373. Auktion
23.-27. Juni 2020 in Wiesbaden
- Hauptkatalog (4578) Apply Hauptkatalog filter
- From Odessa via Constantinople to Mont Athos (137) Apply From Odessa via Constantinople to Mont Athos filter
- Markenausgaben privater Schifffahrtsgesellschaften bis 1900 – Die Sammlung Jan Berg (219) Apply Markenausgaben privater Schifffahrtsgesellschaften bis 1900 – Die Sammlung Jan Berg filter
- Alle Welt (54) Apply Alle Welt filter
- Altdeutsche Staaten (424) Apply Altdeutsche Staaten filter
- Ausländische Schiffspost (205) Apply Ausländische Schiffspost filter
- Britisch Commonwealth (242) Apply Britisch Commonwealth filter
- Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien (61) Apply Deutsche Auslandspostämter und Kolonien filter
- Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete (751) Apply Deutsche Besetzung I. Weltkrieg und Nachfolgegebiete filter
- Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 (146) Apply Deutsche Besetzung und Feldpost 1939-45 filter
- Deutsche Schiffspost (40) Apply Deutsche Schiffspost filter
- Deutsches Reich (311) Apply Deutsches Reich filter
- Deutschland (116) Apply Deutschland filter
- Deutschland Nach 1945 (804) Apply Deutschland Nach 1945 filter
- Europa (1280) Apply Europa filter
- Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz (89) Apply Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz filter
- Luftpost (30) Apply Luftpost filter
- Motivsammlungen (15) Apply Motivsammlungen filter
- Numismatik (19) Apply Numismatik filter
- Übersee (175) Apply Übersee filter
- Österreich (1) Apply Österreich filter
- Frankreich (5) Apply Frankreich filter
- Italien (2) Apply Italien filter
- Curacao (2) Apply Curacao filter
- Rußland (Poccия) (2) Apply Rußland (Poccия) filter
- Spanien (España) (1) Apply Spanien (España) filter
- Türkei (Türkiye) (13) Apply Türkei (Türkiye) filter
- Iran (Persien) (2) Apply Iran (Persien) filter
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (3) Apply Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika filter
1943, Dai Hi Hon overprint in black on Kreisler 3½c. tied by cds. "MEDAN 18.4. 5" to postcard to Soerabaja, few gum stains, otherwise fine (Dai Nippon 811z-19a)
1943, Dai Hi Hon overprint in on Dancer 3-7½c. with additional franking tied by cds. "MEDAN 18.3.15" resp. violet commemorativ cancel to registered cover to Rampah, censor mark in red on front and reverse, fine (Dai Nippon 874z-68,70-71, 874v-69)
1943, Dai Hi Hon overprint in black on horizontal pair Kreisler 2c. tied by Katakana cds. "BALIGE" to postcard to Soerabaja with red censor mark alongside, small staint at top, otherwise fine (Dai Nippon 821v-16b)
PALEMBANG: 1942, Signet ring overprint AR of postmaster Arifin in black on Dancer 5c., used with cds. "LOEBOEK", fine (Dai Nippon 521z-70)
1942, Signet ring overprint AR of postmaster Arifin in black on Dancer 7½c. as horizontal strip of four and single (on reverse) tied by cds. "LOEBOEK" to small piece, left stamp of strip with short perfs, otherwise fine (Dai Nippon 521z-71)
1943, Dai Ni Hon in straight frame on van Konijnenburg 2-10gld., unused, 10gld. short perf at right, otherwise fine, 10gld. signed Boekema (Dai Nippon 824z-55g-56, 824v-57)
1943, Dai Ni Hon in straight frame on van Konijnenburg 10c. tied by cds. "PALEMBANG 30.9.03" to cover to Moeara-Enim, black censor mark on front, slightly reduced at right, vertical fold. otherwise fine (Dai Nippon 824z-43)
Provenance: 241. Heinrich Köhler Auction (1984)
1942, Gunseibu In overprint in violet on postal stationery Kreisler 3½c. from "TANDJON... 16.12. 3" to Palambang with red censor mark alongside, fine
1944, machine overprint 〒 on van Konijnenburg 10gld. tied by Katakana cds. "MEDAN 19.4.28" to registered cover to Soerabaja, with brown censor label "TELAH DIPERIKSA" on top, scarce, fine (Dai Nippon 924z-57)
1944, hand stamped 〒 overprint on van Konijnenburg 25gld., unused, fine (Dai Nippon 913z-58)
SOUTH CELEBES: 1942, Makasser small ancre overprint in black on Kreisler 20c. and van Konijnenburg 10c. tied by Katakana cds. to complete money order to Karanganjar with censor and arrival mark, fine (Dai Nippon 116z-27b, 116z-43)
1942, Makasser small ancre overprint in black on van Konijnenburg 10c. tied by Katakana cds. to money order to Jakarta, with censor and arrival mark, vertical fold not affecting franking and slightly stained, otherwise fine (Dai Nippon 114z-43)
1942, Makasser small ancre overprint in black on Kreisler 50c. tied by Katakana cds. to money order to Peterongan with censor and arrival mark, fine (Dai Nippon 111z-34a)
