384. Auction
19–20 & 23–28 September 2024 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (50) Apply Main catalogue filter
- Germany, Europe and Overseas – The Dr Jürgen Wiedemann Collection (3) Apply Germany, Europe and Overseas – The Dr Jürgen Wiedemann Collection filter
- Airmail and Zeppelin Mail – inclusive the collection of the Sieger family (part II) (1) Apply Airmail and Zeppelin Mail – inclusive the collection of the Sieger family (part II) filter
6Catalogue no.144,146,147
1 l. (2), 3 l. and 5 l., tied by c.d.s. "ATHENS 11APR. 06" (third day of the games) to picture postcard with texts, mentioning the Olympic Games, to Lund in Sweden; most likely written by the Swedish participant and bronce medal winner (tug of war) Oswald Holmberg.
6Catalogue no.145-47
2 l., 3 l. and 5 l. tied by c.d.s. "KERKYRA 10 APR (06)" (2nd day of the games) to front of artist's picture postcard, dated "23-4-06" to Palermo, with arrival mark
3Catalogue no.154U
1 dr. imperforate single with good to very large margins, showing part of neighbour stamp at bottom, used by Athens cds. of 1910, fine and scarce
6Catalogue no.157
1906, 5 dr. and mercury 20 l., tied by small cds. to registered envelope from Corinth to Patras with arrival mark. Very fine and rare.
3Catalogue no.145-46,149,154-57
"STADION", special cancel on 2 l., 3 l., 50 l. and 1- 5 dr.; some with mostly very light staining and 2 dr. corner crease, otherwise fine
6Catalogue no.156
"STADION 16 APR.06", clear strike on 3 dr. on cover to Brussels with arrival mark, very fine and rare
6Catalogue no.148
"ZAPPEION 18 APR.06" (10th day of the games) on 10 l. and official vignette in blue, on picture postcard 'STADIUM Olympic games 1906', with short text to Denmark with arrival mark on front. The vignette slightly damaged in the right perforation, otherwise very fine and rare
Griechenland: 1940, Luftpostbrief mit portogerechter 114 Drachmen-Frankatur mit rückseitigem Luftpoststempel "ATHEN POSTA AERIENNE 21.II.40" sowie Devisenzensur nach Buenos Aires mit Ankunftsstempel. Der Umschlag mit kleinen Radierspuren oberhalb der Anschrift und leichten Altersspuren, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung. LATI-Luftpost aus Griechenland war bis zum 28.10.1940 möglich und ist recht selten

1842/1920 (ca.), unused and mostly used collection with covers, incl. Creta, specialized with shades, some plate flaws, with an abundance of duplicates, better items starting with a superb section of the Large Hermes Head issues, some fine printings noted, with 20l.(134), 30l.(44), 40l.(70), 60l.(19), 80l.(41) used, etc., together with a selection of entires, covers and postal stationeries, some forgeries noted. Some occasional faults as to be expected, overall in very good and fresh condition, a most pleasant, attractive and very scarce assembly, neatly housed in one album

1871/1970(ca.), large mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation, incl. Postage Dues and Related Areas, with an abundance of duplicates, strength before the 1940s, starting with the imperforate Hermes issues, 1896 Olympic Games, some large multiples, fine part of Creta and local issues, together with a small selection of covers and postal stationeries. Some occasional faults especially in the early issues, mostly in good condition, neatly housed in one stockbook

1914/3, Group of sheets (16) mint never hinged, most from the Greek Occupations and Epirus, together with a couple of large multiples, very fine

1861/1975 (ca.), nice specialised collection in four volumes and 2 stockbooks, mostly on exhibition pages, starting with good part large Hermes Heads, including Paris print more than complete with several shades, some nice letters, later Michel no. 96 – 107, 118 – 22, 144 – 57, IV, 369 – 71, 437 – 46 and issues from 1936 collected according to watermark types, nice part postage due, areas, etc, also some literature.
1861/80, Large Hermes Head, specialized,mostly used collection with more than 100 stamps, each stamp specified by Simmermacher/Karamitsos, good quality

1862/1980 (ca.), used collection with some complete and better issues (including Michel No. 144-57), colors and specialties, neatly in the album with preprinted pages
1877/1900 (ca.), small lot of postal history, including 2 covers with ottoman all Arabic octagonal handstamps of Canea and Candia, 2 covers with handstamp of the Greek PO at Smyrna, "THE ASIA MINOR / SCREW STEAMSHIP CIE / SYMI AGENCY" handstamp on letter, etc.

1886/1923, unused/mint never hinged and used collection with many better values incl. postage due, good quality
0 1 3 5 4Catalogue no.

1896, Olympic issue, unused and mostly used balance, including six 10 dr.-values, different types of cancellations, railway cancels, stamps used during the games incl. first day, etc. Very interesting lot.
3 5Catalogue no.
1896/1900 (ca.), MARITIME MARKINGS: 30 stamps and pieces with mostly different markings, including several agency markings, Italian markings, LLOYD AUSTRIACO, VAPORE DAL LEVANTE, PLEINE MER, “STEAMER DAMASKINI/ AGENCY IN PATRAS”, etc.