384. Auction
19–20 & 23–28 September 2024 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (167) Apply Main catalogue filter
- Germany, Europe and Overseas – The Dr Jürgen Wiedemann Collection (18) Apply Germany, Europe and Overseas – The Dr Jürgen Wiedemann Collection filter
- Grand Duchy of Baden – Frankings and Postal History – The Klaus Peter Geis Collection (part II) (14) Apply Grand Duchy of Baden – Frankings and Postal History – The Klaus Peter Geis Collection (part II) filter
- Airmail and Zeppelin Mail – inclusive the collection of the Sieger family (part II) (8) Apply Airmail and Zeppelin Mail – inclusive the collection of the Sieger family (part II) filter
- Heligoland – The Hans-Jürgen Borowski Collection (1) Apply Heligoland – The Hans-Jürgen Borowski Collection filter
- Kingdom of Saxony – 'Frederick Augustus' – The Michael Schewe Collection (2) Apply Kingdom of Saxony – 'Frederick Augustus' – The Michael Schewe Collection filter
- German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part III) (4) Apply German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part III) filter

1960/90 (ca.), accumulation of envelopes adressed to West Germany, Belgium and the United States including many Airmail-rates as well as more uncommon items of printed matter both by air and surface mail. Slightly mixed condition.

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1964/73 (ca.), Abu Dhabi to Qatar, mint never hinged accumulation, many cpl. sets and some full sheets, a few better values like Mi.-Nr. 17A, overall in very fine and fresh condition
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1962/87 (ca.), UNO New York, large mint never hinged accumulation, sizable quantity of complete sheets in abunding duplicates, very fine
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1866/69, Numerals, interesting lot with about 80 covers and fronts including several letters to abroad, bisects, unused multiples, etc.
1847/1946 (ca), unused and used collection, incl. Officials, Newspaper and Post Offices in China, some better items like Scott-Nr. 85B unused (cert. PF), 101 unused without gum, light crease (cert. PF), 122 used (sign. Jakubek BPP), 262 unused (cert. PSE), Officials with some cpl. sets, Newspaper PR83 unused (cert. PF), together with a few covers, some regummed and reperforated noted. Mixed condition, a useful lot

1847/1978, good used and unused/mint never hinged collection with better early values such as Mi.-Nr. 2, 3-7, 12-15, 20-25 used, also Mi.-Nr. 23 on cover, 1869 Pictorial Issue complete and better Zeppelins, 1926 Exhibition sheet etc., a bit mixed quality

1851/1926, mostly used collection with covers and cards incl. Zeppelin covers, without top values, but the early issues with good stamps, neatly in a preprinted album
1947/2012, in the beginning used, from 1970 in the main catalogue numbers mostly complete mint never hinged collection incl. souvenir sheets, booklets and coil stamps, in five hingeless albums

1966/2016 assembly of mint ZIP Code blocks of four, comprising one stock book, significant part of the continuous series, never hinged condition, additionally a selection of newer blocks of four, noted variety of imperf. blocks of four on three of the birds series Scott 4991-4995, a superb lot.

1974/1981 large selection of mint plate blocks, contained within two thick stock albums, comprising only the special issues, many larger blocks, some duplication, exclusively never hinged, significant catalogue value.

1980/2016 complete mint collection of Coil issues, presented within a large Lindner green leather bound volume, never hinged, many scarcer, including Scott 1891 with plate numbers 1, 3 and 6 in strips of five, extremely rare assembly.

1994/2016 extensive mint self adhesive collection, comprising four Leuchtturm black albums, presented on the pre-printed album pages, includes corner marginals, blocks, minisheets, strips, many scarcer, mint never hinged, vast array of extremely eye catching material.
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1998/2016 (ca.), about 130 imperforated mnh sheets and unsevered printing sheets of stamps, booklet panes and souvenir sheets
1785/1868, group of nine covers, with 1785 Nantes to Baltimore with “N. York Aug 29” straight-line; 1807 folded letter datelined “Nantz”, to New York, with “N. Bedford Ms” c.d.s., this an early New Bedford ship use; 1812 stampless letter from Jacmel, Haiti, to Baltimore (stained); 1840 Grand Coteau, Louisiana manuscript cancel on folded letter via New York & Le Havre to Beauvais, France; 1843 Louisville, Ohio manuscript cancel on double-weight stampless letter to Paris; 1847 folded letter from New Orleans to Austria via Boston forwarding agents S.C. Thwing & Co; 1865 cover from San Francisco to Fontainebleu, via New York & Le Havre, franked with 1858 10c. green and 1862 5c. red brown; 1867 New York to Basel, Switzerland stampless cover via Le Havre; and 1868 New Orleans printed circular to France, franked with 15c. black Lincoln single franking; condition mixed with some faults to be expected in places, but several fresh and fine items.
1860/1940 (ca.), accumulation fo several hundred covers and cards, mostly adressed to Europa. Beginning with three frankings of the 1857-60 3 c. rose, one of which on charming illustrated cover “Brandreth House, N.Y.” further 1875 5c c. blue (Scott 179) on cover to Prussia, Scott 226+236 on 1893 Return Receipt cover from San Francisco to Honolulu, 1908 Jamestown Exposition 5 c. blue (Scott 330) on cover per “SS Deutschland” to Zürich, correspondance to stamp dealer Eduard Luder in Switzerland including 1926 registered cover marked “Found in ordinary mail” and registered letter with 1922 Flat Plate 1c. green and 2c red in imperf. blocks of four (Scott 575+577) or 1942 “Service Suspended” cover to unoccupied France. Varied and interesting though in rather mixed condition.

