373. Auktion
23.-27. Juni 2020 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (4578) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- From Odessa via Constantinople to Mont Athos (137) Apply From Odessa via Constantinople to Mont Athos filter
- Markenausgaben privater Schifffahrtsgesellschaften bis 1900 – Die Sammlung Jan Berg (219) Apply Markenausgaben privater Schifffahrtsgesellschaften bis 1900 – Die Sammlung Jan Berg filter
- Alle Welt (54) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (424) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Ausländische Schiffspost (205) Apply Ausländische Schiffspost filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (242) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (61) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (751) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (146) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsche Schiffspost (40) Apply Deutsche Schiffspost filter
- Deutsches Reich (311) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (116) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (804) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (1280) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (89) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (30) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (15) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Numismatik (19) Apply Numismatik filter
- Übersee (175) Apply Übersee filter
- Österreich (1) Apply Österreich filter
- Frankreich (5) Apply Frankreich filter
- Italien (2) Apply Italien filter
- Curacao (2) Apply Curacao filter
- Rußland (Poccия) (2) Apply Rußland (Poccия) filter
- Spanien (España) (1) Apply Spanien (España) filter
- Türkei (Türkiye) (13) Apply Türkei (Türkiye) filter
- Iran (Persien) (2) Apply Iran (Persien) filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (3) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
"DEBOURSÉ ST. HUBERT", very clear on reverse of entire letter from Bruxelles 1828 to Navangle and re-directed to Marce, taxed with "25" centimes, very fine and scarce
"TELLIN", black straight line, superb strike in black on entire letter dated "Palizeul le 11 ventose an 4e" to Luxemburg, very fine and rare
1838 (ca.), "Von Luxemburg", red manuscript on lettersheet to a military address at Detmold with frontside transit mark "TRIER 5/2"; on reverse delivery fee notation, fine and scarce
1844, "v Luxemburg", red manuscript on lettersheet endorsed inside "Schmidt, Rechnungsführer ..." to Cologne with transit and arrival marks, sign. Goebel
1854, Entire parcel accompanying letter with 2 strikes of blue "PRIVAT-POST UNTERNEHMEN von TRIER nach LUXEMBURG / J. RECKING" to Abentheuerhütte with transit mark of Trier on front, very fine
"MIL.BRIEF=ST.LUXEM=BURG.", single circle in blue on small piece franked with Prussia 1858, 1 sgr. rose in horizontal pair with boxed "TRIER 18 7"; stamps touched at bottom, still fine; the only recorded such combination
Provenance: 'Romanow' (9. Kruschel-auction, 1976)
"OFFICIER BRIEF LUXEMBURG", superb strike on small envelope with 1859, 25 c. brown, slightly touched at top, otherwise good to large margins, tied by cds. "LUXEMBOURG 26 AVRIL 64" to Cologne with transit and arrival marks; seal on reverse cut out and minor staining, still fine
10 c. greenish-black, horizontal strip of 3 with good to mostly large margins, cancelled by circle of bars of Luxemburg, very fine, sign. Balasse and Goebel, certificate Böttger BPP (2017)
10 c. black, watermark reversed with plate flaw "Griffe dans le fleuron droit", large even margins and fresh colour, unused without gum; a faint horizontal crease, otherwise very fine. This is the only recorded unused example with the prominent variety. Sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2019)
10 c. black, horizontal strip of 3 and single stamp, all in fresh colour and with ample to large margins, tied to entire letter with adjacent cds. "LUXEMBOURG 11 MARS 56" to the French economist and art historian Natalis Rondot with contents about the international exposition in 1855. A fine and scarce letter to abroad. Sign. Balasse and certificates Demuth BPP (1985) and Böttger BPP (2019)
Provenance: G.H. Houser (Siegel 2014)
10 c. grey-black, good margins, neatly cancelled by central strike of rural type cancel of Remich, very fine, sign. F.S.P.L. with certificate (1979)
10 c. grey-black, horizontal strip of 4, good to large margins with small sheet margin at left, cancelled by circle of bars of Luxemburg; the right stamp faint corner bend, otherwise very fine (tiny trace of pre-cut in the outer top margin only), sign. Goebel
1 sgr. light brownish-red, nice colour and good margins, unused without gum, certificate Böttger BPP (2019) and Pascal Scheller (2009 as Yvert 2c)
1 sgr. carmine-rose, nice fresh colour and large margins, unused without gum, very fine, certificate Böttger BPP (2019)
1 sgr. carmine-rose, nice fresh colour and good margins, unused without gum, very fine, sign. Köhler and Goeble, certificate Böttger BPP (2019)
