373. Auktion
23.-27. Juni 2020 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (4578) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- From Odessa via Constantinople to Mont Athos (137) Apply From Odessa via Constantinople to Mont Athos filter
- Markenausgaben privater Schifffahrtsgesellschaften bis 1900 – Die Sammlung Jan Berg (219) Apply Markenausgaben privater Schifffahrtsgesellschaften bis 1900 – Die Sammlung Jan Berg filter
- Alle Welt (54) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (424) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Ausländische Schiffspost (205) Apply Ausländische Schiffspost filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (242) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (61) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (751) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (146) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsche Schiffspost (40) Apply Deutsche Schiffspost filter
- Deutsches Reich (311) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (116) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (804) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (1280) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (89) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (30) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (15) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Numismatik (19) Apply Numismatik filter
- Übersee (175) Apply Übersee filter
- Österreich (1) Apply Österreich filter
- Frankreich (5) Apply Frankreich filter
- Italien (2) Apply Italien filter
- Curacao (2) Apply Curacao filter
- Rußland (Poccия) (2) Apply Rußland (Poccия) filter
- Spanien (España) (1) Apply Spanien (España) filter
- Türkei (Türkiye) (13) Apply Türkei (Türkiye) filter
- Iran (Persien) (2) Apply Iran (Persien) filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (3) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
100 c, rose, horizontal strip of 4, "180/ZAMORA", tied by boxed "FRANCO JIQUILPAN" to piece, fine, scarce shipment
1874/83, Hidalgo 100 c. on thin paper, strip of 3 and pair, "1980/QUERETARO", tied by oval "FRANCO EN SALVATIERA" to piece, scarce shipment
1887/88, Numerals 3 c. red, vertical marginal pair without watermark, perf. 6, unmounted mint
1858, Double lined margin 1 pes. rose with good to large margins, tied by dotted "YQUIQ" to lettersheet endorsed "Via Por Vapor" to Lima
1874, Coat of arm s 10c. green tied by cds. "LIMA 12 AB 78" to folded letter addressed to Rapallo, blue accountancy mark "T 1-70" alongside, upon arrival charged with "23" decimes, thus postage due 30c. and 2l. applied and tied by cds. "RAPALLO", a fine cover, signed Enzo Diena
1934, Proclamation ½ g.-1 s. imperforated, 12 values cpl., unused o.g., some unmounted mint
OFFICIAL STAMPS: 1970, new design 100 p. green, used with Mecca cds.; an extremely rare stamp (SG O1054, unpriced)
POSTAL STATIONERY: 1920, main part of double card 4 m. on 10 c., commercially used from "BEYROUTE 1-2 20" to Germany; a fine and rare card (Higgins 2F)
1923, Star Overprint 50k. block of six tied by cds. "AGDASH ELISAV 1 7 23" to reverse of money transfer form to Kuba, Baku Gub., vertical fold not affecting adhesives, a fine and unusual item
1923, Star Overprint 50k. over Armenia unframed Z, vertical strip of four tied by cds. "PRISHIB BAKIN 7 6 23" to money transfer form to Lenkoran, a fine and unusual item
1923, Star Overprint 1rbl., two singles tied by cds. "BIELYASUVAR BAKIN 5 8 23 1 7 23" to money transfer form, which appear to be a poor quality print, to Baku, slightly toned, otherwise a fine and unusual item
1866, Numerals perforated 10 c. green tied to lettersheet with adjacent octagonal "MONTEVIDEO PAQ. FR. J No. 2 / 12 JANV. 74" to Bordeaux taxed "24" decimes; name in the address changed, otherwise very fine
1877, Numerals 10c. red tied by barred cancel to cover endorsed "vap La France" to Genoa with boxed "FUERA DE HORA" alongside, charged "80" in France and upon arrival charged "13" thus postage due 30-40c. and 60c. applied and tied by cds., small part of front missing and reverse flap stabilized, otherwise a fine and attractive entire
1844, entire letter from „HAMILTON OCT.26.“ with straight line „PAID“ and handwritten tax „27“ (cent) and endorsement „via New York Havre de grace“ to Switzerland, reverse with arrival mark and French transit marks on front, fine
1847, unpaid entire letter from New York with handwritten endorsement “via Packet Argo” to France, redirected by forwarded agent “L.A. Wouters et Co.” and new dispatch from “LE HAVRE 6.MAI.47” with transit marks “VIA DI PT. BEAUVOISIN” and “CORRISPA ESTA DI GENOVA” to Florence with arrival mark
1849, unpaid entire letter from New York (dated 12.9.) via “LONDON 28.SEP.” with handwritten tax “1 Sh. 8d” via Hamburg with transit mark “K.S.&N.P.A. HAMBURG 2.10” and via Ystad to Stockholm, in Sweden total 387 öre was charged to recipient, fine
1849, entire letter unpaid from New York via “AMERICA LIVERPOOL FE.19.1849” to London, redirected by forwarded agent and new dispatch from “LONDON FE.20” via France with transit marks “PF”, “VIA DI PT.BEAUVIOSIN” and “CORRISPA EST DA GENEVA” to Livorno with arrival mark, fine
