384. Auction
19–20 & 23–28 September 2024 in Wiesbaden
- (-) Remove Germany, Europe and Overseas – The Dr Jürgen Wiedemann Collection filter Germany, Europe and Overseas – The Dr Jürgen Wiedemann Collection
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- German Colonies and offices abroad (2) Apply German Colonies and offices abroad filter
- German Empire (14) Apply German Empire filter
- German occupation and field post 1939-45 (1) Apply German occupation and field post 1939-45 filter
- German shipmail (1) Apply German shipmail filter
- German States (32) Apply German States filter
- Germany (17) Apply Germany filter
- Germany after 1945 (9) Apply Germany after 1945 filter
- Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland (11) Apply Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland filter
- Occupations in World War I. and related areas (8) Apply Occupations in World War I. and related areas filter
- Overseas (18) Apply Overseas filter

1850/80 (ca.), umfangreiche ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung mit vielen Briefen, Einheiten und weiteren Besonderheiten, viele Dubletten, bessern Marken dabei u.a Mi.-Nr. 1(82), 2(54), 6(41), 11(17), 23(20, mit 3er-Streifen), etc., teil Stempel-Sammlung mit vielen klaren Stempel-Abschlägen und schönen Briefstücken, schöne Auswahl an Entwertungen, dazu Karten und Briefe mit interessanten Verwendungen. Die Erhaltung ist zum Teil etwas fehlerhaft, meist aber in guter Gesamterhaltung, einige signiert Richter, Pfenninger, Ferchenbauer, KB Rismondo. Ein sehr schönes Objekt in 2 Alben

1850/1991 (ca.), reichhaltiger postfrischer/ungebrauchter und gestempelter Bestand, inkl. Portomarken und Lombardei Venetien, Schwerpunkt vor 1940, mit Paaren, Einheiten, Farben und weiteren Besonderheiten, dabei viele Doubletten mit besseren Marken, Mi.-Nr. 1(11), 2(6), 10(13), 12/3), 24(6), 26(2), 41(7) gebraucht, Mi.-Nr. 175(2), 176(3), 177(3) ungebraucht, 545-550 kpl.(4), 555A(3), 556A, etc., dabei schönen Briefstücken, über 70 Briefen/Karte mit interessanten Verwendungen, Einzel-, Mehrfach- und Zufrankaturen, dazu Neudrucke und Fälschungen. Die Erhaltung etwas unterschiedlich, meist aber in guter Gesamterhaltung, ein schönes Objekt, sauber in 4 Steckbüchern
1850/1994, postfrische/ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung, inkl. Fiskalen, Portomarken und Zeitungsstempelmarken, viele Doubletten, dabei u.a. Mi.-Nr. 1, 10, 693II-696II, etc., meist in schöner Erhaltung, sauber in 8 Alben

FISKALMARKEN: 1858/1948 (ca.), umfangreiche postfrische/ungebrauchte und gestempelte Sammlung, inkl. Lombardei und Gerichstskostenmarken, Schwerpunkt vor 1920, dabei vielen Farben, Einheiten und Besonderheiten, sauber in 2 Alben und 27 Steckbüchern

1850/67 (ca.), umfangreiche meist gestempelte Sammlung mit vielen Briefen, Einheiten und weiteren Besonderheiten, viele Dubletten, bessern Marken und schönen Briefstücken, dabei u.a Mi.-Nr. 1(19), 2(27), 6(6), 7(12), 14(5), 19, dazu Sardinian in Lombardei Venetien verwendet, etc., teil Stempel-Sammlung mit vielen klaren Stempel-Abschlägen, dabei “DESENZANO”, “ODERZO”, “MANIAGO”, “FONZASO”, “MASSA”, Stempelmarken postalisch verwendet, Mi.-Nr. 1 und 2 mit klarem “COMO” auf Faltbrief nach Milano, etc. Die Erhaltung ist zum Teil etwas fehlerhaft, meist aber in guter Gesamterhaltung
1864/1914 (ca.), umfangreiche ungebrauchte und meist gestempelte Sammlung mit Briefen, inkl. Vorläufer, bessern Marken dabei u.a Mi.-Nr. V14-15, V19(3), Mi.-Nr. 71(9), schönen Briefstücken, Teil mit verschiedenen Stempeln u.a “METELINO”, “FILIPPOPEL”, “METELINE”, LLoydagenzie Stempeln, “SMIRNE”, “BEYROUTH”, "JANINA", “KKFP BOTTUSHAN”, etc., dazu Karten und Briefe mit interessanten Verwendungen, Mischfrankaturen Östreereich-Griechenland, etc. Die Erhaltung von fehlerhaft bis einwandfrei, ein schönes Objekt

