Lot no. 10528

383rd Auction


0 2 6 6M

Catalogue no.

Opening1.000 €
Sold for2.100 €

EUROPA: 1933/2015, interesting collection with early rocket mail covers, a.o. from Roberti, Smith (India), Schmidl and Zucker with better and interesting part of rocket research in the III Reich with fieldpost covers from Kummersdorf, Peenemünde with a.o. cancellations "Versuchskommando Nord" and sender's form "SS-Rekruten Depot Debica" as well as a card from the concentration camp "Dora Mittelbau". From the 1960s onwards, mostly decorative covers and cancellations (including from Kourou), some with signatures and proofs with, among others, Mauritania Mi.-Nr. 266-68 as imperforated colour proofs in complete sheet sets, clean on 96 exhibition pages (few covers removed by the collector).