €
Sold for90 €

1862, Queen Victoria 3 d. carmine-rose, Plate 2 Sate 2, horizontal pair with wing margin at left, tied twice by duplex "447 LEEDS 7 MR 65" to lettersheet endorsed via Ostende to Wien, adjacent blue entry cds. "AUS ENGLAND PER AACHEN 9 3", transit and arrival cds.; , one 3 d. with one short perf., still fine and scarce

Lot no.1531



Catalogue no.112

Opening100 €
Sold for240 €

1867/80, 10 d. red-brown, tied by Duplex "LONDON SP 26 73" to cover to Mauritius, little stained

Lot no.1532


3 5

Catalogue no.117 Post.Forg.

Opening200 €
Sold for200 €

1867, Stock Exchange Postal Forgery 1 sh. green, Plate 5 (EA), together with 3 d. rose, Plate 8 (FF), both with fresh colours, nicely centered and perfect perforations, tied by cds. “STOCK EXCHANGE JY 26 72” to a small piece, extremely fine, signed Köhler and certificate K.-A. Louis BPP (2024)

Lot no.1533



Catalogue no.128

Opening400 €
Sold for900 €

1878, 10 sh. greenish-grey, EH, fresh color and very good perforation, used wtih neat strike of cds. “STOCK EXCHANGE GLASGOW MY 29 82”, very fine and attractive, signed Bühler BPP and certificate Louis BPP (2024)

Lot no.1534



Catalogue no.128

Opening400 €
Sold for460 €

1878, 10 sh. greenish-grey, BE fresh color and very good perforation, used with barred numeral “L.S. 5”, very fine and attractive, signed and certificate Louis BPP (2024)

Lot no.1535



Catalogue no.137

Opening600 €
Sold for1.700 €

1882, 5 £ orange, CC, good color and perforation, used with central cds. "GLASGOW OC 4 94", very fine and attractive, signed Pfenninger and Hunziker and certificate Louis BPP (2024)

Lot no.1536



Catalogue no.185

Opening500 €
Sold for480 €

1888, 1 £ brown-lilac, watermark "Three Orbs", BC, fresh color and good perforation, used with barred London "L.S. / 8", very fine and attractive, signed Drahn, certificate Louis BPP (2023)

Lot no.1537



Catalogue no.438

Opening200 €
Sold for320 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, fresh color and good perforation, mint never hinged, very fine

Lot no.1538



Catalogue no.438

Opening200 €
Sold for280 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, fresh color and good perforation, mint never hinged, very fine

Lot no.1539



Catalogue no.438

Opening200 €
Sold for300 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, fresh color and good perforation, mint never hinged, very fine

Lot no.1540



Catalogue no.438

Opening200 €
Sold for300 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, with left sheet margin, fresh color and good perforation, mint never hinged, hinge in the margin only, very fine

Lot no.1541



Catalogue no.438

Opening200 €
Sold for300 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, with upper sheet margin, fresh color and good perforation, mint never hinged, very fine, signed in the margin

Lot no.1542



Catalogue no.438

Opening200 €
Sold for340 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, with bottom sheet margin, fresh color and good perforation, mint never hinged, very fine

Lot no.1543



Catalogue no.438

Opening100 €
Sold for220 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, used with almost central cds., very fine

Lot no.1544



Catalogue no.438

Opening100 €
Sold for240 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, used with central cds., very fine

Lot no.1545



Catalogue no.438

Opening100 €
Sold for320 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, used with almost central cds., very fine

Lot no.1546



Catalogue no.438

Opening100 €
Sold for220 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, used with almost central cds., very fine

Lot no.1547



Catalogue no.438

Opening100 €
Sold for280 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, used with central cds., very fine

Lot no.1548



Catalogue no.438

Opening100 €
Sold for260 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, with left sheet margin, used with almost central cds., very fine

Lot no.1549



Catalogue no.438

Opening100 €
Sold for240 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, from the lower left sheet corner, used with oval cds., very fine

Lot no.1550



Catalogue no.438

Opening100 €
Sold for240 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, from the upper right sheet corner, used with oval cds. “REGISTERED GUERNSEY 10 DEC 30”, very fine

Lot no.1551



Catalogue no.438

Opening100 €
Sold for300 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, tied by oval cds. “REGISTERED” to piece, very fine