1849/1915 (ca.), very large unused and mostly used collection with covers, incl. Belgian Congo, specialized with an abundance of duplicates, very strong in the early issues, better items starting with King Leopold Mi.-Nr. 1(35), 2(75), Medallion Mi.-Nr. 5A(10), one tied to 1850 entire from Brussels to Lyon, 5B(8), 9(15), 34A, etc., some proofs incl. an early master die in rose on thick paper without value, fine selection of retouchs and plate flaws, good part of numeral cancellations with many clear strikes, together with a selection of entires and postal stationeries with multiple and combination frankings. Overall in fresh albeit mixed condition, some signed Richter, Köhler, a lovely assembly neatly housed in one album

1849/1967 (ca.), large mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation with covers, incl. Postage Dues, Officials, Railway Parcels stamps and Telegraphs, strength before the 1930s with an abundance of duplicates, starting with the Medalions imperforate issue with 40 c.(12), 1c.(6) used, etc. good part of barred and dotted numerals with many clear strikes, the following issues well represented up to the high values, Mi.-Nr. 186 souvenir sheet, etc., together with a few covers and card. Some occasional faults especially in the early issues as to be expected, mostly in good and fresh condition, neatly housed in one stockbook

1858/1944, unused and used collection, some better items and sets, starting with the Medallions, Mi.-Nr. 145-158 unused, 186 sheetlet, Mi.-Nr. Bl.1, etc., some reprints noted, overall in fine condition, neatly housed in one album
1879/92 (ca.), unused and used collection with covers, incl. East Rumelia, some duplicates and multiples, starting with Mi.-Nr. 1(2) unused, 2(2) used, 21(5), etc., together with some covers and postal stationery cards with combination frankings, some occasional faults, overall in good condition, some signed Richter,neatly mounted on album pages

1919/65 (ca.), extensive mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation, incl. souvenir sheets, strength in the early issues, with an abundance of duplicates, better items and cpl. sets, some multiples, together with a few covers and cards, some occasional faults, mostly in very good and fresh condition, neatly housed in two stockbooks

1813/1907 8ca.), unused and mostly used collection with covers, incl. St Thomas, many duplicates with better items starting with Mi.-Nr. 1(70) used, 2 used, 6(6), 21, good part of cancellations with many clear strikes, many multiples on pieces, also Venezuela ship line issues, St Thomas with several bisected, together with a fine selection of entires, covers, printed matters and postal stationeries. Mixed condition especially in the early issues, mostly in fresh quality, some signed Opfer BPP, Dr Debo BPP, a remarkable specialist assembly in one album

1870/1976 (ca.), large mint never hinged/unused and used balance of a collection with some covers, incl. Postage Dues and Danish West Indies, many good values and cpl. sets, strength before the 1940s with an abundance of duplicates, some multiples, also a fine part of Greenland with some Parcel Stamps, also some Iceland, overall in good and fresh condition, in two stockbooks and one album

1856/1913 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used collection with covers, specialized with shades and multiples, many duplicates with better items starting from the Oval issue with Mi.-Nr. 1-2, 3(16), 4(26), 6(27), 7(19), 9 all used, the following issues with an abundance of material, also two cpl. sheets and some large multiples, together with some postal stationeries and covers, some reprints and forgeries noted. Some occasional faults especially in the early issues, otherwise in overall fresh condition, some signed Köhler, Engel, Richter, Pfenninger, Schwenson BPP, an appealing lot neatly mounted on album pages

1849/1949, highly specialized mint never hinged/unused and used collection, incl. postage dues, telegraph and colonial general issues, strength in the 19th century, great number of duplicates throughout the collection, plenty of material with multiples, tête-bêches, nuances, varieties, paper types and plates flaws, starting with a strong selection of the Cérès issue abounding with various shades and cancels, better items with Mi.-Nr. 3yK and 4K used (faults), 4 used on laid paper, 1 used (13), 5 used (11, one on lettersheet), 7 used (5), Napoleon issues with 8 used (6), 11 used (35), 32 used (9), Bordeaux issue 36 (11), 37 (15), 41I used (incl. 2 folded entires), 44 (14), etc., good part of Sage with some large mutliples, nice assembly of cancels incl. foreign offices “5089” JAFFA, “5082” BEYROUTH", cds. “YOHOHAMA”, 1870 envelope with “5119” LE CAIRE and more, Postage Dues Mi.-Nr. 6 used on piece (sign. Köhler), five ballons montés, some telegram-cards, some modern material with Merson 99 unused block of four (some faulty gum), Bl. 1 (2), Bl. 2 (2), together with some specimen, essays, Rothschild reprints and some Monaco incl. the early high values. Mixed condition, some signed, an engaging holding in two albums