1925/35, collection of 66 “Roesler” airmail covers including better items such Zeppelin covers (7) including 1929 Meditteranean Flight with German franking, Hydroplane Mail 1925 (1) or Lindbergh cover 1927 as well as some first fligth covers.

1927/41, collection of some one hundred airmail covers including Trans Pacific Airmail (30), Trans Atlantic Airmail (61) and 9 Lidnbergh flights.

1862/1960, comprehensive mint never hinged/unused and used collection, starting from the State Revenues and extensively filled with many interesting items like Scott-Nr. R31c, R79a, R83a, R96a, R97a, R99a-c, R102a-c, R129-131, R150, R223 (some of the former repaired or with the usual small faults), followed by many specialties like Proprietary RB 8a-b, Stock Transfer RD 112, RD 207-208, RD 311, Cordials and Wines RE 179, Silver Tax RG 22, etc., also good section of Documentary and Narcotic Tax issues. Mixed condition, with two certificates, a robust assembly, neatly mounted in one album
1858/92 (ca.) interesting unused and used collection of Sperati proofs, trials and forgeries from Buenos Aires, Benin, Bolivia and Peru, including Buenos Aires 2p. unfinished working proof and 2p. forgery signed Sperati / Reproduction, further Benin overprint proof in blue, Peru trial exposures, etc., on pages

1880/1950(ca.), interesting group of ca. 500 postal stationery cards and envelopes, with some interesting items, mostly good quality
Argentina to Venezuela, extensive collection with many early issues, some covers and postal stationery cards, and in the modern part with often mint never hinged issues, including a good part of Brazil from No. 2 with block of four No. 13, together in four thick albums
1868/1990 (ca.), mostly used and in the modern part mint never hinged collection incl. Canada with much material before 1900, some covers and postal stationery cards and other specialties in three albums
1880/1990 (ca.), used and in the modern part mint never hinged collection with covers and postal stationery cards, including much Cuba, some Danish West Indies and thematic issues, miniature sheets and booklets in three albums
1862/2000 (ca.), interesting collection incl. Arab States mint/unused, used and on cover/postal stationery cards/FDC sorted from A to V with many complete issues, miniature sheets , including a good part of Hong Kong with older stamps up to about 1910 with old postal stationery cards/covers, Japan with early issues and cards, Thailand with early postal stationery cards, together in eight albums
1879/1980 (ca.), interesting collection from Ceylon to Vietnam with old postal stationery, registered covers, airmail letters and other specialties, including some smaller areas, commercial cover from North Korea 1955 to Bonn, Thailand with airmail letters and a document with fiscal stamps (ca. 1935/40 ), good part Dutch India with, among other things, a cover from 1879 with 85 cents franking to Berlin and India with two postal stationery cards from the German Reich 1897/1904 to India and two decorative covers with Gandhi 1½ and 12 A. as airmail letters, neatly arranged on self-designed album pages in two albums
1900/2000 (ca), stock of duplicates incl. Arab States and Israel with much older material, thematic stamps and some covers and postal stationery cards, including a good part of India, Israel, Dutch India, mint never hinged stamps/blocks of the 1990s and Persia, together in 14 albums

1880/1950(ca.), interesting group of ca. 350 postal stationery cards and envelopes, with better items like China better Coiling Dragon cards, “SPECIMEN” on Junke Issue, “SOLD IN BULK” in CIP 1c. red, two used Labuan cards etc., mostly good quality
1958/2000 (ca.), mint never hinge collections Egypt UAR and Syria and stock Palestinian Authority with much duplication
1860/2000 (ca.), interesting collection incl. duplicates with, among others, Australian states, much mint never hinged material after 1945, some covers and booklets, together in 10 albums
1975/83, in the main numbers complete, unmounted mint collection including souvenir sheets 11-30 and Michel No. 1594, in pre-printed album, plus some duplicates and eight booklets from No. 2
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1932, Los Angeles, fast 60 Briefe und Karten und einige Olympiamarken mit Vorausentwertungen, darunter Sonderstempel und Cachets, viele Schiffsstempel.