384. Auction
19–20 & 23–28 September 2024 in Wiesbaden
- Main catalogue (1494) Apply Main catalogue filter
- The Gustav Strunk Collections (part III): The Principalities of Lippe, Germany, Europe – collections and single lots (79) Apply The Gustav Strunk Collections (part III): The Principalities of Lippe, Germany, Europe – collections and single lots filter
- Germany, Europe and Overseas – The Dr Jürgen Wiedemann Collection (184) Apply Germany, Europe and Overseas – The Dr Jürgen Wiedemann Collection filter
- Airmail and Zeppelin Mail – inclusive the collection of the Sieger family (part II) (1) Apply Airmail and Zeppelin Mail – inclusive the collection of the Sieger family (part II) filter
- Heligoland – The Hans-Jürgen Borowski Collection (1) Apply Heligoland – The Hans-Jürgen Borowski Collection filter
- German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part III) (32) Apply German Reichspost – Shield Issues – The Michael Rehme Collection (part III) filter
- German Reichspost – Shield Issues 1872–75 – The Dr. Dietmar Kipping Collection (2) Apply German Reichspost – Shield Issues 1872–75 – The Dr. Dietmar Kipping Collection filter
- Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia – The "P.G." Collection (3) Apply Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia – The "P.G." Collection filter
- Airmail (27) Apply Airmail filter
- All World (54) Apply All World filter
- British Commonwealth (79) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- Europe (381) Apply Europe filter
- German Colonies and offices abroad (48) Apply German Colonies and offices abroad filter
- German Empire (228) Apply German Empire filter
- German occupation and field post 1939-45 (37) Apply German occupation and field post 1939-45 filter
- German States (170) Apply German States filter
- Germany (112) Apply Germany filter
- Germany after 1945 (266) Apply Germany after 1945 filter
- Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland (97) Apply Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland filter
- Literature (21) Apply Literature filter
- Occupations in World War I. and related areas (111) Apply Occupations in World War I. and related areas filter
- Overseas (126) Apply Overseas filter
- pick-up Lots (15) Apply pick-up Lots filter
- Postcards (10) Apply Postcards filter
- Thematics (34) Apply Thematics filter
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1851/1926, mostly used collection with covers and cards incl. Zeppelin covers, without top values, but the early issues with good stamps, neatly in a preprinted album
1947/2012, in the beginning used, from 1970 in the main catalogue numbers mostly complete mint never hinged collection incl. souvenir sheets, booklets and coil stamps, in five hingeless albums

1966/2016 assembly of mint ZIP Code blocks of four, comprising one stock book, significant part of the continuous series, never hinged condition, additionally a selection of newer blocks of four, noted variety of imperf. blocks of four on three of the birds series Scott 4991-4995, a superb lot.

1974/1981 large selection of mint plate blocks, contained within two thick stock albums, comprising only the special issues, many larger blocks, some duplication, exclusively never hinged, significant catalogue value.

1980/2016 complete mint collection of Coil issues, presented within a large Lindner green leather bound volume, never hinged, many scarcer, including Scott 1891 with plate numbers 1, 3 and 6 in strips of five, extremely rare assembly.

1994/2016 extensive mint self adhesive collection, comprising four Leuchtturm black albums, presented on the pre-printed album pages, includes corner marginals, blocks, minisheets, strips, many scarcer, mint never hinged, vast array of extremely eye catching material.
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1998/2016 (ca.), about 130 imperforated mnh sheets and unsevered printing sheets of stamps, booklet panes and souvenir sheets
1785/1868, group of nine covers, with 1785 Nantes to Baltimore with “N. York Aug 29” straight-line; 1807 folded letter datelined “Nantz”, to New York, with “N. Bedford Ms” c.d.s., this an early New Bedford ship use; 1812 stampless letter from Jacmel, Haiti, to Baltimore (stained); 1840 Grand Coteau, Louisiana manuscript cancel on folded letter via New York & Le Havre to Beauvais, France; 1843 Louisville, Ohio manuscript cancel on double-weight stampless letter to Paris; 1847 folded letter from New Orleans to Austria via Boston forwarding agents S.C. Thwing & Co; 1865 cover from San Francisco to Fontainebleu, via New York & Le Havre, franked with 1858 10c. green and 1862 5c. red brown; 1867 New York to Basel, Switzerland stampless cover via Le Havre; and 1868 New Orleans printed circular to France, franked with 15c. black Lincoln single franking; condition mixed with some faults to be expected in places, but several fresh and fine items.
1860/1940 (ca.), accumulation fo several hundred covers and cards, mostly adressed to Europa. Beginning with three frankings of the 1857-60 3 c. rose, one of which on charming illustrated cover “Brandreth House, N.Y.” further 1875 5c c. blue (Scott 179) on cover to Prussia, Scott 226+236 on 1893 Return Receipt cover from San Francisco to Honolulu, 1908 Jamestown Exposition 5 c. blue (Scott 330) on cover per “SS Deutschland” to Zürich, correspondance to stamp dealer Eduard Luder in Switzerland including 1926 registered cover marked “Found in ordinary mail” and registered letter with 1922 Flat Plate 1c. green and 2c red in imperf. blocks of four (Scott 575+577) or 1942 “Service Suspended” cover to unoccupied France. Varied and interesting though in rather mixed condition.

