368. Auktion
26.-30. März 2019 in Wiesbaden
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- Zeppelin - Firmen- und Passagierpost 1928-1937 (352) Apply Zeppelin - Firmen- und Passagierpost 1928-1937 filter
- Dänisch West Indien 1773-1917 – Die Sammlung "Høgensborg" (Teil I) (335) Apply Dänisch West Indien 1773-1917 – Die Sammlung "Høgensborg" (Teil I) filter
- Eingehende Post von Mittel- und Südamerika nach Italien 1837-1889 – Die Sammlung Dr. Giorgio Magnani (187) Apply Eingehende Post von Mittel- und Südamerika nach Italien 1837-1889 – Die Sammlung Dr. Giorgio Magnani filter
- Irland - Der Weg zur Unabhängigkeit - Die Sammlung "Dublin" (Teil I) & Irland Rollenmarken 1922-1940 – Die Sammlung Robert M. Benninghoff (Teil I (310) Apply Irland - Der Weg zur Unabhängigkeit - Die Sammlung "Dublin" (Teil I) & Irland Rollenmarken 1922-1940 – Die Sammlung Robert M. Benninghoff (Teil I filter
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1677, November, very heavy entire letter from the president of justice in Ghent to a lay judge in Nieupoort, 12 Stuiver fee because of enclosure of files
1681/82, 2 entire letters from Lille and Cologne to Antwerp with altered fees because of wrong calculation, interesting pair
1692, 9.12., entire letter from Rotterdam to the Taxis-office in Antwerp. First correctly mentioned 5 Stuiver but because the addressee had to pay the fees periodical summarized, here at last “d 10” = 10 Deniers
1693, 6.5., entire letter from Frankfurt to Lille (as of 1658 under French postal administration) via Cologne and Antwerp, where the handwritten marking “de Cologne” was added. Multiple altered fees to finaly 7 Patars fee for letters coming from Italy via Antwerp. Certificate J. Van der Linden
1695, 17.11, very heavy entire letter from the president of justice in Ghent to a lay judge in Nieupoort, 20 Stuiver fee because of enclosure of files
1634, 22.10., entire letter from Antwerp to Brussels, handwritten order for the messenger “Preseta 24. Octob 1634” to bring this letter to the addressee on this day. 1 Stuiver fee in red chalk
1642, 18.12., entire letter from Brussels to Antwerp with handwritten order for a higher fee in case of fast delivery “Port vyf Stuy Cito bestelt”, 5 Stuiver fee in red chalk
1686 -1687, 2 entire letters from Ghent to Antwerp with handwritten orders for the messengers, to bring these letters to the addressee on special days. 2 Stuiver fee-markings abnormally in black ink instead off red chalk
1698, 23.5., entire letter from Antwerp to Brussels. 2 Stuiver fee in red chalk, but unusual not in roman but in arabic numeral
1633, 2 entire letters from Cologne to “Antorff” (Antwerp), 6 Stuiver fee, and from Hamburg to Antwerp using the “Hamburg Ritt”, partly paid “1/2 port”
1637-1701, 3 entire incoming letters, Dover-Antwerp, London – Antwerp and London-Brussels with different kinds of fees. From 1633 there was a fixed postal course from Brussels via Antwerp and Calais to London vice versa
1662, 2.7., entire letter from Hamburg to Lille, via the “Hamburger Ritt” with early handwritten entry mark from Antwerp „dhamb” = de Hamburg (vdL 3376 – noted from 1692 only), 8 Stuiver fee
1666, 12.11., entire letter from Paris to Ghent, on the backside the rare initial stamp “IR” (vdL 1773), 6 Stuiver fee
1668/1670, 3 entire letters from Ghent, Ypres and Bruges all to Lille, which was as of Mai 1668 French territory. Entry marks from Lille in red chalk “g”(vdL 3419), “j”(vdL 3420) and “b” (vdL 3344), nice small collection of these entry marks
