366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Koehler Auction
19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden
1768, Entire letter from Stockholm to France, transported via forwarding agent Antoine Grill & Fils; in France re-directed twice; on front small part missing, where stuck to seal, otherwise fine
1783, Gustav III, King of Sweden, entire letter with his own signatur and red seal, addressed to the president of the Royal Tribunal at Wismar, very fine
1804, Entire letter from Näss to Blois, France, struck on front with clear "R.N.4./SUEDE"; charged on arrival with "15" decimes; a fine letter with very scarce marking
1805, Entire letter from Stockholm to Bordeaux, showing on front just clear transit mark "SUEDE" (30 mm), in France taxed "14" decimes, small part of outer cover missing on reverse; this type of "SUEDE"-marking is only recorded on a handful of covers
Incoming Mail: 1844, folded cover from "ATHEN 28.8." via Berlin and Stralsund to Stockholm with several taxes, desinfected in Ystad with vertical and horizontal slits, fine colera cover with black cachet "....S.M. Le Roi de Suede & Norvege en Grece" on reverse
Incoming Mail: 1853, folded letter from "CONSTANTINOPEL 15.MAI." via Paris, Hamburg and Helsingborg to Carlscrona with 15 sk. Swedish postage on front, fine
Incoming Mail: 1859, folded letter from "LAUSANNE 4.FEBR.59" via Bern and Hamburg to Stockholm with serveral taxes and tax mark "90 öre", fine
1867, "Fran Danmark", boxed violet mark on entire letter from Copenhagen to Falkenberg with red crayon "25" and notation "Lösen 25 öre", fine
1875, Unpaid ship letter, dated Hull September 10 1875, sent to Göteborg with arrival mark on front and clear boxed "FRAN STORBRITANNIEN", taxed with 40 öre and vertical pair postage due stamp 20 ö. blue applied on reverse; very fine and rare, only 5 letters with this landing mark recorded
POMERANIA: 1687, Entire letter from Stockholm to Stralsund
1784, Entire letter sent within Stralsund from the Swedish governor S.W. Hessenstein with his signature to the Council of the City; very fine and decorative
ST. BARTHELEMY: 1805, 2 entire letters to Philadelphia, the first dated "St. Barthelemy 21 August 1805", forwarded by private ship to New York and here posted with red "SHIP" to Philadelphia. The sender of the letter, Charles Crook, explains, that this letter is a triplet, because 2 earlier letters he had entrusted to a Captain K. Higgins apparently did not arrive at Philadelphia. The second letter, addressed to the same address is written by Captain Higgins, who explained to the addressee why he could not delivery the 2 earlier letters from St. Barthelemy. A very interesting pair of letters, extensively explained on exhibition page
1975, CEPT 90 ö., imperforated strip of 4 with perforation at left and imperforated strip of 3, onmounted mint, fine (Facit 919 v)
1981, Europe "Folklore" large artist design in black print on thick carton, very attractive
1985, CEPT 2 kr., imperforated pair and strip of 3, each stamp with number on reverse, fine (Facit 1345 v)
1987, CEPT booklet pane with variety " vertical imperforated", gutter pair with two panes, unmounted mint, fine
1987, CEPT booklet pane with variety " vertical imperforated", two gutter pairs with four panes, unmounted mint, fine
1855/2010, postfrischer, ungebrauchter und gestempelter Bestand mit Sammlungen und Doubletten, dazu Jahreszusammenstellungen, Briefe, Karten, Ganzsachen und FDC; in 3 Kartons
1855/66, gestempelte Partie, dabei u.a. Mi.-Nr. 8 (3) etc.
1969/2009, umfangreiche postfrische Sammlung "Markenheftchen der CEPT-Ausgaben" mit ca. 560 Stück inkl. vielen besseren Varianten, dabei u.a. MH mit Zählbalken, Plattennummern (1 und 2), Bogenzählnummern, Doppel- und Tripple-Kombinationen aus Zählbalken, Platten- und Bogennummer, Leerdrucke und zahlreichen Heftchendeckel-Fehldrucken (Auszug aus dem MH-Katalog "ATLAS" liegen bei). Dazu noch Rollenmarken mit kpl. Rollen, vier Alben mit FDC und ca. 550 Belege mit schwedischen Sonderstempeln zur Europa-Thematik aus 1903 bis 1990
1740/66 (ca.), 8 unfrankierte und 2 frankierte Briefe, alles postgeschichtlich interessante Stücke mit besseren Stempeln bzw. 2 Auslandsfrankaturen, teils etwas fehlerhaft