367. Auktion
367. Heinrich Koehler Auction
- Alle Welt (56) Apply Alle Welt filter
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- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (286) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (845) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (426) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsches Reich (622) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (107) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (1351) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (1181) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (95) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Literatur (25) Apply Literatur filter
- Luftpost (84) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (47) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Übersee (174) Apply Übersee filter
12½ c. rose, 2 copies, tied by cds. "LUXEMBOURG PD 19 6 74" to small envelope to France, fine
12½ c. rose, 3 copies, tied by cds. "LUXEMBOURG 8 MARS 70" to lettersheet to Venice, Italy, one stamp slight corner crease and the entire slightly weak in the folds, still fine, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
12½ c. rose and 25 c. light blue with 1875/79, 10 c. grey in horizontal pair, all with blue cds. "ETTELBRUCK 14 OCT. 75" on registered cover endorsed "via Bremen" to St. Paul, Minnesota, USA with large part of transit-register label "Vom Ausland über Bahnpost 12 (Luxemburg-Metz)" (part removed to show the franking); on front red "NEW YORK REGISTERED OCT 30"; the cover is franked with the pre-UPU rate of 57½ c., valid from July 1 was the 50 c. rate; 2 stamps with minor faults; an attractive and rare transatlantic cover, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
20 c. grey-brown with 1875/79, 1 c. brown and 2 c. black in horizontal pair, tied by cds. "LUXEMBURG 15 5 80" to small envelope to Paris with arrival mark; franking some faults, mostly where applied at the edge of the cover, slightly cleaned, still an attractive and very scarce combination franking, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
20 c. grey-brown with 1875/79, 5 c. yellow, tied by cds. "LUXEMBOURG 18/11 77" to envelope addressed to a stamp dealer at Chemnitz with distribution mark on reverse; the envelope light fold at bottom, otherwise fine
20 c. grey-brown and 1875/79, 25 c. blue (corner perf missing) tied to registered envelope from "LUXEMBURG 17 12 80" to Nancy with transit-register label "Vom Ausland über Bahnpost 12 (Luxemburg-Metz)", fine, sign. Goebel
20 c. grey-brown and 1880/84, 25 c. blue, perf. 12½:12, tied to registered envelope from "LUXEMBOURG 1 6 81" via France to Cairo, Egypt with transit and arrival marks; 25 c. some perforation faults at top, otherwise fine; an attractive cover with extremely scarce destination, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
25 c. light blue, vertical block of 6, cancelled "LUXEMBOURG P.D. 4 6 74"; the lower left stamp light corner crease, the rouletting at lower right little separated, otherwise fine, a very scarce multiple, certificate Böttger BPP (2018)
25 c. light blue, horizontal block of 10, used with cds. "LAROCHETTE 27 1 78"; one stamp in the upper row with fixed pinhole, otherwise fine and attractive; largest used multiple recorded, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
25 c. ultramarine, horizontal pair, nice fresh colour, unused with large part original gum, right stamp tiny thin on reverse, otherwise fine, a scarce pair, certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
25 c. ultramarine in block of 4, used with cds. "LUXEMBURG 31 MAI 68", fine and scarce, certificate Demuth AIEP (1997)
30 c. lilac, nice deep colour, unused with original gum; very fine, sign. Ungeheuer and certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
30 c. lilac in block of 4, nice fresh colour, unused with original gum, the lower pair unmounted mint; the left top stamp small hinge thin, otherwise fine/very fine; an attractive and rare block, only 2 recorded, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
30 c. lilac, 3 horizontal pairs formin a strip of 6, nice fresh colour, cancelled "MERSCH 5 12 76"; one stamp tiny hinge thin in the margin, otherwise very fine, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
Provenance: Francis Rhein (Balasse 1968)
40 c. red-orange in horizontal pair, wonderful fresh and brilliant colour, unused with original gum, somewhat disturbed in the hinge area; a very fine and rare pair, certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