1925/35, collection of 66 “Roesler” airmail covers including better items such Zeppelin covers (7) including 1929 Meditteranean Flight with German franking, Hydroplane Mail 1925 (1) or Lindbergh cover 1927 as well as some first fligth covers.

1927/41, collection of some one hundred airmail covers including Trans Pacific Airmail (30), Trans Atlantic Airmail (61) and 9 Lidnbergh flights.

1862/1960, comprehensive mint never hinged/unused and used collection, starting from the State Revenues and extensively filled with many interesting items like Scott-Nr. R31c, R79a, R83a, R96a, R97a, R99a-c, R102a-c, R129-131, R150, R223 (some of the former repaired or with the usual small faults), followed by many specialties like Proprietary RB 8a-b, Stock Transfer RD 112, RD 207-208, RD 311, Cordials and Wines RE 179, Silver Tax RG 22, etc., also good section of Documentary and Narcotic Tax issues. Mixed condition, with two certificates, a robust assembly, neatly mounted in one album

1840/1940(ca.), ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit u.a. Großbritannien ab Mi.-Nr. 1-2 sowie vier besseren Pfund-Werten, Liechtenstein mit einigen bessere, guter Teil Österreich sowie Niederlande, Norwegen und Ungarn, etwas unterschiedliche Erhaltung

1840/80 (ca.), small holding with stamps from Great Britain from Michel No. 1, Poland, Switzerland and USA, mostly older material, plus stock book with Commemorative Issue Silver Jubilee King George 1937 from Antigua to Virgin Islands

1850/1960 (approx.), interesting small collections from Belgium to Hungary with loose stamps incl. airmail, old covers and postal stationery cards, including Estonia with commercial posts, Russia with registered covers, R-GSK Hungary 1885 and Monako with i.a. souvenir sheet 1 used and Mi.-Nr. 137 mint never hinged, clean on self-designed album pages in three albums
1850/1950 (ca.), rather nostalgic lot comprising a european collection in four somewhat aged volumes with more substantive sections of France, German States, Greece, Italian States, Switzerland from 1851, 5 Rp. “Rayon I” and Great Britain with 1840, 1d. black and 2 d. blue, 1883 2s. 6d. lilac (SG 58) and 1902-10, ½ d. - 5s. (SG 83-95) as well as three historic stamp albums ("Illustrirtes Briefmarken-Album", c. 1880, “Schaubek´s illustriertes Briefmarken-Album”, 13. Edition, 1891 and the 1912 edition of the same publication), a 1932 Michel european catalogue and a number of loose stamps in stockbooks, cigar boxes and similar recepticles. Mixed condition.
1850/80, small collection of European first issues used and/or on cover including most German States with Baden, Bavaria, Hannover, Prussia, Mecklenburg-Schwerin with 4/4 S. red (Mi.-No. 1) used folded letter from Rostock to Laage, Thurn und Taxis incl. 6 Kr. black on red (Mi.-No. 9), strip of three on complete entire from St. Goarshausen to Epernay (France), Württemberg, also Belgium 10 C. black, Greece 20 C. blue, Luxemburg 10 C. black, Napoli 2G. and 5 G. Netherlands 5 C. blue and 10 C. red, Spain 6 Cs. black and Sweden 4 Sk. blue each on cover, Papal States, Bulgaria, GB used in Malta etc. Mostly good condition.
1850/1990 (ca.), Posten auf Steckkarten, dabei viel Altdeutschland inkl. Sachsen Mi.-Nr. 10 auf Briefteil (Registraturbug) und mittlere Blocks verschiedener Gebiete. Unterschiedliche Erhaltung.

