365 / September 2017
365. Heinrich Koehler Auction
- Alle Welt (94) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1569) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (104) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (561) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (476) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (569) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (1155) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (74) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (759) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (1789) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (271) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Literatur (63) Apply Literatur filter
- Luftpost (315) Apply Luftpost filter
- Numismatik (47) Apply Numismatik filter
- Übersee (194) Apply Übersee filter
- Preussen (1) Apply Preussen filter
- Frankreich (1) Apply Frankreich filter
- Niederlande (1) Apply Niederlande filter
- Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) (1) Apply Norwegen (Norge, Noreg) filter
- Portugal (3) Apply Portugal filter
- Russland (Poccия) (1) Apply Russland (Poccия) filter
- Schweden (Sverige) (100) Apply Schweden (Sverige) filter
- Schweiz (Helvetia) (1) Apply Schweiz (Helvetia) filter
'Le Ballon Poste no. 10', franked with lauré 40 c. (applied with creases) and Ceres 10 c. and 20 c., tied by star numeral "15" with adjacent "PARIS R. BONAPARTE 5 DEC." to Louisville, Kentucky with frontside transit mark of London, overlapping New York arrival mark and red "2 CENTS"; slight transportation marks; most interesting letter to the United States with a 3-colour-franking via England, a great rarity signed Calves
GENERAL RENAULT 'Gazette des Absents no. 14' with Ceres 20 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS (60) 10 DEC." to Tartas with arrival mark of December 20, fine
Entire letter with 3 pages of text, franked with lauré 20 c., tied by star cancel "20" with adjacent "PARIS R. ST. DOMQUE ST GN 56 / 9 DEC." to Calvi, Corsica with arrival mark of December 23, fine, signed Roumet with certificate (2004)
Entire letter with 3 pages of text, franked with siège 20 c. from "PARIS R. ST. LAZARE 7 DEC." to Dieppe with arrival mark of December 14, re-directed to Brighton with arrival mark of December 18, and from here again re-directed to London with arrival marks of the next day, the French stamp additionally tied by clear "BRIGHTON DE 18", adjacent red "AFFRANCHISSEMENT INSUFFISANT" and "MORE TO PAY", manuscript tax "4" (d.); an uncommon and attractive letter re-directed twice in very fine condition
Entire letter with lauré 20 c. and siège 10 c., tied by GC "347" with adjacent "PARIS LES BATIGNOLLES 8 DEC." to Bruxelles with transit and arrival marks
Lettersheet with large part of contents, franked with Siège 10 c., 20 c. and 40 c. tied by star cancel "1" with adjacent "PARIS PL. DE LA BOURSE 8 DEC." to New York with frontside transit mark "LONDON PAID 13 DE 70" and arrival mark; a marvellous cover with the empire issue 'Siège de Paris' in great state of conservation, certificate Brun (2017)
Envelope without stamp (probably fallen off) and dispatch mark, showing on reverse clear blue "REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE DARTOIS & YON AÉRONAUTES DU GOUVERNEMENT" and 2 arrival marks of Narbonne of December 11 and 12
Entire letter franked with Siege 20 c. , tied by ink cross, to Lorient, showing on reverse blue cachet "REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE DARTOIS & YON AERONAUTES DU GOUVERNEMENT", transit mark "NANTES A QUIMPER" and arrival mark of December 13, fine and rare, certificate Brun (2017)
VILLE DE PARIS Entire letter with text about the national defense addressed to Leon Gambetta at Tours, franked with lauré 20 c., tied by star cancel "16" with adjacent "PARIS R. DE PALESTRO 13 DEC."; a cover of historical interest, little toned
Newspaper "LE SOIR" (no. 13) franked with lauré 50 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS (60) 11 DEC." addressed to the Frankfurter Zeitung; most interesting content, very fine and scarce
"Gazette des Absents no. 15" with long text, franked with 2 copies siège 20 c. blue and lauré 40 c., tied by blue star cancel of the foreign bureau with adjacent red boxed "PD" addressed to Fouchow, endorsed "par Hong-Kong". A fine letter with a unique destination for 'Ballon Monté' and a key item in adorable quality, signed Calves and Brun, each with certificate (both 2005)
Plis confiés: Envelope with original contents with 4 pages of text, showing on reverse clear cachet "REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE / DARTOIS & YON / AÉRONAUTES DU GOUVERNEMENT" and "15 DECE 1870", franked with siège 20 c., uncancelled, addressed to Saumur. The confiés of this flight are extremely rare; a very attractive item; signed Calves and certificate Vavrovsky (1979)
PARMENTIER Pair of "Gazette des Absents" no. 15 and no. 16, both franked with siège 20 c. and posted on December 15, both with arrival mark and one letter with transit mark "2565" of Moulins sur Allier
Entire letter franked with lauré 80 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS 15 DEC." to St. Petersburg with arrival mark; the cover re-folded at right; the stamp originally fixed around the edge of the cover (here crease resp. paper break); an attractive and scarce item, certificate Sismondo (2001)
Double weight entire letter with 3 pages of text, franked with siège 10 c. and lauré 30 c. and 40 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS R. ST. DOMQUE. ST. GN 56 / 16 DEC." addressed to a French officer 'prisoner of war after the capitulation of Metz' at Mayence (at that time Prussian fortress) with adjacent red "PD" without arrival mark; the entire re-folded at top and top perforation of the stamps slightly damaged where applied at the edge of the cover; a fine and scarce entire full of history, signed Calves