1 sgr. carmine-rose, horizontal strip of 3, nice fresh colour and good to large margins, neatly cancelled by circle of bars, very fine, certificate Böttger BPP (2018)
1859, Coat of arms 2 c. black, 2 single copies, both with good to large margins, tied by target cancel of Wiltz resp. cds. "CLERVAUX 3 VII 1861" to large part of newspaper "DER AKTIONÄR"; very fine and scarce, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2019)
1859, 4 c. yellow with good to large margins, tied by cds. "CLERVAUX 22 SEPT. 69" to printed matter wrapper to Trier with arrival mark on reverse; the stamp with some minor faint creasing and the wrapper with minor paper splits; a fine and very scarce entire, sign. Goebel and Balasse, certificate Böttger BPP (2019)
Provenance: Isac Seligson (68. Corinphila-Auktion, 1982)
30 c. lilac with ample to large margins, tied by cds. "LUXEMBOURG 9 NOV. 60" to lettersheet to Arlon, Belgium; side flaps slightly reduced, otherwise fine, a scarce franking
30 c. red-lilac, cut into at bottom and slightly touched at left, in combination with 1865, 10 c. lilac, tied by cds. "LUXEMBOURG 8 AOUT 67" to entire letter to Marseille. The 30 c. imperceptible tiny corner bend at lower right (mentioned in certificate but without any significance), otherwise fine. A very rare combination letter, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2018)
40 c. red-orange, horizontal marginal pair in brilliant fresh colour and with large margins, at left ca. 15 mm sheet margin, unused with fresh original gum. A marvellous pair in superb condition, sign. Williame and certificate Böttger BPP (2018)
40 c. red-orange, fresh colour and good to large margins, tied by clear cds. "LUXEMBOURG 22 JUIN 64" to lettersheet to Straßburg, very fine, sign. Williame and certificate Böttger BPP (2019)
1865, colourless rouletted 1 c. red-brown, block of 4, unused o.g., some slight toning at right and bottom right stamp slightly rounded corner, otherwise fine, a scarce multiple, certificate Böttger BPP (2018)
1865, Coat of Arms 10 c. lilac, horizontal pair and 2 single stamps, tied by small "LUXEMBOURG 28 MAI 67" to entire letter to Paris; the right stamp with faint vertical filing crease, some minor staining and minor imperfections, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2018)
12½ c. rose in horizontal strip of 4, nicely cancelled "ESCH-S-L'ALZETTE 11 AOUT 75", very fine, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2018)
1875, 2 c. black, perforated proof in large block of 50 stamps with sheet margins on 3 sides, ungummed, 2 rows with light creasing and some minor staining, few short perfs at top; alltogether in fine condition, a rare multiple, certificate Böttger BPP (2018)
1875, 25 c. blue tied by cds. "MONDORF LES BAINS 18 7 79" to small envelope via France with "LIGNE B PAQ. FR. No1" to Zacatécas, Mexico with several transit and arrival marks on front and reverse. A fine cover with scarce destination; sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2019)
25 c. blue, horizontal pair, tied by cds. "MONDORF LES BAINS 18/8 79" to double rate envelope via New York and Veracruz to Zacatécas, Mexico with transit marks on front and reverse. Seal on reverse removed, the stamps with slight creasing and light toning, the left stamp with small tear at bottom, still fine and very scarce, sign. Goebel and certificate Böttger BPP (2019)
1862, Napoleon 40c. orange, fresh color and small to good margins all around tied by petit chiffres "4220" to folded lettersheet with adjacent cds. "MENTON 20 OCT 62" to Cologne, a very fine and attractive entire
1920, Marriage of Princess Charlotte 2 c.- 5 fr., 10 values complete, unused with fresh o.g., very fine; for the set certificate v.d. Weid (2001 as unmounted mint), 5 fr. signed Brun and Calves and certificate Scheller (2020)
SUMATRA-ATJEH-CANCELLATIONS: "BAKONGAN 20.5.8" katakana cds. on Java 5c. orange, fine
"BENKOELEN 19.1.13" katakana cds. on three values Java 10c. blue on registered cover, sent by YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, Branch Office, Benkoelen to Japan, with censor mark on front, some minor imperfections, otherwise fine
1942, Seal of Postoffice of the Malay Military Department on 50c. and Dai Nippon Perak 10c., two singles each (one affixed over edge) tied by Katakana cds. MEDAN 18.5.28" to complete parcel card to Padang, a nice mixed franking (Dai Nippon 121r-M18, 211z-M11c)
1942, Dai Nippon Perak 10c., four singles (one affixed over edge) tied by Katakana cds. "KOETATJANE 18.12.31" to money order, vertical fold not affecting franking, otherwise fine (Dai Nippon M11c)
1942, Seal of Postoffice of the Malay Military Department on 50c., two singles in combination with horizontal pair General printing machine overprint on Kreisler 20c., all tied by Katakana cds. "SIBORONGBORING 19.4.17" to money order with receiving mark "PEMATANGSIANTAR 19.4.22", diagonally crease through card, not affecting the franking, coupon stuck to reverse (Dai Nippon 121r-M18, 921z-27b)
SUMATRA-ATJEH-CANCELLATIONS: "IDI 18.5.28" two clear strikes on Pahang 10c. purple with adjacent star overprint, fine
Provenance: Roelf Boekema 1974