367th. Auction
367. Heinrich Koehler Auction
- Airmail (84) Apply Airmail filter
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- Europe (1181) Apply Europe filter
- German Colonies and offices abroad (286) Apply German Colonies and offices abroad filter
- German Empire (622) Apply German Empire filter
- German occupation and field post 1939-45 (426) Apply German occupation and field post 1939-45 filter
- German States (488) Apply German States filter
- Germany (107) Apply Germany filter
- Germany after 1945 (1351) Apply Germany after 1945 filter
- Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland (95) Apply Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland filter
- Literature (25) Apply Literature filter
- Occupations in World War I. and related areas (845) Apply Occupations in World War I. and related areas filter
- Overseas (174) Apply Overseas filter
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10 c. grey-black, ample to large margins, used with nice strike of 'brisés de Remich', very fine, certificate Demuth BPP (1987)
10 c. grey-black with large to enormous margins, originating from the lower left sheet corner, neatly cancelled, very fine, sign. Goebel and Demuth BPP, certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
10 c. grey-black, good to wide margins, used with bright blue circle of 9 bars, fine and scarce, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
10 c. grey-black, good to large margins, neatly cancelled by central clear strike of rural cancel of Remich, very fine, sign. F.S.P.L. and opinion Böttger BPP (2018)
10 c. grey-black, good to large margins, nice strike of "Des de Frisange", very fine, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
10 c. grey-black, good to large margins, neatly cancelled by central cds. "LUXEMBOURG 23 OCT. 5...", very fine, opinion Böttger BPP
10 c. grey-black, ample to large margins, cancelled by Belgian type cds. "ESCH-S-L'ALZETTE 8 XI 1856", fine and scarce, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
10 c. grey-black with clear to large margins, used with 2 strikes of boxed "PD"; tiny corner crease at upper left, otherwise fine, very scarce, certificate Demuth BPP (1985)
10 c. grey-black, clear to large margins with small sheet margin at left, tied by private boxed "P.DUPONT REMICH" and additional rural cancel to large piece with adjacent "REMICH 27 11 1859"; the stamp had been lifted and replaced, so no final statement possible regarding the quality; a fine and scarce piece, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
10 c. grey-black with small retouch (no.1), used with clear circle of 9 bars, very fine, sign. FSPL and opinion Demuth BPP (1995)
10 c. grey-black with large retouch (no.6), good to large margins, neatly cancelled by circle of 9 bars, very fine, certificate Demuth BPP (1985)
10 c. grey-black with large retouch (no.7), good to large margins, cancelled with boxed "PD" with rounded corners; 2 faint creases at upper right, otherwise fine, very scarce, sign. FSPL and certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
10 c. grey-black, horizontal pair, used with bluish-black "Chargé" and circles of 9 bars of Luxemburg, fine and scarce, certificate Böttger BPP (2018)
10 c. grey-black, horizontal pair with large to enormous margins, showing parts of 4 neighbour stamps, neatly cancelled by circle of 9 bars of Luxemburg, very fine, opinion Böttger BPP (2018)
10 c. grey-black, horizontal pair with good to large margins, central circle of 9 bars, very fine, opinion Böttger BPP
10 c. grey-black, horizontal pair with clear to large margins, used with rural cancel of Wiltz, fine, sign. Goebel and opinion Böttger BPP
10 c. grey-black, vertical pair with good to large margins on 3 sides and ca. 4 mm sheet margin at left, neatly cancelled by circle of 7 bars of Capellen; the lower stamp faint crease, otherwise very fine, scarce, certificate Böttger BPP (2018)
10 c. grey-black, vertical pair, the upper with large retouch no.4, the lower with large retouch no.8, large margins, tied by circle of bars to piece, very fine and very scarce, certificate Demuth BPP (1995)
10 c. grey-black, horizontal strip of 3 with ample to good margins, used with circle of 8 bars of Echternach, very fine, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
10 c. grey-black, horizontal strip of 3 with ample to good margins, used with rural cancellation (most likely Redange), fine and scarce, sign. Williame and certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
10 c. grey-black, vertical strip of 3 with good to large margins, small sheet margin at right, cancelled by circle of 9 bars, very fine, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
10 c. grey-black, vertical strip of 3 with good to mostly large margins, used with circle of 9 bars; the lower stamp tiny thin in the margin, otherwise very fine, certificate Böttger BPP (Prifix 1i)
10 c. grey-black, block of 3, the top stamp with variety "Griffe dans le fleuron gauche", ample to wide margins, horizontal scissors' cut between stamps and 2 tiny pinholes, otherwise fine, certificate Böttger BPP (2016) (Prifix 1h)
10 c. grey-black, horizontal strip of 4 with good to large margins, used with circle of 9 bars; small scissors' cut between the central stamps, otherwise very fine, a scarce strip, several signatures and certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
10 c. grey-black in horizontal strip of 4, good to large margins, cancelled by circle of 9 bars, some minor creasing and tiny faint corner crease at lower left, still fine and attractive, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
10 c. grey-black, horizontal strip of 4 with ample to large margins, neatly cancelled by "losanges de Ettelbruck"; faint fold between the central stamps, otherwise fine, sign. Brun and Goebel, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
10 c. grey-black, horizontal strip of 4, the 2nd stamp with small retouch (no.10), used with circle of 9 bars, fine, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
10 c. grey-black with ample to mostly large margins, ca. 4 mm sheet margin at left, tied by target to small lettersheet with adjacent "DIEKIRCH 15 DEC. 5.." to Luxemburg, very fine, sign. Goebel and Ungeheuer, certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
10 c. grey-black with ample to large margins, tied by target of Capellen to lettersheet with adjacent "KAP. 22 IV 1856" to Bascharage with transit and arrival marks; the entire with folds, otherwise fine; a rare cancellation on entire, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
10 c. grey-black with good to large margins, tied by target with broken circles to entire letter from "REMICH 21 1 1857" to Luxemburg, very fine, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
10 c. grey-black, clear at upper left, otherwise wide margins with part of adjoining stamp at right, tied by circle of 9 bars to envelope with adjacent "REMICH 9 II 1860" to Luxemburg with arrival mark; the envelope with small pinhole and seal on reverse removed, otherwise very fine; a very rare letter, only 3 entires are recorded with this cancellation, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
Provenance: Woudenberg (van Dieten, 1967), 'Melusina' (2009)
10 c. grey-black with ample to large margins, tiny scrap in the lower frame line, otherwise fine, used with ink cross on entire letter from Mondercange 19.8.1858 to Esch. The letter was in Mondercange handed over to the postman who distributed it on the same trip at Esch; a very rare rural letter with manuscript cancellation, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
10 c. grey-black, touched/cut-in at right, otherwise good to large margins, tied by 2 strikes of black "PD" to entire letter with adjacent cds. "LUXEMBOURG 30 OCT. 59" to Ell with arrival mark of Redange; an attractive and very rare letter, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
10 c. grey-black with large retouch (no.6), ample to large margins, tied by circle of 8 bars to small lettersheet with adjacent "ECHTERNACH 2 XII 1857" to Diekirch; the envelope 2 tears at top, otherwise fine, certificate Demuth BPP (1996)
10 c. grey-black with large retouch (no.8), ample to wide margins, tied by circle of 8½ bars to entire letter from "CLERVAUX 11 VI 1859" to Weiler, fine and scarce, certificate Demuth BPP (1996)
10 c. grey-black with large retouch (no.9), ample to large margins, tied by circle of 9 bars to entire letter with adjacent "LUXEMBOURG 7 AVRIL 59" to Diekirch with arrival mark, fine and scarce, certificate Demuth BPP (1996)