366. Auktion März 2018
366. Heinrich Köhler Auktion
19–24.03.2018 in Wiesbaden- Hauptkatalog (4449) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- Die Markwerte der Germania-Ausgaben - Die Sammlung Dieter Kamradt (135) Apply Die Markwerte der Germania-Ausgaben - Die Sammlung Dieter Kamradt filter
- Herzogtum Braunschweig - Die Sammlung „Brunsviga“ (153) Apply Herzogtum Braunschweig - Die Sammlung „Brunsviga“ filter
- Königreich Sachsen - Die Franko-Couverts - Die Sammlung Arnim Knapp (191) Apply Königreich Sachsen - Die Franko-Couverts - Die Sammlung Arnim Knapp filter
- Baltische Staaten Marken und Postgeschichte - Die Sammlung Dr. Matteo Lucibello (1104) Apply Baltische Staaten Marken und Postgeschichte - Die Sammlung Dr. Matteo Lucibello filter
- Färöer Inseln Postgeschichte 1751-1948 - Die Sammlung Geoffrey Noer (266) Apply Färöer Inseln Postgeschichte 1751-1948 - Die Sammlung Geoffrey Noer filter
- Griechische Gebiete - Die Sammlung Johann Ulrich Schmitt (633) Apply Griechische Gebiete - Die Sammlung Johann Ulrich Schmitt filter
- Chile - Die Sammlung Martyn Cusworth (232) Apply Chile - Die Sammlung Martyn Cusworth filter
- Alle Welt (52) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (1236) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (89) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (118) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (282) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (477) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (474) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (50) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (336) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (2680) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (209) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (264) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (63) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Übersee (451) Apply Übersee filter
1794, "8E DIVON / ARMÉE DE LA MOSELLE", good strike on entire letter written "Du Bivaque d'autun le 9 floréal .." to France; from the contents: ..we have taken a small village called Arlan on our way to Luxembourg ..", fine military letter
1795, "I. DON ARM S: / LUXEMBOURG", double line in red, good strike on entire letter to France, fine and rare
1795, "3E DIVON / ARMÉE DE LA MOSELLE" on entire military letter dated "Bivacque près de luxant. .." to Lanion with manuscript postage "17", fine, sign. Goebel
1795, "3e DIV.ON / ARMÉE DE LA MOSELLE" on entire letter from Strassen, endorsed inside 'armée devant Luxembourg' to France; a fine and rare letter of the siege of the fortress
"2. DON ARM S: LUXEMBOURG" in black, on entire letter from Trier (Treves) 1795 to Landau; small tear at top closed, still fine
1829, "DIEKIRCH" in black with adjacent red "LUXEMBURG" on lettersheet to Marche, faint creases, still fine and very scarce (Goebel HD3)
10 c. grey-black with good to large margins, showing small part of neighbour stamp at bottom, tied by target with broken circles to entire letter with adjacent cds. "REMICH 12 VI 1857" to Luxemburg; the front of the letter small paper fault, otherwise very fine, certificate Demuth BPP (1981)
1852, William 10 c. grey-black, good to large margins with part of neighbour stamp at top, tied by clear circle of 6 bars to small lettersheet with adjacent cds. "MERSCH 22 X 1856" to Luxemburg, very fine, certificate Soluphil (2014)
10 c. grey-black, horizontal pair with clear to large margins, tied by target to small entire letter with adjacent clear "REDANGE 22 IV 1856" to Arlon in Belgium with transit and arrival marks; a fine and scarce letter to abroad, certificate Demuth BPP (1981)
Provenance: Isaac Seligson (1982)
1 sgr. sanguine with good to large margins, cancelled by clear green target, very fine and scarce, certificate Soluphil (2014) (Soluphil 2b)
1 sgr. sanguine with good to large margins, tied by circle of 9 bars to lettersheet with adjacent red "LUXEMBOURG 5 AOUT 53" to Trier; a very scarce and fine franking, sign. Goebel and certificate Soluphil (2014)
1 sgr. brownish-red, 1st printing, vertical strip of 3 with good to large margins, tied by target to entire letter with adjacent red cds. "LUXEMBOURG 17 JANV. (53)" to Ruhla in Saxony with several transit and arrival marks on reverse; the folds of the letter strengthened by hinges, otherwise a very fine and scarce franking
Provenance: Gary Houser (2014)
1951, Europa 80c-4fr., within presentation booklet, scarce, fine
1956, CEPT 2-4 fr. in complete sheets with complete perforated empty space at bottom, unmounted mint, veritical fold, otherwise fine (Mi. 12.000,-)
2-4fr. within presentation booklet, scarce, fine
2000, Europa 21fr. as horizontal gutter pair with bottom margin, mint never hinged, fine
OHRID: 1875, entire to Monastir franked with two 20pa and 2pi postage due of Dulos stamps tied by OHRI (A&P type 2, R) handstamp. Certificate TFF
OHRI. 1901, issue 1892 20 pa., horizontal pair tied by bilingual cds. "OCHRIDA MARS 1.901" (A&P type 3, RR) to reverse to envelope via Focbani to Marasesti with arrivala mark, cover multiple strong folded and faults at right
1997, Europe 20-40d., four imperforated progressive proofs and finished stamp each, mounted on carton, fine
1998, Europe 40d. as imperforated miniature sheet, mint never hinged, fine
2012, Macedonia and the EU 20-40d. with wrong inscription "МАКДОНИJA instead of МАКEДОНИJA", each as miniature sheet, mint never hinged, scarce, fine
1993, CEPT 3 b. and 150 b. in unseparrated printing sheet with two miniature sheets, unmounted mint
1993, CEPT 3 b. and 150 b. in imperforated sheets of 15, unmounted mint
1993, CEPT 3 b. and 150 b. imperforated in unseparrated printing sheet with two miniature sheets, unmounted mint
1997, CEPT souvenir sheet with variety "complete without print", unmounted mint, fine
1962, CEPT 0,25-2 Fr. imperforated, tied by cds. "MONTE-CARLO 12.12.62" to registered cover to Milan with arrival mark, fine
1962, CEPT 0,25 fr. épreuve d'artise in red with engraver signature, fine
1962, CEPT 0,25 fr. épreuve d'artise in black with engraver signature, fine
1962, CEPT 0,25 fr. colour proof, imperforated sheet of 30, unmounted mint, fine
1962, CEPT 0,25 fr. colour proof, imperforated sheet of 30 with cachet "Musée du Timbre-Poste..." on reverse, unmounted mint, fine
1962, CEPT 2 fr. épreuve d'artise in black with engraver signature, fine
1962, CEPT 2 fr. colour proof, imperforated sheet of 30 with cachet "Musée du Timbre-Poste..." on reverse, unmounted mint, fine
1964, CEPT 0,25 fr. épreuve d'artise in black, fine
1964, Cept 0,25 and 0,50 fr. as soivenir sheet, mint never hinged, fine, signed Sorani (Mi. 1.200,-)
1964, CEPT 0,25 and 0,75 fr. special souvenir sheet, unmounted mint, fine (Mi. 1.200,-)
1964, Europe 0,25-0,50f. special souvenir sheet with additional franking with cds. "MONTE CARLO 22 4 1985" on registered cover to Munich, very rare, fine