40 c. red-orange, horizontal pair and single stamp with 1859, 30 c. lilac, tied by cds. "LUXEMBOURG 16 AOUT 72" to opened out envelope to Santiago de Chile endorsed "via Bremen"; the 30 c. due to lack of space fixed around the edge of the cover and therefore with heavy crease, the cover and the pair 40 c. show marks of cleaning; still an attractive cover to a very rare destination; certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
40 c. pale orange, horizontal block of 6 from the lower left sheet corner with large sheet margins, unused with original gum, the lower strip unmounted mint, very fine, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
40 c. dull orange, horizontal strip of 5, nice brilliant colour and perfectly rouletted, cancelled by small cds. "TROISVIERGES 2 OCT."; a very fine and rare multiple, sign. Calves and Goebel, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
1872, 1 c. red-brown, horizontal block of 10, the top left stamp with interesting printing flaw, cancelled with 4 crisp strikes of blue cds. "MERTERT 12 2 76"; the multiple with some light creasing, still fine and most attractive; in the combination with the blue cancellation an unique piece, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2018)
Provenance: Isac Seligson (Corinphila 1982)
1 c. red-brown, tied by cds. of Luxemburg to lilac coloured invitation for a concert by the "Corps des Pompiers de Clausen"; very fine and decorative, certificate Böttger BPP (2018)
1862, 1 c. red-brown with 1875/79, 10 c. grey and 12½ c. rose, tied by cds. "LUXEMBURG 16 5 78" to envelope to Modena; the single 1 c. slightly creased, otherwise fine; a scarce franking to the reknown stamp dealer Charles Diena
UN FRANC on 37½ c. brown with freak surcharge, unused with original gum; a scarce stamp, sign. Ungeheuer, Georg Bühler and FSPL, certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
UN FRANC on 37½ c., 2 horizontal pairs, re-enforced to form a block of 4, neatly cancelled, very fine, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
1874, Imperforated 4 c. blue-green, horizontal strip of 3 with ample to large margins, unused with original gum, one value light marginal bend, otherwise very fine, opinion Böttger BPP
1875, Perforated issue printed by Bruck, Luxemburg: 2 c. black, 2 blocks of 4 and vertical pair re-enforced to original block of 10, used with clear cds. "ETTELBRUCK 3/4 78", fine and scarce, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
4 c. blue-green in horizontal strip of 5, lightly cancelled, few split perfs and right stamp light corner crease, otherwise fine, a scarce multiple, opinion Böttger BPP
5 c. bright greenish-yellow in marginal block of 4, unused with original gum, 3 stamps unmounted mint, very fine and rare multiple, certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
5 c. light greenish-yellow, horizontal block of 6, neatly cancelled "ETTELBRÜCK 28/1 77", few split marginal perfs and one stamp tiny crinkles, otherwise fine; a rare multiple, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
5 c. light greenish-yellow, horizontal pair tied by cds. "LUXEMBURG 27.6.80" to folded local letter, very fine, sign. Goebel
5 c. lemon-yellow, block of 4, unused with original gum, some split perfs strengthened by hinges, otherwise fine, scarce, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
5 c. lemon-yellow (upper right corner perf re-enforced) tied by cds. "LUXEMBURG 10 10 80" to printed matter wrapper to Tashkent, Turkestan, Russia with several transit marks on reverse and Russian censor mark on front; marginal tear and folds strengthened on reverse, still an attractive and rare printed matter to abroad with unsual and exotic destination, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
10 c. brownish-grey, fresh colour, unused with original gum, tiny corner crease, otherwise very fine, a scarce shade, opinion Böttger BPP
10 c. grey in block of 4, unused with original gum, perfs partly split and strengthened by hinges, otherwise very fine and fresh, a very scarce multiple, certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
10 c. grey, block of 4, cancelled by negative seal "TIMBRE COMPTOIR", few perfs split and strengthened by small hinges, still fine and scarce, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
12½ c. lilac, horizontal block of 8, neatly cancelled "VIANDEN 28 9 77"; perforation partly split and strengthened in places, still fine and scarce multiple, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2016)
12½ c. lilac-rose, horizontal block of 8, cancelled "WILTZ 24 5 77"; a fine and rare multiple, certificate Böttger BPP (2016)