1849, letter sheet from New York with handwritten endorsement “p. St. Canada via L’pool” via “AMERICA LIVERPOOL 19.FE” with French transit mark “COLONIES & c.ART.13.” and handwritten tax “17”(decimes) to Nancy, France with arrival mark, “Restored-Rate”-cover
1850, letter sheet from Havana by forwarded agent "Goodhue & Co", new dispatch from "NEW YORK 5 JUL.3." with see rate tax "16" to London, redirected by forwarded agent "C.I.Hambro & Son" and new dispatch from "LONDON 17.JY." via Aachen with red transit mark "Aus ENGLAND über AACHEN 18.7." and via Hamburg to Copenhagen, fine
1850, entire letter from "NEW YORK 10 JUN 11" to London with arrival mark, redirectes by forwarded agent "Hambro & Son" and new dispatch from "LONDON 25.JU." via Hamburg with handwritten tax "22" (Skilling) to Norway, reverse part of letter missing, otherwise fine forwarded cover to Norway
1851, entire letter from “BETHANY VA DEC.11” via New York with tax mark “19” (cent) to Liverpool with “PAID IN AMERIKA LIVERPOOL 29.DE.”, redirected by forwarded agent and new dispatch from “LIVERPOOL DE.29” via France with transit marks “VIA DI PT. BEAUVOISIN”, CORRISPA ESTA DA GENOVA” to Naples with arrival mark and two line “Transito per le Stato Pontificio” plus handwritten tax “73” (centesimi) for domestic postage rate, fine
1852, entire letter from New Orleans by commercial ship to New York, new dispatch by forwarded agent “KOOP, FISCHER & Co.” from “NEW YORK AUG.25.” via London and French transit mark to Burgdorf, Switzerland with arrival mark, total 270 cent was charged to the recipient, tiny watespots, other fine
1854, "4 1/2 / 2 Sgr. AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN", red German transit mark on entire letter from "MILWAUKIE SEPT.15" via "N.YORK BREM. PK. 5 OCT.5." with tax mark "15" by Bremen Convention Mail to Dresden, Saxonia with manuscript due tax and arrival mark, address somewhat faded and toned, otherwise fine
1854 (approx.), postal stationery envelope 3 c. as unpaid cover from “GLENN FALLS S.C. JAN.8.” via “N.YORK BR.PKT. 23 JAN.11. and Aachen with handwritten tax “45” to Ebern, Bavaria with arrival mark, fine
1857, Frankin 1 c. blue, horizontal pair and Washington 3 c. dull red tied by cds. "NEW ORLEANS AUG.13" to double rate entire letter via "NEW YORK BR.PKT. AUG.20" by Brit. Open Mail to Nantes with "26" decimes due marking an arrival mark, stamps with cut faults, sign. Jakubek BPP (Scott 9, 11)
1858, unpaid entire letter from "CHARLESTON S.C. FEB.5." with canceled tax mark "5" (cent) via Boston to forwarded agent "Hambro & Son" in London with arrival mark, forwarded with private ship to Palma, Majorca, early mail, fine
1858, Jeffferson 5 c. brown and Washington 10 c. green tied by cds. "LOWVILLE NY. MAR.12." to double rate envelope via "NEW YORK 18 MAR.13" with handstamp "SHORT PAID" by French Covention Mail with French ship cancel "ET.UNIS.SERV.AM. A.C. 29.MARS.58" und handwritten tax "16", fine, rare combination (Scott 30 A, 32)
1861, Washington 12 c. black, two single stamps tied by black grid cancel to patriotic cover from “FLEMINGTON N.J. JUN.6.” via “NEW YORK PAID Hamb. Pkt. JUN.29 10” and Hamburg to Elbinghausen, Germany, left stamp with corner fault at bottom and cover with margins tears and rough opened at reverse, overpaid, but rare patriotic cover to Europe, signed Jakubek BPP (Scott 36)
1865, Washington 24 c. lilac and 3 c. rose tied by black grid to mourning cover from "N.YORK BR.PKT.7.PAID NOV.25." by Belgian Closed Mail to Brussels with arrival mark, tiny spots, otherwise fine
1866, Franklin 30 c. orange and Washington 10 c. green, tied by black grid cancel to cover from “TELL CITY MAR.4.” via New York with tax mark “16” and blue German transit mark “AMERICA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO” to Zürich, Switzerland with arrival mark, two cent overpaid, the right double rate postage “via Bremen” is 38 cent, otherwise a nice cover (Scott 71, 68)
1867, Washington 10 c. green, horizontal pair tied by cork cancel to entire letter from “ST.LOUIS OCT.16” via “N.YORK BREM PKT. OKT.24 PAID” and Bremen with transit mark “AMERIKA ÜBER BREMEN FRANCO” to Meiringen near Bern, Switzerland with arrival mark, one cent overpaid, fine (Scott 68)
1867, Lincoln 15 c. black tied by cork cancel to entire letter from “NEW ORLEANS AVR.6.” via New York with French ship mark and framed “PD” to Paris with arrival mark, signed Alcuri with opinion (Scott 77)
1868, Lincoln 15 c. black tied by cork cancel to envelope from “NEW YORK PAID ALL DIRECT…MRZ.” with tax mark “5” (cent credit to Switzerland) via Hamburg with machine transit mark “HAMBURG 13.4.68 FRANCO” and handwritten endorsement “2 Wfr”(Weiterfranco) to Sülz, Switzerland with arrival mark, stamp with tiny stains, otherwise fine (Scott 77)
1868, postal stationery envelope 3 c. carmine used from „NEW ORLEANS LA. MAR.17” via “NEW YORK DIRECT MAR.24” with tax mark “7” (cent, total rate 10 cent) and straight line “INSUFFICIENTLY PAID” via Hamburg to Sulz, Württemberg with arrival mark, charged on arrival with 28 kreuzer, slightly dirty, otherwise fine
1869, Washington 6 c. blue, tied by cork cancel to small envelope from “ST.LOUIS SEP.26.”, very fine, signed E. Diena (Scott 115)
1869, Lincoln 15 c., F.Grill, tied by red cork cancel to cover from “NEW YORK PAID 6 APR.1.” with French transit mark to Paris, flap with closed tears, otherwise fine, signed Holcombe (Scott 98)