384. Auction
19–20 & 23–28 September 2024 in Wiesbaden
1859 (September 7), folded cover from Constantinople to New York, postmarked with Constantnople (Turquie) c.d.s. of the French Post Office, handstamped with boxed PD in black, endorsed to be carried under the care of the Consul of the United States in Havre, France, handstamped "PURIFIE AUX LAZARETTE MALTE" in black, with dual disinfections slits across address, reverse with blue Paris transit c.d.s. (Sep 25), fine.
BULGARIA: „Ahyolu“, all arabic single circle, superb strike on Duloz 1 pia. yellow, very fine and rare; no entires with this cancellation have been recorded, ex Hitzler
Reference: illustration copy in Isfila handbook
„GABROVA“, all arabic double framed oval, 2 superb strikes on Duloz 1 pia. yellow and 20pa. green on piece, fine and rare; no entires with this cancellation have been recorded
„IHTIMAN“, all arabic double circle, practical complete and clear strike in blue on Duloz 1875, 20 pa. green. A beautiful strike of this extremely rare cancellation, of which only few single stamps but no covers have been recorded, ex Hitzler
„Cuma-i atik“ , all arabic double circle in blue, clear and almost complete strike on Duloz 20 pa. green (small faults), a very rare cancel of which no entires are recorded
„Kazgan“, all arabic double circle in blue, three clear strikes on three copies 1875, 20 pa. green, on small piece. Some small faults, still fine and extremely scarce; no entires with this cancellation have been recorded so far
„Berkofca“, all arabic double circle in blue on Duloz 1 pia. yellow and postage due 5 pia. yellow brown/red brown on piece, very fine
„HEZARGRAD IGNE BEKCI ISTASYONU“, all arabic single circle, clear strike resp. large part strike on Duloz 1875, 1 pia. yellow and 20 pa. green, on small piece, very fine and rare, ex Hitzler
„EYRI-DERE SEP 16 (inverted)“ violet cds. without date bridge, clear large part strike on 1892, 2 pia., very fine, ex Hitzler (Isfila RRR)
„KOUCHI-KAVAK MAR 25“, cds. without date bridge, almost complete and very clear strike on pair 1901, 20 pa. on small piece. Very rare postmark of which no entires have been recorded so far and just few strikes on single stamps and pieces have been recorded. Ex Hitzler
5Catalogue no.98,101,99
5 l. and 25 l., 2 copies each, with 10l., all tied by ottoman cds. "VOLOS MAI 13 98" to piece

1850/1925 (ca.), large mint never hinged/unused and used collection with covers, incl. Postage Dues, specialized with plate flaws, shades, printings, many duplicates and better items starting with a fine selection of the Tughras (35) used, followed by a very good part of Duloz types with some proofs and multiples, etc., together with a selection of entires, covers and postal stationeries with a 1850 entire from Monastir to Giannina with negative seal, some combination frankings and better destination like 1886 Postal Stationery card to South Africa, etc., also a fine selection of early Egypt together with the Suez Canal issue. Some occasional faults noted, overall in good and fresh condition, a notable and attractive assembly

1880/1982 (ca.), extensive mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation with covers, incl. Cilicie, strength before the 1950s, plenty of material with some large multiples and an abundance of duplicates, starting from the first Star and Crescent Moon issues with some better items, Mi.-Nr. 5(17), 7(29), 10(4), etc., many cpl. sets, together with a fine selection of covers and cards with interesting frankings, some occasional faults as to be expected, mostly in very fine and fresh condition, an appealing lot

1863/1926, unused/mint never hinged and used collection, partly specialized with many better items, like Mi.-Nr. 1-4, 181-88I-IV, 189-94I-IV, 195-202I-IV, 229-45, 302A, 312, 335, 336, A363, 485-621 and 754-66, also good section Postage due and Locals etc., many signed or with certificate, good condition

1863/1994, good used and unused/mint never hinged collection wit a good classic section partly specialized, later many better, also Compulsory surcharge stamps for Airmail, Red Crescent small collection cancellations, Local Issues and in addition a nice section Cilicia and Eastern Rumelia, mostly good quality

1863/1958 (ca.), large mint never hinged/unused and used collection with a few covers, incl. Postage Dues and Local Posts, strength before the 1940s, some interesting and better items starting with a selection of the Tughra issues, many cpl. sets like Mi.-Nr. 229-245, 843-856, 891-912, 913-934, 985-999 unused, together with some postal stationeries and one official postal document. Some occasional faults, mostly in good and fresh condition, an attractive assembly

1863/1969 (ca), extensive mint never hinged/unused and used collection, incl. official stamps and Turkish areas overprints, from 1900 pretty well comprehensive, some better sets like Mi.-Nr. 229-245 used, 857-867 unused, 868-881 unused, etc., some occasional faults, still mostly in very fine and fresh condition, a lovely assembly neatly housed on pre-printed albums leaves
1865/91 (ca.), lot of mostly excellent copies of the “Duloz” issues with many nice and clear cancels, bisected stamps, nice pieces and multiples, neatly on five cards, plus Coles & Walker handbook, Part Two

1898/1928, exhibition collection "The History of the Railway" with approx. 170 covers, cards, postal stationery and forms (with fiscal stamps), including covers for the Smyrna-Kassaba Railway, Anatolian Railway, Orient Railway, Hedjaz Railway, Baghdad Railway, as well as covers of the "Balkan Express" and other specialties, including registered covers, railway postmarks, railway form letters, registered express cover from Serbia 1906 with routing mark "Orient-Express", Orient-Express vignette with cancellation from the British post office in Constantinople on the front of the cover, fiscal and postage stamps to finance the Hedjaz Railway loose on forms and covers, cover from Medina with Hedjaz postage stamps, a lot of mail from the military mission, cover with Syria Michel No. 173-75 (FA Sorani). Clean throughout on pages with german describtion
BULGARIA: Collection of the all arabic cancellations on around 60 stamps and pieces from the Tugrah issue onwards, including the rare cancellations "MUSEVRI 90" and "AHYOLU"