DAVY Plis confiés: Envelope franked with siège 20 c., tied by GC "532" and adjacent "BORDEAUX 20 DEC." to Lesieux with transit mark "CAEN A PARIS" and arrival mark of December 24; the envelope was somewhat roughly opened, nevertheless fine and attractive. A rare entire, signed Roumet with certificate (2001)
LAVOISIER 'Gazette des Absents no. 17' with long text, franked with lauré 20 c., tied by star cancel "4" with adjacent "R. D'ENGHIEN 19 DEC." to Le Havre with unclear arrival mark
Entire letter with siège 20 c. (partly toned and small faults), tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS (60) 21 DEC" to Colmar; on reverse manuscript notation, that the letter was held at Blamont due to Prussian occupation of Alsace; on reverse Blamont dispatch mark of May 20, 1871, transit mark of Belfort and Colmar arrival mark, on front tax mark "30"; the thin paper of the letter enforced in places; a scarce and interesting item
Entire letter with lauré 30 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS R. ST. LAZARE 21 DEC." to Prangins in Switzerland with transit marks of Geneva and Nyon
'Gazette des Absents no. 18" with text, franked with 2 copies lauré 10 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS GARE DU NORD 21 DEC." to Bresles with arrival mark of December 29, franking with small faults
TOURVILLE Envelope with lauré 20 c. with star cancel and adjacent "PARIS MINISTÈRE DES FINANCES 22 DEC." with arrival mark of December 29, signed Pfenninger
'Gazette des Absents no. 18' with long text, franked with lauré 20 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS BT. MAZAS 22 DEC." to Clermont Ferrand with arrival mark of December 28, an attractive cover
"DÉPÊCHE-BALLON" no. 17 with long text, franked with lauré 20 c., tied by star cancel "20" and adjacent "PARIS R. ST. DOMQUE ST. GN 58 / 26 DEC." to Elbeuf with arrival mark
'CORRESPONDANCE DE PRESSE' in German language franked with siège 10 c. and 2 copies 20 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS (60) / 25 DEC." to the Vossische Zeitung in Berlin without arrival mark; fine and scarce, signed Calves
'Gazette des Absents no. 19' with small coloured map of Paris (mentioned in the sender's message), franked with lauré 30 c., tied by star cancel "9" with adjacent "PARIS R. MONTAIGNE 24 DEC." to England and re-directed with arrival marks of January 3 and 4; a rare ensemble
BAYARD 'Gazette des Absents no. 20' with long text, franked with siège 20 c. with star cancel and adjacent "PARIS R. D'AMSTERDAM 28 DEC." to Fecamp with arrival mark of January 2
Entire letter with lauré 30 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS R. DE CLERY 27 DEC." with the rare destination of St. Hélier on the Isle of Jersey with arrival mark of January 4; fine and scarce, signed Brun with certificate
'Gazette des Absents no. 19' with long text of December 27, franked with lauré 30 c., tied by rare blue star cancel of the foreign mail office without dispatch mark, addressd to Norfolk, England with arrival mark "THETFORD JA 3 71", an attractive cover
ARMEE DE LA LOIRE 'Gazette des Absents no. 19" with one page of text, franked with siège 20 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS R. D'AMSTERDAM 30 DEC." addressed to Bologne sur Mer. After the printed "PAR BALLON MONTÉ" endorsed "ou voie rapides"
'Gazette des Absents no. 20' with supplement and small coloured map of Paris (mentioned in the letter), franked with siège 20 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS R. ST. DOMQUE ST GN 53 / 28 DEC." to Mme. Gauthereau at Tannay without arrival mark with matching 'Boule de Moulins' to M. Gauthereau in Paris, franked with Bordeaux 20 c. and 80 c., tied by GC "3902" with adjacent "TANNAY 15 JANV. 71" with arrival mark "PARIS R. ST. DOMQUE. ST. GN. 17 FEVR. 71". A fabulous and most likely unique group of the same correspondance, both letters signed Brun, 'Ballon Monté' additionally Calves with certificate (1998). A tremendous pair of the Gauthereau correspondence!
3 'DÉPÊCHE-RÉPONSE' of the Gauthereau correspondance with carrier envelope with blue "Le Receveur principal des Postes du Département de la Seinte" addressed to M. Gauthereau with cds. "PARIS RC (60) / 16 FEVR. 71". An interesting and scarce ensemble, signed Calves with certificate (1998)
Entire letter with 3 pages of text, franked with siège 20c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS R. DES VLLES HAUBRT. 30 DEC.", addressed to Diette with arrival mark of January 3; re-directed to Anvers, Belgium with boxed "AFFRANCHISSEMENT INSUFFISANT", transit and arrival marks; fine and interesting letter
NEWTON Entire letter with lauré 20 c., tied by GC "432" with adjacent "PARIS BELLEVILLE 1 JANV." to Arras with unclear arrival mark
'Gazette des Absents no. 21' without any further text, franked with lauré 40 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS AVENUE JOSÉPHINE 31 DEC." to Florence with transit mark "DA SUSA A TORINO" and arrival mark; part of upper back flap torn away by opening, otherwise very fine and attractive
'Gazette des Absents no. 21' with long text, franked with lauré 30 c., tied by star cancel with adjacent "PARIS R. TAITBOUT 31 DEC." to Basel, Switzerland with arrival mark
Entire letter with 3 pages of text, franked with lauré 30 c. and 40 c. (letter applied with heavy crease/tear), tied by star cancel "6" with partly tying "PARIS SENAT 3 JANV." via England to New York with transit and arrival marks on front; a fine and very scarce entire, signed Calves