1672 – 1697, 2 entire letters from and to Amsterdam with different kinds of fees
1673, 15.8., entire letter from Nuremberg to Antwerp with handwritten entry mark „franco Colonia“ (not listed in vdL), “D 8” = 8 Grooten fee
1676/1680, 2 entire incoming heavy letters from Cadiz and Sevilla (E) to Antwerp, “ß2:6” and “ß 3” fees = 15 and 18 Stuiver
1677, 10.12., partly-paid entire letter from Antwerp to Vienna with handwritten order “franca per aug ta” = paid until Augsburg (similar to JvdL 3394) . The addressee had to pay 3 Kreuzer
1679, 4.3., entire letter from Genua to Antwerp, “S 2:2” mentioned fee (2 Shelling and 2 Groote = 13 Stuiver)
1683, 18.2., entire letter from Nuremberg to Antwerp with handwritten entry mark „franche P Colna“ = paid until Cologne (not listed in vdL), “D 6” = 6 Grooten fee, because the addressee had to pay the fees periodical summarized, Certificate J. Van der Linden
1685, 24.2., entire letter from Munich to Antwerp with handwritten entry mark „fra. P. AugSP:“ = paid until Augsburg (not listed in vdL), 1 Shelling Brabant fee
1686, 16.9., entire mechant-letter from Vienna to Antwerp. A very early partly-paid registered letter with the Austrian marking “NB #” for “Nota-Bene”, confirmed in Antwerp again with “NNB”, 1 Shelling Brabant fee
1687, 23.11., entire incoming very heavy letter from Cadiz (E) to Antwerp, “ß 5:4” = 64 Grooten = 32 Stuiver
1689, 24.9. and 8.10., 2 entire letters from Genua to the bankers Aronio in Antwerp, but forwarded to their main office in Lille and therefore changed postal rate. One letter with handwritten “d’Italie” on the front, to mark the country of origin, interesting pair
1691, 2.7., entire letter from Cologne to Ghent with handwritten entry mark „frpAnvers“ = Franco par Antwerp (vdL 3390), 2 Stuiver fee, Certificate J. Van der Linden
1693/1700, 2entire incoming letters from Alicante and Sevilla (E) to Antwerp, “ß 1:4” = 1 Shelling and 4 Groote fee = 8 Stuiver
1694, 23.11., entire letter from Lisboa to Antwerp, 1 Shelling and 4 Groote fee
1694-1699, 3 entire merchant-letters, one from Hamburg to Antwerp and two from Hannover to Brussels with different kinds to indicate the fees
1696, 18.5., entire letter from Venice to Brussels with handwritten entry mark „franca p trento“ (vdL 3397), paid until Trent, the addressee had to pay 4 Stuiver
1697, 4.3., entire incoming letter from Amsterdam to Antwerp, handwritten marking “Dhol” (de Hollande), 8 Deniers or 4 Stuiver fee
1697, 25.12., entire letter from Cologne to Antwerp with handwirtten entry mark „ franco pxxxx“ (not listed in vdL), no fees mentioned
1699, 12.2., entire letter from Regensburg to Brussels, handwritten marking “½ franco”, so the addressee only had to pay 3 Stuiver for the leg from Augsburg
1699, 25.2., entire letter from Amsterdam via Antwerp to Brussels. At the border the Dutch postage fee was marked by handwritten “ß 1:6 = 1 Shelling, 6 Grooten. The addressee had to pay at last 12 Stuiver. Unusual interim calculation of fees at the border
1699, 15.3., entire letter from Amsterdam via Antwerp to Brussels. At the border (Antwerp) the Dutch postage fee was marked by handwritten “D 10” = 10 Deniers (Grooten) = 5 Stuiver. The addressee had to pay at last 9 Stuiver. Unusual interim calculation of fees at the border
1699, 3.6., entire letter from Munich to Brussels with handwritten entry mark „fr. P. Augusta“ = paid until Augsburg (not listed in vdL), 6 Stuiver Brabant fee
1699, 23.10., entire letter from Düsseldorf to Brussels via Wesel and Roermond with manuscript “fr p Rurde” (vdL 3416), 3 Stuiver fee