1849/1990 (ca.), large mint never hinged/unused and mostly used balance of a collection with some covers, incl. postage dues, French Colonies, Monaco and Andorra, strength in the early issues with an abundance of duplicates, better items and cpl. sets like Mi.-Nr. 1(4), 2(3), 5(4), 7(4), 8(6), 32(6) used, etc., good part of Colonies with general issues, New Caledonia Mi.-Nr. 1, etc., together with some multiples. Mixed condition, especially in the early issues, mostly in fresh condition, a good lot neatly housed in four stockbooks
1853/1936, small group of unused and used, a few better values with Mi.-Nr. 135, 311(2), 321(2), etc., together with two covers, mixed condition

1926/89, extensive mint never hinged collection with a few unused and used, incl. Officials and Postage Dues, many better items and cpl. sets with Mi.-Nr. 211-214, 239 sheet corner (signed Calves), 242(2), 321 sheet margin, 305-311, Bl.2-3, etc., together with some booklets, sheetlets, proofs and a few postal stationeries. Overall very fine and fresh condition, a nice lot, in four albums

1820/1902(ca.), group of over 150 entires, postal stationeries and cards, many interesting usages and frankings incl. prephilatelic Port Payé, Mi.-Nr. 4 on entire with village handstamp “39 pouillon” alongside and circular “X”, Mi.-Nr. 16 on entire, 1865 three-colour franking from Paris to Mauritius, other interesting destinations like Warsaw (1864), Caracas (1864), Egypt (1871), etc., together with some multiple and combination frankings, somewhat mixed condition, an attractive lot

1733/1998 (ca.), very large mint never hinged/unused and mostly used balance of a collection, incl. Postage Dues, with an abundance of duplicates and some better items, starting with Queen Victoria Penny Black(6), 1847 1 sh. (2), Victorian imperforates in numbers, etc., together with a selection of prephilatelic entires, 1733 Bishop´s Mark, Penny Reds frankings, etc., mixed condition, neatly housed in two stockbooks and one album

1815/1900 (ca.), extensive unused and mostly used collection with plenty of covers, incl. Fiscals and Related Areas, specialized with an abundance of duplicates, many better items starting with a used Mulready and some caricatures, the Penny Black SG-Nr.1/3(46) used and on covers (6) including plates 1a-b until 10 cpl., Two Pence Blue SG-Nr. 4/6(21) used, 1d. red-brown printed from the black plates SG-Nr. 7 cpl. range of the eleven plates, SG-Nr. 13/15(95), 54/56(6, one on cover), 57(6), 58/60(4), later issues up to the highest values, etc., together with a fine selction of entires and covers with multiple and combination frankings. Somewhat in mixed condition as to be expected, mostly fresh, a most remarkable, impressive and attractive collection, in two albums
1841/1994 (ca.), mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation, incl. Postage Dues, Revenues and Related Areas, with an abundance of duplicates, some better values, a strong selection of Machin, some perfins and booklets, together with a few covers and postal stationeries, also a small group of Ireland. Overall condition fine to very fine, in four stockbooks and one album
1817/55, group of over 160 entires, incl. incoming mail and foreign destinations, plenty of postmarks, fee annotations, etc., mostly fine

1854/1993 (ca.), Antigua to Zululand, mint never hinged/unused and used balance of a collection, strength before the 1940s, some good values, many duplicates, some better areas with good part of Cape of Good Hope Triangles, some early imperforate British West Indies, together with some cpl. sets, few multiples and a couple of covers, some forgeries noted. A few faults especially in the early issues, otherwise mostly fine to very fine and fresh condition, neatly housed in one stockbook

1859/1910 (ca.), unused and used collection with covers, some duplicates and better items like Ceylon SG-Nr. 10(2), 11 and 12 used, Mauritius SG-Nr. 39 used, St Helena SG-Nr. 1 used, St Vincent SG-Nr. 32 unused, etc., together with a selection of covers and postal stationeries. Some occasional faults as to be expected, mostly in fresh condition, a very nice and ecclectic assembly, neatly mounted on album pages

1850/1974 (ca.), Australia and Australian States, interesting mint never hinged/unused and used balance of a collection, incl. Revenues, strength before the 1930s with many duplicates, early States issues represented as well as the Australian Kangooroos and KGV issues, many types and shades, some occasional faults especially in the early issues, overall fine to very fine condition