1851/60 (ca), mostly used collection holding from German States with covers, cards and postal stationery cards, including the Netherlands with Michel No. 1-3, Italian States with better stamps and interesting cancellations and four covers, plus stock book with unused/mint never hinged stamps Bavaria (Pfennig period), German Reich, Danzig and Saar

1851/1988, somewhat unusual collection from German States with, among others, Michel No. 1 to Württemberg. German Reich from the shield issues, as well as covers/FDC from Denmark to the Vatican to the modern period
1852/2000 (ca.), substantial mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation of collections with e.g. a good part Switzerland and Netherlands in good hingeless albums, further an extensive part Vatican with multiples, in eight cartons, the proceeds go to a missionary organisation

1852/2012 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used collections with Great Britain with better values, Hungary, Switzerland, Vatican, etc, in one carton

1858/1945 (ca.), 11-bändige alte Sammlung, meist 20er/40er Jahre, aber auch einige frühere; dabei viele Briefe und Karten, insbesondere Luftpost

1858/1936, SWEDEN, FINNLAND and GREENLAND, used and unused collection including Sweden, 4 sk. blue or 50 Öre violet-carmine cancelled by part strike of framed German “Aus Schweden” in black, Finland incl. 1866 20 P. blue (2) and 40 P. rose-carmine and subsequent issues up to 1889 with an interesting variety of cancellations including lozenges, straight lines, manuscript ink place name or swedish “Fran Finland”, as well as Greenland with many unused incl. New York issue Mi.-Nos. 8-16. Slightly mixed condition.
1860/1990 (approx.), interesting unused/mint never hinged/used collection from Albania to Cyprus with some better and complete issues, covers and postal stationery cards and other specialties, including a lot of France with among others Mi.-Nr. 32 and plenty of booklets from Red Cross, Italy with states, two pre-print albums and Sweden with se-tenants and booklets, together in 19 albums
1860/2017(ca.), unused/mint never hinged and used accumulation in very generously laid out stock books, with mainly Austria and in addition collection Kosovo incl. miniature sheets
1860/1990(ca.), mint never hinged and used collection with covers, mainly modern material of Luxemburg, Monaco and Netherlands. mainly good condition
1861/2008, umfangreicher Bestand Sammlungen und Dubletten, dabei bessere frühe Ausgaben aber auch viel postfrisches Material, dabei Albanien, Estland, Griechenland, Kroatien, Lettland, Litauen, Monaco, San Marino, Türkei, Vatikan und Zypern sowie etwas Übersee, meist gute Erhaltung
1866/2003, unused, mint never hinged and used accumulation of smaller collections and duplicates, mainly consisting of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Russia/Soviet Union, Slovakia and Yugoslavia, some better issues, mostly good quality
1868/2002(ca.), unused/mint never hinged and used accumulation of smaller collections, duplicates of various European countries including Iceland with Mi.-Nr. 7A/B, Austria, San marino and Switzerland, Serbia, Spain and some UN, mostly good condition

1870/1963 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation with covers, noted a good part of Russian covers and postal stationeries (over 60), some better usages with 1908 Russian Post Office in China registered lettercard with cds. “SHANGHAI 26 5 08”, together with a group of Russia North-West Armies issues, also German Occupation in Ukraine, etc., somewhat mixed condition
1880/1980, comprehensive duplicate stock of almost all countries with much material before 1945 in approx. 40 albums, neatly sorted, together in four cartons
1900/2008, collection items with used part-collection Berlin, used collection Bund 1949-2008, unused/mint never hinged/used collection DDR 19 49/90 complete, partial collection of CSR with overprint issues, partial collection of Switzerland 1862-1980 and CEPT collection 1956/76, together in two boxes
1900/2002(ca.), umfangreiche Partie Dubletten und Teilsammlungen, dabei etwas Bund, Schweiz und Liechtenstein, diverse Briefe etc., meist gute Erhaltung
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1910/42, mostly mint collection ‘airmail stamps’ incl. some vignettes with i.a. much Italy with colonies issues, good condition, in pre-printed album
1920/57, Belgium, Poland and Romania, mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation on stockcards, some better sets like Belgium Mi.-Nr. 354-365 unused, many souvenir sheets with Poland Bl. AI and 9, etc., some occasional faults otherwise very fine