1942, Makasser small ancre overprint in black on van Konijnenburg 25gld. tied by Katakana cds. to small piece, scarce, fine (Dai Nippon 114z-58)
"BEA TELAH DIBAJAR" cachet in black on cover with adjacent Katakana cds. "MAKASSAR" and censor mark to Jakarta, fine
"POSTAGE FREE" postmark on complete money order from "MAKASSER 20.3.22", vertical crease, otherwise fine
1942, Large anchor overprint, applied in Pontianak on van Konijnenburg 10c. with cds. "SINGKAWANG 17.8.04" on commercial cover of the liquidator of the Java-Bank sent to Pontianak with black censor mark alongside, fine (Dai Nippon 410v-43)
1942, Large orange disk with black bar and black ancre on Kreisler 5c. with Katakana cds. on complete money order from "KOTAMOBAGOE 18 5 8" to Tomohon with censor- and arrival mark, fine (Dai Nippon 171o/150z-21b)
1942, Large orange disk with black bar and black ancre on two singles Kreisler 40c. with Katakana cds. on complete money order from "KWANDANG 19 2 17" to Gorontalo with censor- and arrival mark, fine (Dai Nippon 171o/150z-32b)
1942, Large orange disk with black bar and black ancre on van Konijnenburg 30c. with Katakana cds. on complete money order from "PALOE 19 11 6" to Bogor with censor- and arrival mark, small corner fault on stamp, otherwise fine (Dai Nippon 171o/150z-48)
1942, Large orange disk with black bar and black ancre on two singles van Konijnenburg 1gld. with Katakana cds. on money order from "MENADO 19 1 14" to Toli-Toli with censor- and arrival mark, fine (Dai Nippon 171o/150z-54)
1943, Bandjermasin anchor overprints, black on van Konijnenburg 15c. and violet on postage due 5c., tied by violet cds. "BANDJERMASIN 20.2.26" to complete money order to Amoentai with censor- and arrival mark, fine (Dai Nippon 211v-80a etc.)
1943, Bandjermasin anchor overprints, violet on van Konijnenburg 60c. tied by cds. "TARAKAN 26.03.04" to money order to Sampit with arrival mark, fine (Dai Nippon 211v-52k)
1943, Bandjermasin anchor overprints, violet on two singles Kreisler 20c., tied by violet cds. "BARABAI" with manuscript date "18 9 3 15" to complete money order to Bandjermasin with arrival mark, slightly toned, otherwise fine (Dai Nippon 211v-27b)
1943, Bandjermasin anchor overprints, violet on Kreisler 2c., tied by violet cds. "MARTA...." with manuscript date "18 9 20 11" to cover to Bandung, there re-directed to Jakarta, with two censor marks, fine and scarce (Dai Nippon 211v-16b)
1943, Bandjermasin anchor overprints, blue on Kreisler 2½c. and violet on Dancer 7½c, tied by violet cds. "BANDJERMASIN 20.2.23" to local money order, a scarce item, fine (Dai Nippon 214b-17b etc.)
Provenance: 241. Heinrich Köhler Auction (1984)
"BEA 10 C" black oval cachet on cover with adjacent cds. "SAMARINDA 30.1.3" to Soerabaja with black censor mark of Samarinda and violet censor mark of Makassar, few creases, parts erased, a very rare cover
Provenance: Roelf Boekema 1974
1943, Bali anchor overprint applied by printer at Singaradja, green overprint on van Konijnenburg with addtional franking tied by Katakana cds. to large format cover to Soerabaja with censor marks alongside, fine (Dai Nippon 531g-45 etc.)
1943, Bali anchor overprint applied by printer at Singaradja, red overprint on van Konijnenburg 25c. and Numeral 5c. tied by cds. "PIROE 20 2 5" to money order, fine (Dai Nippon 531r-47, 531r-42)
Postal stationery card 3½c. with red hinomaru cachet sent from Bali to Selong with censor marks alongside, scarce, fine
1943, Bali anchor overprint applied by printer at Singaradja, green overprint on van Konijnenburg 10c. tied by violet Katakana cds. "BANDANEIRA" to cover with violet "KEPALAMINSEIPOS BANDA" alongside to Jakarta, red censor marking at top left, a scarce and fine cover
1943, Radiating Sun overprint, emergency issue, violet overprint on Numeral 5c. tied by Katakana cds. "AMPENAN" to small piece, fine (Dai Nippon 511v-42)
1943, Radiating Sun overprint, emergency issue, violet overprint on Numeral 5c. used with Katakana cds. "AMPENAN", fine (Dai Nippon 511v-42)
1943, Radiating Sun overprint, emergency issue, red overprint on van Konijnenburg 10c. tied by Katakana cds. "AMPENAN" to small piece, fine (Dai Nippon 511r-43bk)
1943, Radiating Sun overprint, emergency issue, red overprint on van Konijnenburg 10c. tied by cds. "AMPENAN" to small piece, fine (Dai Nippon 511r-43bk)
Issue for the Naval Administration District: 1943, Japanese flag, pigeon and Mt. Fuji 50c. green tied by Katakana cds. "MAKASSER 20.5.9" to money order to Djatiredjo with arrival mark "DJATIREDJO", fine