1854/1931 (ca.), extensive mint never hinged/unused and used collection with covers, filled with an abundance of duplicates, very strong in the early Australian States, many better items starting with Samoa and some large multiples, Tasmania 1 s. vermilion pair unused, Queensland SG-Nr. 2 used, Tasmania 1853 1d.(2) and 4d. used, South Austrlia nice part with shades and some pairs, Western Australia SG-Nr. 1(3) used, New South Wales with Sydney Views and later issues with SG-Nr. 102/106(3), New Zealand 1d.(3), 6d. (9) and 1s.(2) imperforate used, Australia Kangooroos specimen incl. the high values, etc., together with a selection of covers with multiple and combination frankings. Some occasional faults, overall in good condition, some signed Köhler, Bühler, A.Brun, Richter, a most delightful and remarkable lot
1851/90 (ca.), unused and used collection with covers, incl. British Colonies, some duplicates and better items like Nova Scotia S-Nr. 2/4(3) used with one on lettersheet, 1860 issue four cpl. sheets unused, Colony of Canada American Beaver (3), 1859 17c.(4), etc., together with a selection of entires and postal stationeries, soemwhat mixed condition
1845/1907 (ca.), unused and mostly used collection with covers, incl. Fiscals and Indian Feudatory States, many duplicates starting with Queen Victoria first imperforate issues with One Anna(9), Two Annas(7), Four Annas(9) all used, a few multiples, together with a fine selection of entires, covers and postal stationeries. Mixed condition

1854/1975 (ca.), interesting mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation with covers, incl. Fiscals, together with Burma, Convention and Feudatory States, plenty of material, some multiple and duplicates, starting with a small part of the early Queen Victoria imperforate issues, good choice of Convention and Feudatory States, also Burma, together with a selection of covers and postal stationeries mostly from the States, and a part with Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tibet. Some reprints and forgeries noted, somewhat mixed condition, overall fresh, in one stockbook
1853/99 (ca.), unused and used collection, incl. Fiscals, strong part of Triangles with over 70 Perkins Bacon and De La Rue printings with high values 6 d.(12) and 1 s. (11) used, some multiples, together with a selection of covers and postal stationeries, some forgeries noted. Some occasional faults as to be expected, mostly in fresh condition, a delightful group neatly mounted on album pages

1842/1920 (ca.), unused and mostly used collection with covers, incl. Creta, specialized with shades, some plate flaws, with an abundance of duplicates, better items starting with a superb section of the Large Hermes Head issues, some fine printings noted, with 20l.(134), 30l.(44), 40l.(70), 60l.(19), 80l.(41) used, etc., together with a selection of entires, covers and postal stationeries, some forgeries noted. Some occasional faults as to be expected, overall in very good and fresh condition, a most pleasant, attractive and very scarce assembly, neatly housed in one album

1871/1970(ca.), large mint never hinged/unused and used accumulation, incl. Postage Dues and Related Areas, with an abundance of duplicates, strength before the 1940s, starting with the imperforate Hermes issues, 1896 Olympic Games, some large multiples, fine part of Creta and local issues, together with a small selection of covers and postal stationeries. Some occasional faults especially in the early issues, mostly in good condition, neatly housed in one stockbook

1914/3, Group of sheets (16) mint never hinged, most from the Greek Occupations and Epirus, together with a couple of large multiples, very fine

1850/1924 (ca.), umfangreiche ungebrauchte und meist gestempelte Sammlung mit vielen Briefen, Einheiten und weiteren Besonderheiten, viele Dubletten, bessern Marken dabei u.a Mi.-Nr. 1(8), 2(3), 4(8), 5(7), 6(8), 13(19), etc., Österreich in Ungarn verwendet mit vielen klaren Stempelabschlägen und schönen Briefstücken, dabei Österreich Mi.-Nr. 1(3), 2(2), 10, 24(2), schöne Auswahl an Entwertungen, dazu Karten und Briefe mit interessanten Verwendungen, Mehrfach- und Mischfrankaturen. Die Erhaltung ist zum Teil etwas fehlerhaft, meist aber in sehr schöner Gesamterhaltung, einige signiert A.Brun, Bühler, Richter. Ein sehr schönes Objekt im Album

1871/1960 (ca.), unused and used accumulation with covers, incl. Postage Dues, strength before the 1940s with many duplicates, some cpl. sets and better items starting with King Joseph both litho and recess printings with Mi.-Nr. 5, 6, 9(12), 11(12), 12(21), 13(18) used, Bl. 1(3), etc., together with some multiples and a small selection of covers. Some occasional faults as to be expected, mostly in good and fresh condition, a fine lot neatly housed in two stockbooks