Lot no.1552



Catalogue no.438

Opening100 €
Sold for220 €

1929, UPU 1£ black, tied by oval cancel “REGISTERED” to small piece, very fine

Lot no.1553



Catalogue no.O16

Opening1.500 €
Sold for1.800 €

I.R. OFFICIAL 1 £ green, BC, fresh deep colour, unused with large part original gum, light corner crease and some gum bends, violet handstamp shining through slightly. An overall fine copy of this rare stamp. Certificate BPA (2024)

Lot no.1554



Catalogue no.O81

Opening300 €
Sold for240 €

BOARD OF EDUCATION, 1902, Edward 5 d., neatly cancelled "KIRKHILL SP 24 03". Colour of value tablets slightly faded, still very fine. Certificate BPA (2024)

Lot no.7349



Catalogue no.14a

Opening200 €
Sold for520 €

1856, Victoria 6 Pence purpurviolett, farbfrisch und gut gezähnt, leichte Aufklebeknitter, sauber mit Nummernstempel auf Briefkuvert via Hamburg mit Schmetterlingsstempel “HAMBURG 12 MAY 1857” nach Helgoland, in Rötel mit “2” taxiert, winzig Altersfleckig, dreiseitig geöffnet, sonst gute Erhaltung, sign. Starauschek

Lot no.7350



Catalogue no.16,36

Opening400 €
Sold forUnsold

1858, 1 Pence rot, zwei Einzelwerte zusammen mit 1870 ½ Pence rot mit stummen Balkenstempel als Zufrankatur auf Einschreiben-Ganzsachenumschlag 2 Pence blau, adressiert nach Helgoland an den Postmeister, mit frühem Transit-R-Zettel “Vom Auslande über Bahnp. 10 Verviers-Cöln”, ein sehr attraktiver und seltener Brief

Lot no.7351



Catalogue no.24, U

Opening500 €
Sold for500 €

1865, Victoria 4 Pence orangerot, farbfrisch, meist gut gezähnt, sauber mit Duplexstempel “CAMBRIDGE 158 AP8 73” als Zufrankatur auf Ganzsachenumschlag 1 Pence rosa via “CUXHAVEN  11 4 73” an den deutschen Ornithologen und Maler Heinrich Gätke auf Helgoland, übliche rote Taxe “2”, gering unfrisch, sonst in guter Erhaltung, ein sehr seltenes und attraktives Ganzstück

Heinrich Gätke

19. März oder 19.Mai 1814 in Pritzwalk

+1. Januar 1897 auf Helgoland

war ein deutscher Ornithologe und Maler, Regierungs-Sekretär des Britischen Gouverneurs.

Sohn eines Bäckers und Brauers wurde zur kaufmännischen Ausbildung nach Berlin geschickt, änderte dort aber seine Berufspläne und wurde Kunstmaler.

1837 reiste er zum ersten Mal nach Helgoland; die Insel blieb ab 1841 sein ständiger Wohnsitz.

Er freundete sich mit Ferdinand Julius Hindemann (Unehelicher Sohn Goethes) an, dieser brachte Gätke mit einer Nasenflöte die Nachahmung der Mövenrufe bei.

26.8.1841 dichtete August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben das Lied der Deutschen Ab 1843 galt sein Interesse vorrangig der Vogelkunde; etwa zehn Jahre später begann der Autodidakt, der bis dahin eine umfangreiche Vogelbalgsammlung zusammengetragen und Kontakte mit zahlreichen deutschen und englischen Ornithologen gepflegt hatte, wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu publizieren. 1891 erschien sein Werk 'Die Vogelwarte Helgoland'. Im gleichen Jahr erwarb die preußische Regierung seine Sammlung für das Nordsee-Museum der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland. Der größte Teil dieser Sammlung fiel 1944 den Bomben des 2. Weltkriegs zum Opfer, die erhaltenen Stücke sind im Wattenmeerhaus des Instituts für Vogelforschung in Wilhelmshaven zu besichtigen.

Theodor Fontane, der seinen Verwandten Heinrich Gätke in seiner Jugend zuletzt gesehen hatte, bezeichnete Gätke 1891 in einem Brief, der ein Wiedersehen nach über sechzig Jahren in Aussicht stellte, als Inselkönig.

Die Museumsstiftung Post und Telekommunikation bewahrt Briefmarkenentwürfe Gätkes, die dieser um 1874/1875 für die Reichsdruckerei in Berlin herstellte und mit Angaben zum Druck versah, auf.
