373. Auktion
23.-27. Juni 2020 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (4578) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- From Odessa via Constantinople to Mont Athos (137) Apply From Odessa via Constantinople to Mont Athos filter
- Markenausgaben privater Schifffahrtsgesellschaften bis 1900 – Die Sammlung Jan Berg (219) Apply Markenausgaben privater Schifffahrtsgesellschaften bis 1900 – Die Sammlung Jan Berg filter
- Alle Welt (54) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (424) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Ausländische Schiffspost (205) Apply Ausländische Schiffspost filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (242) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (61) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (751) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (146) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsche Schiffspost (40) Apply Deutsche Schiffspost filter
- Deutsches Reich (311) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (116) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (804) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (1280) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (89) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (30) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (15) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Numismatik (19) Apply Numismatik filter
- Übersee (175) Apply Übersee filter
- Österreich (1) Apply Österreich filter
- Frankreich (5) Apply Frankreich filter
- Italien (2) Apply Italien filter
- Curacao (2) Apply Curacao filter
- Rußland (Poccия) (2) Apply Rußland (Poccия) filter
- Spanien (España) (1) Apply Spanien (España) filter
- Türkei (Türkiye) (13) Apply Türkei (Türkiye) filter
- Iran (Persien) (2) Apply Iran (Persien) filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (3) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
Georgian Consular Post in Constantinople: 1920, 1p. as tête-bêche block of four, mint never hinged, fine
Georgian Consular Post in Constantinople: 1920, 4p. red proof overprint as block of four with upper sheet margin, mint never hinged, few perfs seperated at top, otherwise fine
Georgian Consular Post in Constantinople: 1920, 4p. as tête-bêche block of four, mint never hinged, gum creases through right stamps, fine
ODESSA POST OFFICE 1873 and 1875: Two leather bound books in which counter receipts for letters sent from Odessa post office have been posted. Rare
1890, Lettre de Voiture and 2 declarations issued by Kamenka post office (Penza Guberniya), very fresh and unusual (3 items)
1891, Cover from Omsk, franked with 1884/88, 7 k. blue, via Odessa and Constantinople to Mt. Athos, here taxed and Russian Levante 1884/90, 10 k. red/green applied, tied by blue "ROPiT ATHOS"; Levante stamp with slightly rounded corner, otherwise fine
1892, Registered cover from St. Petersburg, franked 1884/88, 7 k. blue, addressed to Mt. Athos and transported via "ODESSA" and "ROPiT CONSTANTINOPEL", in Mt. Athos taxed with Turkey 1892, 20 pa. applied, cancelled by pen strokes (as usual at Mt. Athos), adjacent Turkish arrival mark of October 9, 1892; to the envelope applied bilingual printed cover front "Lettre chargée"
"ROPiT ATHOS" (Tschill. 183) in black on horizontal strip of 3 Russian Levante 10 k. red/green on reverse of registered envelope to Russia, re-directed and returned, cover crease affecting one stamp and cover slightly roughly opened
"ROPiT ATHOS" (Tschill. 181) in violet on vertical pair Russian Levante 10 k. red/green on reverse of registered envelope with frontside boxed "REGISTERED ATHOS" 1899 to Russia and returned with transit and arrival marks
1899, Registed envelope from Moscow to Mt. Athos with provisional register label of the 23rd Moscow telegraph office
PORT ARTHUR, 1900: Pre-printed money letter to Mt. Athos via Odessa, weak strike "PORT ARTHUR" crossed date cds.
PORT ARTHUR, money letter to Mt. Athos with blurred strike "PORT ARTHUR" crossed date cds. in violet, Odessa transit
PORT ARTHUR, Money letter to Mt. Athos, weak Port Arthur crossed date cds. 1901, Odessa transit
PORT ARTHUR Money letter to Mt. Athos with good strike "PORT ARTHUR" crossed dated cds. in violet, also straight line "PORT ARTHUR", Odessa transit
PORT ARTHUR to Mt. Athos with fair strike "PORT ARTHUR" crossed date cds. 1901, also straight line "PORT ARTHUR" in violet, Odessa transit
PORT ARTHUR, 1901: Money letter via Odessa to Mt. Athos, clear strike Port Arthur cds with crossed date and straight line "PORT ARTHUR" in violet
1898, Money letter to Mt. Athos with recently recorded Zemstvo cancellation of "NIZHNEDEVITSKAYAR ZEMSKAYA POCHTA". One other example known of which the full description is enclosed. Clear strike in violet on front of cover
End of 19th century, two different pre-printed PEREVOD forms, one for transfers to Russian monasteries on Mt. Athos, fresh mint condition, plus two pre-printed envelops
1917 (December), Unfranked letter from Russia to Mt. Athos, Russian postage due cachet, Greek censor, Greek arrival mark of Karyes. Rare!
1919, Underfranked letter ("T" marking in red, but no postage due indicated) sent from White controlled South Russia via Odessa (boxed censorship) to Mt. Athos, via Thessaloniki with Greek censorship. Rare

1850's, Post office RASPISKA (receipt) forms, lot of 15 with various styles and seals
1860/70, Lot of 28 money letters to Mt. Athos with straight line Russian dispatch cancellations, mostly good strikes
1863/1914, Over 75 small receipts for letters and telegrams with some other items. Good range of postal marks

1866/1914, Lot with 22 telegrams into Mt. Athos, various formular types, interesting lot
1869/1914, Twelve items of mail from Russia to Mt. Athos making use of 'Free Frank' privileges. Very interesting group
1870/90, Franked mail to Mt. Athos, mostly 7 and 14 kop. frankings, with very wide range of dispatch and arrival marks, over 50 covers and cards
1870/90, Franked mail to Mt. Athos, mostly 7 kop. and 14 kop. franking with very wide range of dispatch and arrival marks, over 50 covers and cards, mixed condition
1870/90, Franked mail to Mt. Athos, mostly 7 kop. and 14 kop. frankings, with very wide range of dispatch and arrival marks, very mixed condition, over 50 covers and cards

1870/90, Franked mail to Mt. Athos, mostly 7 kop. and 14 kop. franking with very wide range of dispatch and arrival marks, over 50 covers and cards

MONEY LETTERS, 1870/1900: Lot with about 350 money letters from all over Russia addressed via Odessa to Mt. Athos. Excellent source for early cancellations and cachets of smaller post offices

MONEY LETTERS 1870/1900: Lot with about 500 money letters from all over Russia addressed via Odessa to Mont Athos. Excellent source for early cancellations and cachets of smaller post offices

MONEY LETTERS 1870/1900: Lot with about 500 money letters from all over Russia addressed via Odessa to Mont Athos. Excellent source for early cancellations and cachets of smaller post offices

MONEY LETTERS 1870/1900: Lot with about 500 money letters from all over Russia addressed via Odessa to Mont Athos. Excellent source for early cancellations and cachets of smaller post offices

MONEY LETTERS 1870/1900: Lot with about 500 money letters from all over Russia addressed via Odessa to Mont Athos. Excellent source for early cancellations and cachets of smaller post offices

MONEY LETTERS 1870/1900: Lot with about 500 money letters from all over Russia addressed via Odessa to Mont Athos. Excellent source for early cancellations and cachets of smaller post offices

MONEY LETTERS 1870/1900: Lot with about 500 money letters from all over Russia addressed via Odessa to Mont Athos. Excellent source for early cancellations and cachets of smaller post offices