366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Koehler Auction
19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden
1850, 12 c. lilac in horizontal pair, fresh colour and large margins, tied by 2 clear strikes of red spider cancel to large piece with adjacent rec "LOJA 24 ABR. 1850"; very fine and rare in this condition, certificates CEM (1999) and Graus (2000)
Provenance: "Sarah" (Corinphila 1999)
1851, 12 c., 2 copies in shades of lilac and violet, both with good to wide margins, one copy with right sheet margin, both neatly cancelled, in fine condition, each certificate CEM (2000 resp. 2008) (Edifil 7, 7a)
12 c. lilac in horizontal pair, good to large margins, neatly cancelled by black spider, very fine, certificate CEM (2006) (Edifil 7b)
12 c. lilac in block of 9, the lower right value slightly touched in the frameline, otherwise ample to wide margins and nice deep colour, used with several clear strikes of black spider; a very fine and rare multiple, certificate CEM (2015)
1851, 5 r. dark rose, nice deep colour and large margins, used with ideal central black spider, extremely fine, certificate Comex (2010)
1851, 5 r. rose, horizontal block of 8 with wide margins, each stamp neatly cancelled by spider; a fine and scarce multiple, certificate Comex (2014) and sign. Alberto Diena with certificate (1964)
6 r. blue, horizontal block of 6 with good to wide margins, nice fresh colour, lightly cancelled with black spider; a rare multiple in very fine condition, certificate Comex (2014)
1853, 6 c. rose, vertical block of 14, slightly touched in bottom pair, otherwise ample to good margins, nice fresh colour and neatly cancelled by oval grid; a scarce multiple, certificate Graus (1999)
1865, 12 c. blue/rose with variety "Frame inverted" together with normal stamp, tied to entire letter from "SAN SEBASTIAN 17 AGO 65" to Bayonne in France with transit and arrival marks; both stamps with good to wide margins; an attractive and very rare franking in fine condition; sign. A. Bolaffi, G. Bolaffi and A. Diena, certificate COMEX (2004) (Edifil 70ei)
1938, unissued Fernando 30 CMS in emerald green, black green and black, each in block of 4, unmounted mint (Edifil 844Aecd,etc., 2620,-)
1940, Virgin of Pilar air mail 4 pta. and 10 pta. in unissued colours, imperforated blocks of 4, unmounted mint (Mi. 1.040,-)
1998, CEPT 70 pts., block of 4 from the upper right sheet corner, 2 stamps each imperforated resp. partly perforated, unhinged mint, a rare block (Edifil-no. 3542s/dw)
1901, Private postal stationery card 10 c. with picture "La Equitativa" used from "MADRID 6.JUL.05" to Germany with arrival mark, fine (LaizPP103)
BENEFICENCIA: 1939, Unissued souvenier sheet with 5 c. in green, imperforated and without control number on reverse, unmounted mint with very slightly toned gum, small pencil signature in the margin; a very rare souvenir sheet (Edifil NE34)
1859, Entire forwarded letter, showing on reverse oval "RAFAEL Ro. BARTHOLD NEW-YORK" and posted with black "NEW YORK 6/JUN 14" to Paris with adjacent "ET. UNIS SERV. BR. A.C." and tax mark "16" (decimes)
1871, Definitives 25 c. ultramarine, horizontal pair tied by cds. "HABANA ISLA DE CUBA" to envelope via St. Thomas and London with boxed "GB 1 F.60C" and French tax mark "19" to France with arrival mark, fine
1850/1990, postfrischer, ungebrauchter und gestempelter Bestand mit Sammlungen und Doubletten im großen Karton
1856/2003, postfrischer, ungebrauchter und gestempelter Bestand mit Sammlungen und Doubletten im großen Karton
1889/2010, sehr schöne ungebrauchte und postfrische Sammlung mit einer Vielzahl an guten Ausgaben, dabei Mi.-Nr. 206-17, 220-29, 231-42, 267-79, 322-35, 336-50, 351-60, 444-56, 598-610, 711, 713, Block 5 und 737-45, gute Erhaltung
1938, nicht ausgegebene Ibanez 45 C. a. 2 C., 25 stück postfrisch im Bogenteil (Mi. VIIa, 1250,-; Edifil Ne 28a, 2.000,-)
1763/1948, 54 Briefe und Karten ab Vorphila, dabei Auslandspost frühe Auslandspost mit Taxen, interessante Stempel und viele Belege "Spanischer Bürgerkrieg" mit Zensuren und Zwangszuschlagsmarken
1766/1852, ca. 160 Vorphilabriefe mit vielen verschiedenen Stempeln, Tax-Vermerken und Besonderheiten, meist in guter Erhaltung
1830/80, ca. 200 Briefe ab Vorphila mit Bunt- und Mischfrankaturen, verschiedene Stempel usw., meist in guter Erhaltung